Experiences with your cats and pregnancy!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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So we have only had my cat since late July. She's a very sweet kitty but I usually have to put her in another room at night because I'm a light sleeper and she is ALL over me constantly. I need my space while sleeping too and she will literally sleep on top of me.

I found out I was expecting 2 weeks after we got her so I'm not sure if she is so attached to me because of pregnancy or not. She definitely liked me before I got pregnant but now, she follows me around, kneads my belly, always has some part touching my belly. I'm very curious to see if she acts the same once baby is here. She doesn't do this with my hubby at all and even when he puts her in his lap, she will get up and move to mine.

Did anyone's cats start acting this way only when you got pregnant? I'm honestly expecting her to completely change once the baby is here.
When I was pregnant with DD my male cat Frankie was obsessed with me. He would lay on my belly every night while I slept and wouldn't leave me alone. Now that I am pregnant again but with a boy my female cat Grizzabella is obsessed with me lol. And she is a very indepedent cat. Doesnt cuddle or like to be pet that much except for these past few months. So I think they definitely know what's going on.
So interesting that it's the cat with the opposite gender that liked you during your pregnancies!

She is such a cuddly cat but she also has an independent streak which is exactly what I wanted in a kitty. She likes all of us fairly well, and will also go off on her own but in the evenings when I'm laying around watching TV or reading when the kids are in bed, she's right there as close as she can get to me. I didn't "know" her too well before getting pregnant though so I have no idea if this behavior is going to stick or not!
We do have another cat Theodore who has to be by me all the time too but he w has always been attached to me. His behavior hasn't changed much.

It will be interesting to see how she acts once baby is here :) I bet she will watch over your baby all the time.
My first pregnancy my cats knew before I did. They both were all over me the entire time. This time I have one that is always beside me if I sit in the living room and the other always sleeps beside me in bed or on my feet. I think they are a bit different this pregnancy cause I always have a little boy attached to me now.
The cat we've had the longest was just a baby when I was pregnant with my son. She was born in August, he in February so she basically spent her first formative weeks with me being pregnant (product of a rescue we didn't know was pregnant until she got huge) and I can't say she's particularly fussed this time around. She's always been attached primarily to my husband. My other 4... 3 are lap fungus types 24/7 and 1 is a hateful gremlin who's only nice if you have food. So no. No real changes.
I got pregnant with our daughter about 2 years after we got our cat. She was always very sweet but seemed to like my husband best. Until I got pregnant. Then she was on my lap any time I day down. The funniest thing was how she acted when we brought sophie home. It was like she thought it was her baby! Anytime sophie was nursing the cat would get on my lap right beside her. If I was holding her for a nap, the cat would lay beside her and would just rest one paw on her. If people would stop by to see the baby she would hiss at them if they tried to touch her right away. It was kinda hilarious. Only lasted about two months, but I kept telling my husband that she reminded me more of a dog because she was so protective!
My cat has definitely been more lovey towards me since I found out I was pregnant. She was always very sweet to me but also very skittish of noises/motions, other people. I've had her for about four years now and she has been much more sweet the past few months.
Definitely naps more inside and only spends about 5-10 minutes outside before she wants in again when I'm home. She's been a lot more cuddly too, usually being one to sleep on our legs or in between us she now will cuddle up next to my belly under the covers.
Can't say that my cat has changed around me in either pregnancy. She's never been interested in me, but she is more cuddly with Hubby though. That said both times she has randomly peed on Hubby's clothes during my early weeks of pregnancy. First time was before we found out, and this time we'd known about it for a couple of weeks.
I got my kitty about a year ago when he was very young. Usually he does his own thing and only comes over to me in the mornings when he wants to be pet, but he's been all over me recently. He's been constantly wanting me to pick him up and he's been sleeping on me, both of which are not normal behavior for him. So the pregnancy is the only thing I can think of that would have triggered this behavior.
My cat's always been my shadow so not a lot has changed. He does like to get inbetween me and hubby when sleeping now which is different. If he senses there's another little one on the way I don't blame him for trying to get all the attention now!
My cat that was very shy started literally "stalking" me in pregnancy :lol:. I was unable to go to the bathroom at night and when at home he would try to call me into the bathroom from the hallway because he wanted to be pet in there (he was to shy to snuggle in front of other family members). It was pretty funny, especially when I saw yellow eyes watching me from the dark hallway ^^'.
Once the baby arrived he was still affectionate but stood away from the baby or me when I was holding him. My dog was also somewhat scared of the baby. :shrug:
I've also had strange animals that were not familiar with me completely change temperament with me according to their owners. Just today I went in for a massage, and her cat that I have never met was on the chair across the room. He came over to me and jumped in my lap asking for attention and she was just amazed! She said that he never acts like that, except maybe with her in private.
I've noticed that dogs are much more shy of me, usually they come up to me and I'll pet them but they seem to keep their distance now
My cats are really clingy anyway, but no change at all during pregnancy! They are pedigree cats and part of the breed trait is people loving, they are never more then 10 ft away! They love my ds too, dippy animals :)

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