I know this is an old thread but I just wanted to post some hope since I just went through this situation myself. At our ultrasound at 11 weeks 3 days, everything about our baby looked healthy, except we kept noticing a large black spot in baby's belly. The doctor told that baby's bladder was much larger than it should be and that there is a possibility baby has posterior urethral valves. I guess a "normal" bladder is <6mm but our baby's was 8mm. The doctor immediately started using phrases like "terminate the pregnancy". We were in a fog. The last week has been horrible...lots of crying, praying, and googling.
At 12 weeks, 2 days, we went to a different doctor for another ultrasound. To our surprise, baby's bladder was back to the size it should be! In fact, the doctor was even able to see the baby urinate during the ultrasound appointment so we know the urinary tract is working correctly. In short, the issue self-corrected.
We know we have a long way to go, but we are relieved to know that this issue is hopefully behind us. I am sure there are a lot of other stories of hope out there but people just haven't posted them so I wanted to offer mine so the next mom-to-be in this situation can find something positive to read. Reading medical studies was my lifeline this last week so I suggest looking for those as a bridge of hope, too.