Everyone's gender prediction about MY baby


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2011
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Hey ladies! It's been awhile since Ive posted here. But I had to ask... I'm almost 15 weeks pregnant with our second blessing. So, we have still a month before we find out the gender. We already have a girl, and I'd love to have another girl. Not that it matters, of course... Just that he or she is healthy. But everyone I tell that I'm pregnant, says "oh it's a boy". Everyone!! im actually a little annoyed by it. I'll obviously love my sweet son if that's what we have. But I'm just wondering... Has this been the case for anyone where everyone's intuition ended up being right?? I don't know what my intuition says since everyone else is convinced it's a boy. Just curious :flower:
I haven't really had this happen to me, but after I had my DD I secretly wanted another little girl as I loved having a daughter. When I found out it was a boy I was a little bit disappointed although I soon came round to the idea. I have to say though, boys are AWESOME! My son is SUCH a sweet and gorgeous little chap and he's a real mummy's boy. I think being a woman myself and having a daughter I wasn't quite sure what I'd do with a boy! My own intuition has been right with all three pregnancies.
I somehow knew all my kids were girls. Not sure how, I just did.
Ya, we really wanted a boy and EVERYONE kept being like oh its a girl we know it, bla bla and it pissed me off to no end. guess what, its a girl lol.

It made me mad cause people don't seem to take gender disappointment seriously, and how bad it can be. It can be insulting. I just had to ignore people in the end, you cant really tell them to not have an opinion lol.

When I got the comments of "oh I just KNEW it" I just tried to laugh it off. Although I did snap at someone and told them if they were so damn good at it then to go be an ultrasound tech then. They shut up pretty fast lol.
Yeah I've had this, we've already got a 18 month old son and everyone is convinced this baby is a girl apart from me, I would like a boy or girl, but I think people automatically assume you want one of each. As long as it's healthy it doesn't matter to me 😊
Im having a girl and I have one person who still swears its boy! She's very intuitive so it worries me just a little! haha
I knew since day one I was having a boy. Don't know how but just did. Everyone says I'm having a girl BC the WA I'm carrying. Well they are all wrong.
It is funny because when I first found out I was pregnant it didn't even cross my mind that I could be having a girl. I just instinctively felt it was a boy. However, everyone around me insisted I was having a girl (with the exception of my Grandmother). They insisted so hard they had me believing it too. Turns out I am having a boy so the majority was not right.
Thank you all so much for your responses!! It's just driving me nuts because if I'm honest, I would like another girl. So everyone telling me it's a boy is just a little annoying!! Again, as long as he or she is healthy, then I'm happy. But these people are getting on my nerves! Lol!!
I get it. I was so annoyed as we wanted a boy so bad and everyone kept telling me it was a girl... Well they were all right and we're definitely having a girl. It was very annoying though.
I get it. I was so annoyed as we wanted a boy so bad and everyone kept telling me it was a girl... Well they were all right and we're definitely having a girl. It was very annoying though.

Almost more than I want another girl, I just want to be able to look at all these people that "just knew" it was a boy, and laugh at them!! So glad someone else can relate!
A little speculation is fun, but the insistence sounds really annoying! I think some people do have good intuition for these things, but there's also so much wishful thinking at play, it's hard to believe most people. The only guesses I took halfway seriously were from people who I knew didn't have a preference - my SIL guessed boy based on my symptoms being similar to hers when she was pregnant with a boy (which she also guessed, based on her symptoms being similar to her sister's when her sister had a boy), and I am having a boy, so maybe she was on to something. My own intuition told me girl, and obviously I was way wrong! But most people get an idea into their heads of what a family should look like, and just guess based on that.
I'm pregnant with my third after having 2 boys. I'm convinced it will be another boy and to be brutally honest it breaks my heart. Obviously I'll love the baby no matter what but I would love to have a daughter and the thought of not having one genuinely makes me so upset. I'm fed up of people telling me this will be my girl as I know when it's not that I'll get the comments that aren't you disappointed its another boy which I really wont want to hear.
We haven't found out the sex of baby and most people instead of saying whether they think it will be a boy or a girl have said 'you must be hoping for a girl this time' because we already have a son. When I was newly pregnant everytime someone said it I would be so angry, neither DH or I mind whether baby is a boy or a girl and I don't mind having 2 boys or a boy and a girl, if we had 2 boys they would still be just as different as a boy or girl because they are different people in their own right.

Everyone has now moved on to telling me its a girl because this pregnancy has been the opposite of my first. My mum had 2 pregnancies completely different and me and my sister are definitely both girls :haha: Also going by most old wives tales out there my son should have been a girl...and he's definitely not!

Sorry for the rant, I just get annoyed because I feel some people spend so much time trying to guess or comment on the gender of the baby they forget that regardless of sex that baby is a little individual that deserves to be treated like one. I do think some people have good intuition but at the end of the day they have a 50\50 chance of getting it right so luck could just be on their side! I hope everything goes well for you and even after everything I said a small part of me hopes you do get to prove them all wrong :haha:
Aww, don't worry, folk just love guessing the gender - all part of the fun for them! Everyone told me I was having a boy (we didn't tell them we were having a girl as we knew from ultrasound but I did tell them we already knew the sex but weren't telling).

They were adamant it was a boy because of the way I carried (apparently) but I carried exactly the same with my first child (also a girl).

Anyhow, I now have two girls - tee hee!
at first people said i was having a boy because i matched the old wives tales for boy gender. now that i found out im having a girl(i found out at 14 weeks), alot of people now think im having twins because twins run so strongly in both sides of my family and my bump is pretty big. plus, it kinda scared me when at my 20 week ultrasound the receptionist looked at my lab-order paper and said "you're having two babies?" and i said huh.. i think there's just one.. and she said on the lab-order paper the midwife wrote down something that they only would when theres indication of twins in pregnancy. haha! scared me and my boyfriend on the spot. id love twins though but it would be alot for me to handle!
From the time we found out we were pregnant and told our families, my MIL was driving me nuts. First, she was adamant that I was having twins (WRONG!) She kept on about this even after the first ultrasound. She's finally given up on it now because my belly is way too small for twins. But she also said, "Oh it's a girl." It really pissed me off.
But I think the reason it pissed me off is because I honestly believe that nobody knows what you're having until you see it. My own parents didn't make predictions. Other people would say, "I bet you're hoping for a girl this time." Which I really didn't care. And I was actually convinced I was having another boy until more symptoms started kicking in around week 8 and I started to think maybe I was having a girl because my pregnancy symptoms were all the exact opposite of what they were with my son. Of course, I am having a girl. I know that for sure now.
But I just think what's so annoying about people telling you what you are having is that they honestly don't know.
Hey ladies! It's been awhile since Ive posted here. But I had to ask... I'm almost 15 weeks pregnant with our second blessing. So, we have still a month before we find out the gender. We already have a girl, and I'd love to have another girl. Not that it matters, of course... Just that he or she is healthy. But everyone I tell that I'm pregnant, says "oh it's a boy". Everyone!! im actually a little annoyed by it. I'll obviously love my sweet son if that's what we have. But I'm just wondering... Has this been the case for anyone where everyone's intuition ended up being right?? I don't know what my intuition says since everyone else is convinced it's a boy. Just curious :flower:

Omg I totally understand how you feel. Everyone has been saying the same to me. Yes I'm all bump but I know loads of people who carried the same and had girls. Now I'm assuming I'm having a boy because me and the oh REALLY want a girl. I guess it's a way of coming to terms with not getting what you'd really like, prep if you like.
I know I'll be happy no matter what I have but everyone has a preference.

What makes it worse is most people ask if we have a preference then immediately say oh shame I think boy!!!! Really? How does that help me and how insensitive !!!!

Don't worry hun, wait and see what you have and just ignore everyone else - they have no way of knowing and will just annoy you more.

I hope you get what you want xx
Everyone knew i was having a boy with my first three pregnancies. I have 3 girls lol!
I'm pregnant with my third after having 2 boys. I'm convinced it will be another boy and to be brutally honest it breaks my heart. Obviously I'll love the baby no matter what but I would love to have a daughter and the thought of not having one genuinely makes me so upset. I'm fed up of people telling me this will be my girl as I know when it's not that I'll get the comments that aren't you disappointed its another boy which I really wont want to hear.

Bless your heart! Yes that definitely sounds more upsetting than my situation. When do you find out?

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