Endometriosis Support Buddies

Still hoping I had a nightmare about bleeding so know how scary it can be. When I woke up I was so relieved!

We told the inlaws today just to be fair. They didn't say too much except whether if we knew it was a boy or girl. Maybe they know it is too early to be really excited. They asked my daughter what she wanted a baby girl or boy. She said sister.

Mama thanks for the advice. Need to have some snack food around. Bananas lying everywhere now.

How was the weekend?
OMGoodness Jules! You poor thing... That sounds so extreme. I am glad they got it under control but do really hope they find a more permanent/long term solution for you :hugs:

Lucy - did AF show up in the end? I hope the symptoms were for the right reasons and it is the month... You really never know! :thumbup:

Sorry to hear about your back Unlucky :( Have you ever had issues before? I hope it goes away soon. Hey... Maybe we will be like some of those few lucky ladies who dont get morning sickness? (says me dreaming... Lol)

Your symptoms sound really good so far lemon_tree!! Lots of baby dust to you!!!:hugs:

Great to hear you are back on the wagon mama.mouse :hugs: Poor hubby... Be gentle!:haha: The truth is that a lot of our partners/husbands deserve a medal too <3

I have been fine. Goy a bit of a scare yesterday when I went to the toilet and saw some blood. I cried, panicked and rang the clinic. They said it can be normal and unless it got heavier and had pain, not to worry ( easier said than done!)... I am not bleeding anymore but I keep going to the bathroom to check like an obsession. They offered to do a blood test on Monday if I am very anxious still, otherwise just to wait for Wed scan. This is torture!!

when pregnant with my 1st i had bleeding when af was due, i thought it was my period and then took a test when my next period was due so didnt find out until 8 weeks ! bleeding isnt always a bad sign, fingers crossed!
af turned up the following morning :( so here i am onto the next cycle!
my peak on my cbfm was on cd 17, af turned up on cd 27....... are these too close ? can this be because of endo ?
my peak on my cbfm was on cd 17, af turned up on cd 27....... are these too close ? can this be because of endo ?

This is a good article I found about the luteal phase... you may want to give it a read
Is yours usually 10 days or is this a once of? I am not sure if it could be endo related but I would definitely ask your doctor as you may be onto something there and you may benefit from some meds to aid to prolong your luteal phase and from some progesterone pessaries or injections...

Hello my honeys

Sorry I have been MIA. Have been so not interested in TTC this month. I don't know why, I think last month just put me off for a bit. Decided this is my last round of Clomid and I'm starting this PCOS diet that everyone raves about next Monday! Hoping for the best but told DH that we need to just chill out for a bit. He wasn't too happy about it because he wants this so badly but I don't think he is seeing the method in my madness at this stage. He will come 'round :) I just need to breathe a little.

How are my preggy bellies doing?? Any scans yet? You guys HAVE to post us pictures of your little beans as soon as you see them.

Sorry about AF Lucy :( A short luteal phase can be a reason for struggling to ttc but there are lots of natural ways to lengthen it. I think Vitamin D3 helps? Maybe just consult your gyn?
Oh mama.mouse... I so so get you... I so have been there myself so many times... and you two do need it. It's good for both of you :hugs:

I had my first scan last Wednesday... it was so good having it done after being so terrified about the bleeding. When the doctor said 'look, there's the heartbeat' ... I started crying like an idiot... anyone would have thought I had just been given bad news!! I think I had been bottling it up preparing myself for the worst. I feel much happier now but just still very cautious... I hope I can soon let myself enjoy it! :blush: Symptoms really kicking in now at 8wks and can't wait for the next four weeks to pass to be out of the 'danger zone'

I wonder how things are going for Unlucky too... if you are still keeping an eye on the post, unlucky, write us an update! :flower:
Many :hugs: mama.mouse. I'm sorry you are down. It's sweet that your hubby wants a kid but I completely understand how that can wear you down when you need a break.

I agree that we need pictures from our preggo buddies! I hope all is going well with you ladies. Please keep us updated!

still.hopping that is wonderful that the scan went well. I probably would have bawled too. Haha. I"m so glad to hear that you are already at 8 weeks. FX the next 4 go by quickly for you.

AFM- I'm 5 days late. Currently on CD 33, usually my cycles are regular at 28 days. I didn't even realize I was late until yesterday when I went to log my info in Glow and it showed that I should be having my period. I'm not getting excited though. Every once in a while by body throws a curve ball at me.

I am a bit nervous though. Since I'm having Botox treatments for the migraines, I really shouldn't get pregnant. I'm going to be so upset if after all these years it happens when we are actually trying to prevent. *sigh

The only "symptom" I have is really really bad cotton mouth. No matter how much water I consume my mouth is like a desert. Also, my lips are so badly chapped that DH bought me a $20 Ultra Repair lip balm. The stuff is like wax but it works wonders.

I hope everyone has a great day! I'm going to bury myself in work today to keep my minds occupied.
Thank you, Jules :hugs:

Oh wow... it will indeed be a real shock if you were after so long trying when you are actually not!... it does happen to some people though... Well, if you are and all goes well I am sure you are not going to return it :haha:

Take care of yourself and keep busy while you wait to see what's going on :hugs:
Thank you still.hopping! Just getting it out of my system here yesterday helped me out quite a bit. I also told DH last night.

I said: "you wanna know something fun?" "I'm 5 days late."....

He just looked at me and said "really" in a not-again kind of way. lol! We plan to go get a test this weekend if AF is still a no-show.

On the up-side, I'm kicking ass at work. :winkwink:
Oh Jules that is exciting test test test! Had my scan yesterday everything looming good 7 week 2 days 142 heart beat very happy
AF showed its ugly face today. I freaking hate it when my body does this to me. I' so sick and tired of that anticipation followed by depression.

DH didn't help matters any. Last night he asked if AF had started yet and I told him no. He proceeded to freak out, yelling about how pissed he's going to be if I am pregnant because of the Botox treatments. Then he ran out and bought a test.

I took it this morning but already knew the answer because I was cramping and dealing with lower back pain. My two signature symptoms of AF coming.

I could just curl up in a ball and shut out the entire world (dh included) today. But, no. Those of us dealing with infertility are not allowed time to grieve. We have to put on a happy face and go to work, get groceries, see friends & family, etc.

Part of me really wants to completely give up forever. Going back on BC would make life much easier. At least then I wouldn't have this emotional roller coaster when my period is late. :cry:
Oh Jules so sorry to hear this. TTC for us endo girls is tough. The pain and heavy period we have to deal with when it is a bfn is a double whammy!

Hope once ugly AF disappears you will feel renewed with hope.

Don't give up it will be worth it once you get your bfp!
Oh Jules, I'm so sorry. Our bodies can be so cruel, and it doesn't help that your DH didn't properly support you.

I hope AF is kind to you and that next month is your month. <3
im so sorry joules :(
having the pain and af appearing just makes af apearing 100000 times worse :(

think i miss calculated my dates last month, af actually turned up 12 days after my peak on my cbfm.
bf seems to be off this month, last month was the first month using cbfm and he seemed excited to use it, he checked it everyday, without mentioning it to me and got excited when a high or a peak appeared.
but this month he seems totally not interested ....... i duno if the not falling pregnant is getting to him or not.

hows everyone getting on?
I am so sorry, jules. It's such a rollercoaster and the down slopes are so heart breaking and painful, both physically and emotionally. Be gentle to yourself :hugs: Don't give up just yet, you are on the right path doing what you can to get yourself better to give it the best chance <3

lucy, 12 days is great! ...and with bf...sometimes it happens... it does get to them too. DH didn't show much emotion when I first got my BFP...it is only as weeks pass that he seems more excited, involved and brings up conversations about it. I thought at the beginning that something was wrong with him and maybe he didn't want this as much as I do... they just react differently. Your bf is probably just worried about you and your health because he really loves you and it just came out the wrong way :hugs:
Oh Jules :( I can so relate to what you are feeling hun that disappointment is just awful. But it is not over, don't give up! It is GOING TO HAPPEN!! Your DH needs a bit of a pep talk though gosh talk about turning the knife in the wound! I commend you for not completely losing it, I would have! Look if you find out you are pregnant in the middle of the treatment I don't think it will be a terrible train smash. I'm not saying TTC, I'm just saying if an accident happens don't stress too much. There are no known defects in pregnancy with the use of Botox but there is no research to prove that it causes this hence why they tell you not to fall pregnant.

Lucy, your BF is probably just stressed about the whole thing as well. My Dh started acting up at one stage also and eventually I called him out on it and he said that he was also worried that he was the reason we haven't gotten it right. They worry too! And they also get upset when they hear their friends are having babies etc. They are just not very good at voicing their concerns xx

I don't think I O'd this month. It was Clomid month 2 but I got absolutely no Post-O symptoms. I almost always have bloating and sore boobs but I have had absolutely nothing. My boobs are only sore today and AF is due tomorrow so I'm a bit confused but then again this is Clomid after all!
Thank you so much for your kind words and support. I did talk to DH about his reaction. I let him know that him yelling, even if it's not directly at me, still doesn't help the situation.
On the upside since AF had been late, we got some extra BD'ing done. :winkwink: Though, we both agreed that from here on out we are going to make sure we are using condoms. The likelihood of us getting pregnant on our own is pretty slim but we don't feel like going through this again, so condoms it is! Haha.

Construction is really rolling on our house! So, we spent the weekend moving furniture and completely cleaning out 3 rooms of our house. I'm exhausted...

Lucy- I agree that he's probably stressing too. Those CBFM monitors are so handy, but I remember when I was using mine, we would both get really excited with high and peak days. Then we would almost expect to get pregnant. It took us a while to realize that just because we bd' on the days the CBFM told us to, didn't mean a guaranty on pregnancy. Maybe he was thinking like we (DH & I) used to? Hang in there hun. Good luck this coming month!

mama.mouse I am so glad you replied saying it would be OK if we did end up pregnant. I did a bunch of research while I was late and waiting on AF. DH was still worried though despite my research. So, you at least eased my mind by confirming the information I had been finding as well.
Did you start the PCOS diet today? I'm interested to hear how it works out for you.

I hope you all have a wonderful week! :thumbup:
Hi all, I&#8217;ve really enjoyed reading this thread and wondered if i could join :)
I have never been diagnosed with endo but have a strong suspicion that i may have it! I&#8217;ve always had heavy and painful periods since being a teenager. I had my son in Jan 2009 and then had a miscarriage in Oct 2010, since then my periods really have become awful, extremely heavy and painful. I&#8217;ve been to the doctors a couple of times and had bloods taken and a scan, both of which came back &#8216;normal&#8217; and they have since told me that &#8216;some peoples periods are just like that&#8217; :@. I haven&#8217;t used any form of contraception since the miscarriage and haven&#8217;t fallen pregnant since. With it coming up 6 years with nothing happening and me recently turning 28 its starting to really bother me!

It&#8217;s so lovely to read about other people in similar positions to me, it has made me realise it isn&#8217;t just me who suffers (obviously not lovely to read about others suffering). Congrats to those who have gotten their long awaited for bfp :) it gives me hope! And thanks for reading X

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