Embarassing question...sorry if TMI!


Mummy to Aiden & Pregnant
Feb 3, 2010
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Hey girls, i know we are allowed to talk about TTC, but in general if your LO sleeps in the same room as you...do you still DTD in there?

My little one has just hit 9 and a half months and seems to have turned into a light sleeper and me and the DP have been TTC so have been DTD ,quietly may i add, and he has woken up looking around watching and laughing at us, and puts us off and then it takes ages to settle him again and by that we have gone past it isnt helping TTC!

Sorry if TMI, but how do you guys get around it?Or do you just ignore LO (obv unless LO is crying)...or what? The DP has just suggested DTD in the living room but me being slightly self concious and like being comfy, and want to try to stay in place after DTD and not jump up and leak out (TMI)...And also if OV in the day how do you get around it?

I know he wont remember it when he is older but only recently i have started to feel uncomfy as he wakes up...any advice is appreicated! thanks xx
Finn's 2 months and we DTD with him there, not until hes well asleep though!
Our DD co-sleeps with us so we dtd during the day (oh works nights five days a week so would anyway) whilst she's asleep elsewhere. When he is off work at weekends we use anywhere really, livingroom, bathroom etc, quite exciting :D
If I was TTC though i'd probably use the livingroom at night (if baby is likely to wake up with you in the bedroom) and just lie down on the couch, or maybe upside down :haha:
We have done it a few times with LO in a bassinet next to our bed- quietly! haha. I know she is way too young to notice but it's still hard to really get into the mood. So there's been a shortage of sex lately lol. But we are planning on moving her to her own room around the 2-month mark so maybe it will spark back up then. Like other people said, use other rooms of the house, or maybe even try moving him to his own room? I'd pretty much die if Lily woke up during it, let alone watch us and laugh!!! lol, you poor thing.
Well Kent has been in our room ever since he was born.. It would of been nice to move him to his own room by now but we just move to a studio :duhh: Lol Its a pretty big studio tho so he is the other side of the place. And luckily is usually a heavy sleeper. If he wakes up then I put him back to bed. Recently he has actually been pretty good about it. But like you said being a light sleeper its gotta be hard.

I suggest like other people, maybe do it in another room. Do you ever have a babysitter for LO? you could always DTD when someone else is watching LO.
Hope you get to TTC soon :)
Connor is usually in his cot rigt next to my bed... We do it when he's fast asleep, after a feed and nappy change,with his mobile on.
Sometimes we :sex: in differnt places in the house.. Bath, dining room.... kitchen :blush: I find there's nothing worse to the mood than having to tend to my baby, find that if we have to stop half way tosee to him, I can't carry on again...
My GP told us to get a monitor, and put him in another room whilst we :sex:
Me and OH havent DTD yet since having LO sinc when I was finallyready he threw out his back working out haha sucks to be him, but we have to be really quiet anyways since our room is RIGHT next to my parents room. But when we finally DTD I will probably put Jayden in her nursery wit the monitor on so I don't feel awkward with her in it. Also we have decided to take a weekend vaction this summer and leave LO with m parents. Maybe you could have someone babysit a couple times. Or like the others use the other rooms it really is fun and exciting and will probably light the spark again.
When LO was little we used to DTD with her in the same room aslong as she was well settled etc. We'd also just do it in other places or different times like if she was asleep in her chair we'd go into the bedroom etc.. She went into her own room at 6 months and that was when she became more aware so we don't have to worry now.
hey girls thanks so much for the advice all of you,
i am really self conscious sometimes still have 8lbs to lose to be back to pre Aiden weight...and we dont have the option of putting him in another room to BD as we live in a one bedroom in london at the moment...
although following your advice i have bought an inflatable bed and some nice candles for the living room for OV week, and hopefully that will be okay..
and i am going to bite my tongue and relax, and once i get used to it im sure we can relight the spark again,
and as for getting a sitter, i only trust aiden with my mum, and only in our house, im still quite overprotective and have never left him for more than an hour in his whole life...might be a bit weird to say 'erm....mum....can you watch aiden so me and gary can go have a quickie every day this week' lol....actually saying that she probaly wont mind haha

thanks for all your advice... it means alot! xx
Aww a blow up bed and candles sounds nice and romantic :)
Hope it all goes well :)
Good luck TTC.
My Lo is only 10days old and though we cant DTD yet when ever we try to have foreplay Hollie wake's up and by the time she is settled again we're just ready for bed.
I really thought i would be able to [whislt she was asleep of course] but then we coslept for the first 8 weeks so it was impossible and now i'm too paranoid about waking her so we have sex downstairs and i find it hard enough getting in the mood just having the monitor on!

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