I'm not sure how to bring Canada into the discussion as Canada is very different from the US even though we are not that far away. This is my first baby so I'm not too familiar with the whole thing.
I would say Canada fits somewhere in the middle between the US and UK as far as attitudes towards pregnancy, labour + delivery and pain relief. It is common here to have a midwife, however there are not a ton of them around, so when I went to get referred to a midwife I was turned down as the midwife group had too many patients, so no room for me. So I stayed with my gp, who doesn't deliver, so at 32 weeks I got referred to an OB, who I am now seeing weekly until delivery.
My OB is pretty neutral as far as advocating for pain relief and intervening. He won't let me go more than 2 weeks late, as long as everything seems healthy etc, and he doesn't seem to lean towards epi's or natural, so he's pretty neutral.
A lot of the moms to be in our baby classes seem to be leaning towards getting an epi, I am going in with an open mind; if I can tolerate the pain, great, if I find it to be excruciating, I will look at the options available. In baby class tomorrow, we are going to talk about pain control, as far as I know, gas and air and other medicines are available, just not widely advertised or known about. When I was in nursing school I only got to see one labour, but she went natural because the anesthesiologist couldn't get there in time, and she had gas and air but it made her nauseated, so she went natural and did fantastic!
I am shocked when I watch all the baby shows on TLC, how much having a baby is medicalized. Inducing before due dates for no reason, or giving pitocin to speed things up without medical reason, etc etc.
If it weren't for this forum, I wouldn't have known about the different positions or the fact that moving around helps labour, as most of our TV content is from the US and most of the baby shows from the US show having a baby as something that requires medical intervention, and they mostly show women in labour stuck in bed on their back. Sometimes the shows have moms that are going natural, with a midwife or avoiding pain medicine and wanting to walk etc, but they make those women seem like they are out of the ordinary...
Canada's health care system is paid through taxes, similar to the UK, so its different from the states in that way too. Doctors tend to not intervene as much when not necessary, due to hospital policies and cost pressures, so you couldn't just go in and schedule an induction or c-section or get whatever you want because you are paying for it or the doctor wants to make more money.
Anyways, good question OP!