Facial birthmark...


Mum of 2 :)
Feb 4, 2011
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Has anyone got any experience with these? Madi has a birth mark on her leg but it is browny coloured and obviously is hidden, Zach does have one at all so I was surprised that Poppy has has a very red one on her head.

I know it might seem shallow, but I'm so worried about it being on her face, although I think it will be hidden as its in her hairline. I'm sure I saw a programme where there was a little girl who had a small birth mark and it grew, so now I'm petrified it's going to grow all over her little face?
The midwife wasn't concerned, but when I asked if it would grow, she said, she 'didn't think so'... Just wondering if anyone has any experience they could share....

Esme has a strawberry birth mark on her head that started off flat and small like Poppy's but did grow and raised. I was worried too but i've been assured it'll stop growing and then eventually go back down and fade over time. Hers is on her head and will be under her hair. Have heard they can be anywhere so for vanity sake i'm glad hers will be covered. They're nothing to worry about though :hugs:
DD had very red birth marks. They were smaller than that but on her nose, lip, eyebrow area and several on the back of he neck. They mostly faded over the first few months. The one on the back of her neck took longer to go but you cant see it any more at 3 years. My sister had a small red birthmark on her nose as a child. It never actually bothered her much but it went away when she was in her teens.

The good thing is that even if it doesnt fade it is in her hair line so shouldnt be fairly hidden.
Depends on what type of mark it is. My LO had a hemangioma and it did grow quite a lot for the first year of her life, and then shrunk and faded (though she did take meds for it as well so hard to say how much was natural and how much was due to that).

It could be just superficial as well and not grow. If you're worried about it you could probably request to see a pediatric dermatologist but I'd wait to see if it does grow/get agitated at all first, personally.
It's tough to say from the picture, but it could be a haemangioma (spelling?). Those can get quite big, but are typically nothing to worry about, unless near an eye etc. There are various treatments if I remember correctly (laser; or less invasive, a glaucoma eye drop you put on to prevent it from growing so much). Either way, it would have to be started soonish - I noticed my son's growing within a month (I think you'd already have noticed changes). But again, not a real concern, except in bad locations.
DS has a strawberry mark on his back and it has already started to fade at 8 months. The doctor told me birth marks stay and strawberry marks fade over time. I don't think there is any harm in discussing it with a dermatologist if it is worrying you, so at least you can confirm what it is and see what is likely to happen. I don't think it's shallow at all to feel a bit of concern, DD has a mis-shapen earlobe and I don't even think about it/notice it now (until thinking about this thread), but I did want to know when she was born would it grow normally eventually - it hasn't, but I've just come to accept it's part of her. i am glad she is a girl though so if she ever lacks confidence over it she can wear her hair down, or even an ear piercing and decent sized earring could cover it up if that's what she wanted.
DD1 has a strawberry mark on her right eyebrow started off as a small red mark and grew bigger until it was really red and very angry looking.
She ended up on propranolol for a few months to reduce its growth as it was close to her eye.

3 years later itd starting to gray out and no one really notices. Like you I was really worried and concerned about it being on her face. We call it her special mark now. No one seems to care about it.

I would speak to your GP. They will usually be able to tell you what kind of birthmark it is . X
Sorry meant to add the growth was very quick so I would also keep a close eye on it for any signs of it growing!
Daisy has a strawberry birthmark on her left shoulder blade and it started off very similar to Poppy's. I didn't notice it when she was first born but we had a newborn shoot done at 13 days and it wasn't until we got the pictures back that I noticed it. I didn't really think anything of it until about 5/6 weeks when it started raising and it's now huge and still getting bigger. My biggest concern was how painful it looks but when I spoke to my HV he said that they can grow for 12 months and are generally gone by the time the child starts school although how they go is beyond me, but that also they don't cause any pain. I've attached some pictures of it at different stages just so you can see when it looks like now compared to how it looked to start off with.

13 days (tiny red mark in her shoulder)

This was 6 weeks old

And this is how it looks now

I also spoke to a HV at a drop in clinic when I went to get her weighed about it and she said if I wanted I could take her to a GP for them to keep an eye on it but that generally nothing will be done until after 12/18 months of age because of the fact they tend to disappear. From a vain point of view I'm lucky it is on her back because you can't see it but it does stick out and you can see the lump as well as feel it through her clothes.
My Ds now 2 has a small bm on his forehead , its stayed the same size since birth . Guessing its there for life . Not sure you can see it in the photos. It the little red dot above his eye .


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I had a fairly large strawberry birthmark on my arm, by the time I was in school it was barely noticeable and it has been completely invisible to others for many years now (because I know where to look I can still see it's extremely faint outline).
Thanks for the comments everyone. I am sure it is a strawberry birthmark. It is so so red now. Still flat to her head though, and its not grown outwards any. just got redder. I really hope it doesn't get too much bigger. I have comments already where ever i take her, and i feel like its only small still. Its just such a shame for her to be on her little face :(

She's beautiful either way Hun, screw people and their comments. She's stunning
She really is beautiful. Wherever I go people ask about E's birthmark. It does get a bit tiresome. What do they think it is :haha: x
Poppy is totally gorgeous. I had a strawberry haemangioma on my forehead right in the middle which started off small and flat at 5 days old and grew to about the size of a £2 coin and raised on my head. My mum just grew my hair into a fringe and it disappeared by the time I was 3. There is not a single mark there now X
She's beautiful! My DS had a strawberry birthmark on his head, he is nearly 3 now and it's completely gone. No trace of it whatsoever. It started to fade when he was 18 months.
Apparently they grow to 80% of their size by 3 months. So much more growth after that. My DS's one was raised and then flattened by about 9 months.
I know exactly how u feel - I felt so sad for my DS because I felt people noticed the mark first. Honestly though, after a while it just became part of him and I knew it wasn't a permanent thing.
Daisy has a strawberry birthmark on her left shoulder blade and it started off very similar to Poppy's. I didn't notice it when she was first born but we had a newborn shoot done at 13 days and it wasn't until we got the pictures back that I noticed it. I didn't really think anything of it until about 5/6 weeks when it started raising and it's now huge and still getting bigger. My biggest concern was how painful it looks but when I spoke to my HV he said that they can grow for 12 months and are generally gone by the time the child starts school although how they go is beyond me, but that also they don't cause any pain. I've attached some pictures of it at different stages just so you can see when it looks like now compared to how it looked to start off with.

13 days (tiny red mark in her shoulder)

This was 6 weeks old

And this is how it looks now

I also spoke to a HV at a drop in clinic when I went to get her weighed about it and she said if I wanted I could take her to a GP for them to keep an eye on it but that generally nothing will be done until after 12/18 months of age because of the fact they tend to disappear. From a vain point of view I'm lucky it is on her back because you can't see it but it does stick out and you can see the lump as well as feel it through her clothes.

My eldests was like this with the swelling underneath, though a bit smaller, hers was between her eye and ear.
It's bizarre how they go, when she was 2 she started getting skin coloured lined through it, breaking it up. Within a week it was gone- the birthmark, swelling the lot, no evidence of it ever being there!
Jade had one on her foot. It got worse then totally disappeared. No trace at all xxx
Daisy has a strawberry birthmark on her left shoulder blade and it started off very similar to Poppy's. I didn't notice it when she was first born but we had a newborn shoot done at 13 days and it wasn't until we got the pictures back that I noticed it. I didn't really think anything of it until about 5/6 weeks when it started raising and it's now huge and still getting bigger. My biggest concern was how painful it looks but when I spoke to my HV he said that they can grow for 12 months and are generally gone by the time the child starts school although how they go is beyond me, but that also they don't cause any pain. I've attached some pictures of it at different stages just so you can see when it looks like now compared to how it looked to start off with.

13 days (tiny red mark in her shoulder)

This was 6 weeks old

And this is how it looks now

I also spoke to a HV at a drop in clinic when I went to get her weighed about it and she said if I wanted I could take her to a GP for them to keep an eye on it but that generally nothing will be done until after 12/18 months of age because of the fact they tend to disappear. From a vain point of view I'm lucky it is on her back because you can't see it but it does stick out and you can see the lump as well as feel it through her clothes.

My friend just went through something similar. That looks exactly like a hemangioma and should be followed very very closely from a hemangioma clinic specialist. Although often they resolve, those are very complicated birthmarks that can go very deep into the skin affecting other areas internally etc. I would ask for a referral and be followed by a specialist in the area of hemangiomas xx
My ds had a pretty big one in the middle of his chest but it's been shrinking for over a year and is almost gone now. I'm sad as I really liked it and he liked his strawberry too.

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