Hi guys
Was just wondering if and when you told work about your fertility treatments. I am only in investigatory phase like follicle tracking and HSG at moment. I feel it is none of works business why i need time off so i just say i have dentist or dos or hospital app. So far luckily noone has asked and to be honest i dont know what i would say if they did. So if you dont tell work what excuses do you all give for having to go to so may appointemtns and have so much time off? What are your opinions about telling work why you need time off?
Was just wondering if and when you told work about your fertility treatments. I am only in investigatory phase like follicle tracking and HSG at moment. I feel it is none of works business why i need time off so i just say i have dentist or dos or hospital app. So far luckily noone has asked and to be honest i dont know what i would say if they did. So if you dont tell work what excuses do you all give for having to go to so may appointemtns and have so much time off? What are your opinions about telling work why you need time off?