Emily-Our vasectomy Reversal miracle. The birth story :-)


VR miracle Mummy now TTC 3rd (not VR)
Aug 29, 2010
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Born 20th September 2011
2:56am weighing 6lbs 14.5ozs

:wave:I'm here and ready to tell you all about it!! :dance: SHE'S HERE!!!!! :dance::dance::dance:

I'm very pleased to be here announcing the borth of my beautiful baby girl. My Husband had a Vasectomy Reversal last september (on his birthday-poor fella) :haha: and after 12weeks we had to provide a sperm sample for analysis...It wasnt good news. The sample showed only 1million sperm p/ml (where they would like to see at least 20million) and only 4% of his 1million were swimming...so needless to say we thought we were in it for the long haul...we were told to expect it to take afew years to coceive, if at all. So you can imagine our surprise when only 2weeks after we got these results, I found out we were expecting!! :dance::dance: a true miracle!

I had an amazing pregnancy, no sickness (woo!) although I did suffer with my S.I.joint and had some back problems, but all was well and good in the end...so the birth....

My waters broke on the Saturday evening (17th Sept). They sent me home in hope that labour would start naturally but in the event that they didnt, they booked me in for induction on Sunday 18th....Although I was contracting all through sat night and all day sunday, they were never close enough or long enough for me to have gone in, so I went in as planned on sunday at 9pm. I got checked out at about 11pm and they realised that only my back waters had gone but my front waters were bulging and would easily be able to be broken and I was 2cm dilated so they said they wouldnt start me off as they reckoned things were already starting, so again sunday night brought the 2nd night of contractions and a sleepless night, but like saturday, they weren't close enough together to be classed as labour :dohh:
monday I was in pain with contractions again and tired but things weren't progressing. The ward had been closed due to it being full and there were alot of high risk cases and people in theatre so they said they couldnt induce me. They did however manage to induce me at about 7pm. They burst my front waters (that was nice...not!) and get me into a delivery room. This started off the proper labour contractions and although they were more regular and more painful, they weren't happy and said they weren't regular enough and said they wanted to put me on the hormone drip.... By this point I was maxed out on the pain front with the contractions I was having but I hadnt had any gas and air by then either so I asked for it as soon as the drip was to be fitted. She then told me that the contractions would quickly become more painful, closer together and last longer....I then freaked out and asked for the epidural lol. The drip did its stuff and I was in agony and not coping well with the contractions on the gas and air. My whole body was shaking/trembling like I was going into shock and I barely felt concious, my poor mum was quite upset too but the midwife said it was the hormones and adrenaline making that happen. The contractions were so long with literally seconds between them, I was not enjoying it at all and the gas and air wasnt great. I didnt use it properly if I'm honest as it was making me feel qweesy. I had to endure these contractions for about 40mins until the aneathesist was out of theatre. I got the epidural and felt alot calmer. Surprisingly though i was still able to feel alot and needed the gas and air aswell for some of the contractions. It didnt seem long before I felt a different pain, a pain that the epidural didnt even relieve.....I needed to push. OMG my body was doing it itself and the midwife told me to fight it, as because I'd had the epidural they needed to allow an hour for the babys head to come down further...I knew that this wasnt goin to happen...I said I needed to push and it was so painful trying to stop it....she then said that if I push too soon then theres more chance that I'd need intervention as in forceps etc as baby isnt ready and when you start pushing, baby needs to be out within an hour...I was adamament I couldnt last the hour...she then left the room to speak to somebody then came back in and asked whether I wanted a top-up on the epidural or to push. I said push. So I pushed and well, 5 pushes and 20minutes after saying 'I need to push!' Emily was here!! :dance:

She said she was surprised at how quick it all happened, especially considering it was (1) my first baby (2)I'd been induced and inductions tend to last for ages and (3) that I'd had the epidural and was able to push so well.

Well, I did tell her I wanted to push! lol

So yes, in all from established labour, all three stages lasted 6hours, which I felt quite pleased with, although from my body's point of view, I'd started 7pm saturday when my waters broke and contractions started.....lol

So there we go, my beautiful baby girl is here and oh my god do I love her so much! She really is amazing and I'm overwhelmed with love and fuzzyness for her! I can't stop looking at her, kissing her and smelling her! She's gorgeous and I can't imagine not ever having her....:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

I have a daughter with my gorgeous husband, who I married believing that we would never be able to have children...... a true miracle and fantastic success story for the Vasectomy Reversal club!! :thumbup: xxx

As I was induced we needed to stay in for 24hours but then early hours wed morning Emily's temperature dropped quite alot so then they needed to keep her in again for another 24hours to monitor her temp. It must have been a dodgey reading as all the others were fine and we came home Thursday lunchtime.....it had been a long week, as I'd been in since sunday!! :dohh: lol xx

So here's introducing Miss Emily Jayne Dyer :cloud9::cloud9:
emily 1.jpgemily2.jpgemily 3.jpgemily 4.jpgemily5.jpg
Congratulations. She's like a beautiful little doll, I bet you ate so proud. Xx
Congrats hun she is sooooooo beautiful! And your story is a true inspiration to many more vasectomy reversal hopefuls :flower: xxx
what a lovely story congratulations x she is soo cute
Thank you ladies! :hugs: i am so very proud yes and am completely and utterly in love with her :cloud9: x
Awwww, she is adorable.
Congratulations to you and your DH.
Wow...what a story...and little princes is a cutie pie!!! She absolutely gorgeous like here Mama :hugs:
Thank you ladies! Emily is just so perfect! I love my baby xx
Ah Hun!!! So sorry I missed this post until now... how quickly the weeks fly these days!!!

HUGE CONRATS to you and your hubby and your newest addition!!! yay YOU!!! She is so beautiful and I'm so happy for you all :)

What a journey to get where you are and SO SO worth it all!!!! Hopefully you believe it's all real now? hehe.

Big hugs and wishing you all the very best!!!! Congrats again... xoxo
Thanks hunny! Yep its defintely real now!! and dont I know it!! lol. She is amazing I love her so much!! :cloud9::cloud9: xx
Congratulations I'm so pleased for you, she is GORGEOUS!!
Enjoy her you deserve this special time :happydance:
Congrats on your new baby girl she is beautiful!! xx
Thank you! I still feel so overwhelmed by it all. Its still sinkin in that the reversal was a success and im sittin here cuddlin my baby! I love her so much and just love being with her. I miss her when she's asleep :cloud9: xx

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