errr..... (rant)


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I'm sorry this might be the wrong place for this but this is the place I live in on BnB.

I am pushed to the max here, Rylee has been sick with a cold for almost 2 weeks now if not over. It started with just coughing and a runny nose then we went to the doctor and she said everything looked ok just suck the snot out and let it ride.

A week later she still wasnt over it, I checked her temp and it was 99.9 so I called to see if I could give her some tyenol and it took them all freakin day to call me back and the whole time she was screaming.

I dont mind being with her I love it, thats my job but these past 4 days she has dont nothing but scream for no reason and her daddy works sun up to sun down 6 days a week he gets home 30 mins before she goes to bed and in that time is bath and bottle time so he gets on time with her.... most of my family is out of state and the ones that are here dont want to watch her for me if shes being bad..... which I understand because she has some lungs on her but I need a break too! I dont want any one to take her over night or anything like that just a few hours.... I have been taking care of her by myself for the last 4 months 24/7 and even the 9 months before that.... and thats not really the problem I love it but I have been having panic attacks like 3 times a day this past week because she has me so worked up and I have no peace.

I just dont know what to do anymore, I cant help her the doctors will not do anything unless her temp is 102 for over 24hrs and I was watching a show the other day about people who can sweat and they where saying from 102-104 you likely to have a heat stork and 106 you will have brain damage... so really I dont even want her temp to even get past 98.6 but today it was 100.1 and then I get bitched at for taking her tamp "everyday" but while shes sick if I didnt how would I know?

I mean, shes been fed,changed ton so I dont know whats left to do but check her tamp and see if that it, ya know?

Damn, I'm just stressed :shock:
:hug: Poor Rylee. Hope you're both feeling better soon xXx
:hugs: I'm not surprised you're stressed - I know if Sam was ill I'd be taking his temperature all the time. Can you give her some Calpol or something just to help with the temperature and also to make her feel a bit more comfortable if she's not well? Have you tried calling your HV, or someone other than your doctor to ask if there's anything else you can do?

Can you explain to someone that you just need a bit of a break and ask them to watch her - even if it's just for a couple of hours to let you get some rest? I really hope she starts feeling better soon x

I know how frustrating an upset baby can make mama! :) We just want to make it better for them.

I want to let you know that you aught not be afraid of fevers... that is the body's NATURAL way to combat infections, and it is VERY effective too. The problem with fevers is that they can easily dehydrate the body. Doctors now are very cautious about prescribing antibiotics for every sniffle and cough which is why they asked you to wait it out. (and rightly so - a lot of infections are becoming resistant to the antibiotics and in turn are much HARDER on the body.)

Every time Rylee fights an infection on her own she gains all the wonderful antibodies to fight it the next time. I know it's tough to wait out, but she doesn't come with the arsenal of germ fighters that you and I have. You most likely caught the same bug she did, but your body fought the infection before it ever got started :).

Just try to make her comfy... cool baths, lots of hydration, sit with her in a steamy room for a bit if she's congested. For moms that breastfeed, squirting a little breastmilk in their nose will help fight the infection too and thin the mucous. Breastmilk has a component called Immunoglobin that fights infections and helps booster antibodies in the baby. It's like a second army to help fight.

Anyway, try to get your rest, sleep when she sleeps and just take care of both of you while you ride this out.

You can give her tylenol. Try just a .3ml I think is half the dropper? Well, just do half the dropper, and just dont give it to her more than once in a four hour period. Thats what I had to do when Colton got his shots because he was in pain (his pediatrician siad too..) from all the shots. Except it was a whole dropper. But I think for fever it's just 1/2 the dropper.

Also, dont stress the fever too bad. I know it's scary; but babies can tolerate alot higher fever than adults can!! Colton had 102.5 fever and they told us next time not to even bring him to the ER-just give him some tylenol and see if that helps before freaking out.

But other than that-sorry she is giving you a hard time. I know how it is not having anyone else to help. I didn't until we moved in with my family-my OH works all the time too. And you really do need some time to yourself. Hope she starts feeling better soon.
I'm not sure what a "HV" is..... we dont have mid wifes or anything like here just doctors..... they will not do anything.

Thanks girls, I have asked but it seems like the only people I know have something better to do.

Which I guess I can understand. I just needed to rant a bit... She did just take a nap but only for about 20mins. I just feel so bad because I am doing my best to help her and its not working and in the process I'm letting myself get away and then I have all they house work and animals to take care of.

it never ends for me and hubby doesn't seem to understand, he thinks because he works 10hrs a day he should be excused from anything around here.... I know he works hard and I understand he needs a break/rest but I do too.
Margerle, thanks thats some things I didnt know.

Thank you all, I'm glad I have some one(s) to turn to, Have the dropper is .4 on ours which is what the doc said too but I have been giving just under that because I would like to keep at much meds out of her as I can, and I only do it once a day when it over 99.5 really just because it helps her be in a better mood... which in return helps me.

Thanks :hugs:
Some times I don't know what I would do with out this place.... it funny how sometimes the only people that will listen and care are the people you don't really know
Sorry - HV is health visitor...they do most of our baby stuff here - checks after birth, weighing etc.

Hope things get better for you and you get some rest soon :hugs: x
:hugs: firstly I would actually persist again with the dr's because little Rylee might have some underlying infection that needs treated, this is going on too long and babies shouldnt be unwell like that for a few weeks.

I would just go to your emergency room if you're not getting any answers from your dr.
yeah I'm going to be making another trip soon, I'm going to give her a few more days.... right now shes one gov. insurance (ours hasnt kicked in) and I cant take her to the ER unless she dieing or something other wise they will not over it.

I'm suck between a rock and a hard place here.... and I have beeen to her docs. so many times all I have to do is call and say "hey its amanda" and they know who I am and then start sounding annoyed.

I need to change doctors..... I just so much on my plate right now I really just need to work somethings down before I start something new.

:nope: I hope Rylee is better soon *hugs*
:hug: i hope u and rylee feel better soon,

regardng ur OH well he might work 10 hrs a day but looking after a baby is 24 hour job 7 days a week and when they are not well as well its 6 times harder then ur OH work is.

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