Hi there
My endo is grade 4 and very aggressive, i was having surgery every 6 months to control the endo growth and endo cysts. So, DH and I were unable to TTC naturally. I was on zoladex. Ive had 2 ivf goes and here is the run down. Ive been only suffering endo for 2 yrs, as i had surgery for dermoid cysts, had no endo and then 6 months later another surgery and it was endo grade 4 and aggressive.
IVF 1, my age 27 = I was on menapur and think it was either 300 or 350iui, after day 6 scan it was upped to 450 iui. I had a good number of follies on both ovaries, on ec there was 10 follies and 5 eggs. 4 were immature

1 good egg, so they did ICSI. Dh has no issues. I did fall pregnant but it was a blighted ovum. Had d&c.
After IVF 1 i grew fibroid cysts, and 2 more dermoid cysts i think they were 5cm each and endo also grew. So a few months later had another surgery to remove everything. After d&c i was immediately back on zoladex.
IV2, age 28 = Went on gonal f 450 from day 1. Was a rollercoaster, right ovary was swollen and would not respond to drugs, no follies got above 10mm. Left ovary produced follies, was told only 3 were good enough at ec. Somehow managed to get 7 eggs. 1 was immature and 6 were done ICSI again. 4 embies, 1 was perfect grade and the other was had a little bit of fragmentation. ET 2 embies, from et was on prednisone and clexane plus the usual cyclogest and aspirin. Tested at 10dpo and it was a BFP, expecting a boy in 10 weeks
My endo gave me a few hassles in early pregnancy, like sharp stabbing pains that was around 5-6 weeks pregnant and ive had no hassles ever since.
Hope this helps everyone
BTW i was told i was a very rare case when it came to all my issues, esp with the aggressiveness. Even after the endo was controlled i then grew dermoid cysts. Its been an endless journey since a few months after we were married. Inshallah the endo wont return after the pregnancy.