Update from this morning:
Her name is Madison Anne Claire, yes 2 middle names because Anne was just decided, as that's dhs grandma who got us together and she passed away 9 years ago and I went into labor on her bday
Wide awake.. staring at this little miracle.
Yesterday was crazy!!! I keep replaying it all in my head... After my water broke, things really intensified. Contractions became one on top the the other and I progressed pretty well although only got to 5cm/100% she could stretch me to almost an 8. I was finding the contractions really difficult and suddenly had an urge to push. I had had no progress from the previous check so was told not to push. It was involuntary though. The contractions became so painful I could do nothing but yell and cry. There was a sharp pain that started along the right side of my incision so I alerted my midwife, she took my vitals and we listened to baby's hb on doppler. All seemed well and the pain mostly subsided after the contractions. But the urge to push was unbearable. I finally told my midwife I thought we needed to transfer. She tried to talk me out of it and also took her time getting stuff done (transfer papers) and then finally an hour later we were on our way. I was quite the sight.. the main hospital entrance was closed for the night so we had to go through er , they pushed me in a wheelchair and I had a contraction in the lobby of the er and let me tell you THAT was embarrassing... everyone was staring at me as I screamed so loud and kept coming up off the seat of the wheelchair!
That continued as they checked me into l&d and the nurses took their sweet time. As soon as we got up to l&d the nurse immediately said "you're signing consent for c-section" as their hospital policy is against vba2c. And the nurse had an obvious disdain of midwives lol.. anyway I signed them and within an hour they had little lady out. Sure enough my uterus had opened up where I was feeling all the pain and part of the amniotic sac was bulging .. the Dr said my uterus now looks like a patchwork quilt and he said absolutely no more babies for me! I was ok with that and had actually told them to remove my tubes during the c-section but that somehow got overlooked and it didn't get done��.. so they got Madison out and dh got to announce the gender to which we were like ����������... it was still a special time and I'm just so so so thankful I didn't let the midwife pressure me into staying any longer.. I'm in some discomfort at the moment but Nothing like before the c-section.. that and I declined pain meds �� ... I do have it at my disposal if I so choose. So because i also had developed a fever and increased white blood cells they have me on 3 different types of antibiotics and they had to send the placenta for testing to make sure Madison is in the clear!
Also I'm having quite a bit more bleeding than they are happy with so I'm on pitocin and hourly belly massages ������������������������
And I'm feeling guilty about all the money we spent for a midwife and still ended up here with a c-section, plus being away from my other 2 girls