Extremely painful joints in hands and fingers - normal?


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2021
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Hi everybody! I'm 36 + 5 and for the last week or so, I've been having very painful joints in both hands, fingers, and wrists. My thumbs pop at my wrists and it's so odd because I have not done anything (no injury) to cause this pain. I've read that it can be due to loosening of joints and swelling causing pain (which I know my fingers are a bit swollen), but I wasn't sure if anybody else has had this happen. It's really affecting my day-to-day function because I'm totally nesting and have a really hard time using my hands right now. Has anybody else experienced something like this? I did bring it up at my last OB appointment but they didn't really have any answers.

I had this in my first pregnancy. I think it was carpal tunnel as my wrists and hands were quite swollen and hurt. It did go away after birth though <3

I had this in my first pregnancy. I think it was carpal tunnel as my wrists and hands were quite swollen and hurt. It did go away after birth though <3
Thank you for the response :) I was wondering about carpal tunnel too, though I don't have a ton of tingling and numbness. I do have it when I wake up sometimes though. My hands are just in so much pain and came on out of nowhere so it probably is carpal tunnel or something along those lines. I hope it goes away soon after birth as it did for you!

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