Hi friends,
Sigh. Well the retrieval went ok, we got 4 eggs. They called this morning to tell us sadly only 1 fertilized. I know it only takes one, blah blah blah, but I'm trying to be realistic and I'm sure the odds aren't good. At first I was like oh well. No surprise, but now it's hitting me and I'm very sad. I asked if we might consider a day 3 or, if not and it does make it to 5, should we consider freezing it and going again? There is a noon meeting the nurses and docs have today and the nurse said she'd ask and get back to me. Any other questions I should ask? I wonder why thus happened? I seem to respond well on this protocol. Hubby and I took all the supplements, I meditated, did acupuncture, I'm off work so I'm not stressed, I cut out toxins, hubby and I both stopped drinking...I don't know what else I could have done?? Sigh again.