False negatives on quantitative blood tests revealed!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2011
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"In the hospital laboratory, we see specimens sent for hCG
testing there from 80-year-old women, from women with
hysterectomies, and women who are many months
pregnant. Our data indicates that we need to be certain that
the devices we choose can recognize the hCG variants
present in the patient population that we're going to be
testing. As a result of our findings, our hospital switched
their qualitative point-of-care hCG device to a different

Host: So in your opinion, how can a hospital laboratory or
physician's office using point-of-care hCG devices be certain
that the device they use recognizes the necessary hCG

Dr. Ann Gronowski: This is an important question. Publications by David
Grenache’s group have utilized the new purified
International Reference Reagents to characterize several of
the hospital point-of-care hCG devices, and our own group
has used this material to characterize several over-thecounter
home use hCG devices.
These types of reports can help professionals select their
qualitative devices. If only early pregnancy urine is going to
be tested, as in a fertility clinic, then any device that
recognizes intact hCG is likely sufficient.
However, if the device is going to be used for more
advanced pregnancies, as in a hospital setting, then a device
that recognizes variants such as free-beta hCG and betacore
fragment should be selected. What's really needed is
for manufacturers to better characterize what hCG variants
their device recognize and to make that information
available. To date that type of research has not been done.
When a negative result is suspected to be a false-negative,
a simple dilution can be performed. The idea here is that as
with the hook effect, you can get the variant antigen down
to a concentration that does not block all the antibodies, and
then a sandwich can form with the intact hCG.

Host: What about quantitative hCG tests? Are they also prone to
this type of problem?

Dr. Ann Gronowski: In theory, yes. Quantitative hCG tests are also potentially
subject to interference with high concentrations of certain
hCG variants. Currently, our laboratory is actually examining
this. hCG beta-core fragment is found almost exclusively in
the urine and currently most quantitative hCG devices are
FDA approved for use with serum only, therefore, there
should be less of a problem with serum quantitative hCG
assays. However, many laboratories have validated their
© 2009 American Association for Clinical Chemistry Page 4 of 4
False-Negative Results in Qualitative hCG Devices
Due to Excess hCG Beta Core Fragment
quantitative devices for use with urine to help when
interpreting difficult cases.
In the August 2009 issue of Clinical Chemistry, Catherine
Sturgeon and colleagues examined the ability of 16 different
quantitative hCG assays to recognize four of the purified
International Reference Reagent variants. Their report
shows clearly that certain quantitative tests just don't
recognize certain hCG variants.
This type of study will be key to interpreting discrepant hCG
results and choosing hCG test for different clinical needs.
We've written an editorial discussing this important work
that appears in the same August issue of Clinical Chemistry.

Host: Well, it seems these data demonstrates that there is just a
lot we still don't know about hCG testing?

Dr. Ann Gronowski: Absolutely. I think that our finding should be a call to arms
for laboratorians to demand better standardization of hCG
immunoassays, and at the very least, better characterization
by manufacturers. We need to know which hCG variants
each device recognizes, and if they're subject to interference
with normal concentrations of hCG variants. Also, we need
to have more discussion and research into what
characteristics different hCG immunoassays should ideally
For example, what hCG variant should be recognized, and
should all variants be recognized by all assays. We've got a
long way to go in the improvement of hCG assays."

Host: Dr. Ann Gronowski is an Associate Professor in the
Departments of Pathology and Immunology and Obstetrics
and Gynecology......

There you have it.
There you have what?

The main issue brought up in the paper Dr.Gronowski wrote is that hCG variants related to conditions other than pregnancy aren't as readily detected as the standard beta-HCG, not so much the pregnancy related ones.

She does mention that in general essays don't pick up hCG-beta-cf very well, but this is only an issue if they test with urine (where as most quantitative hCG tests will be serum) as there will be other hCG variants in serum at higher concentrations.

thats not what she meant at all lol..read it again :)
I'm not sure what you're getting at either since I read it the same way Deeper Blue is
In the hospital laboratory, we see specimens sent for hCG
testing there from 80-year-old women, from women with
hysterectomies, and women who are many months
pregnant. Our data indicates that we need to be certain that
the devices we choose can recognize the hCG variants
present in the patient population that we're going to be

Meaning that various conditions are going to caused raised levels of different types of hCG.

Host: So in your opinion, how can a hospital laboratory or
physician's office using point-of-care hCG devices be certain
that the device they use recognizes the necessary hCG

Dr. Ann Gronowski: This is an important question. Publications by David
Grenache’s group have utilized the new purified
International Reference Reagents to characterize several of
the hospital point-of-care hCG devices, and our own group
has used this material to characterize several over-thecounter
home use hCG devices.
These types of reports can help professionals select their
qualitative devices. If only early pregnancy urine is going to
be tested, as in a fertility clinic, then any device that
recognizes intact hCG is likely sufficient.
However, if the device is going to be used for more
advanced pregnancies, as in a hospital setting, then a device
that recognizes variants such as free-beta hCG and betacore
fragment should be selected. What's really needed is
for manufacturers to better characterize what hCG variants
their device recognize and to make that information
available. To date that type of research has not been done.
When a negative result is suspected to be a false-negative,
a simple dilution can be performed. The idea here is that as
with the hook effect, you can get the variant antigen down
to a concentration that does not block all the antibodies, and
then a sandwich can form with the intact hCG.

This is all related to qualitative point-of-care tests, in other words, the urine pregnancy tests you can buy or that your doctor has at their surgery.

Host: What about quantitative hCG tests? Are they also prone to
this type of problem?

Dr. Ann Gronowski: In theory, yes. Quantitative hCG tests are also potentially subject to interference with high concentrations of certain
hCG variants
. Currently, our laboratory is actually examining
this. hCG beta-core fragment is found almost exclusively in
the urine and currently most quantitative hCG devices are
FDA approved for use with serum only, therefore, there
should be less of a problem with serum quantitative hCG
assays. However, many laboratories have validated their
quantitative devices for use with urine to help when
interpreting difficult cases.
In the August 2009 issue of Clinical Chemistry, Catherine
Sturgeon and colleagues examined the ability of 16 different
quantitative hCG assays to recognize four of the purified
International Reference Reagent variants. Their report
shows clearly that certain quantitative tests just don't
recognize certain hCG variants.

This type of study will be key to interpreting discrepant hCG
results and choosing hCG test for different clinical needs.
We've written an editorial discussing this important work
that appears in the same August issue of Clinical Chemistry.

The important thing to recognise here is that they are talking about 'certain hCG variants' that can sometimes be a problem, she isn't saying it's the variant related to pregnancy. This is why she's saying that there may be an issue if your using the same hCG detector to look at raised levels in 80 year old women and women who have had hysterectomies as you are to look at pregnancies.

How are you interpreting it?
there are different types of hcg in a pregnant woman, not just one type
Absolutely, pregnant ladies generally have more than one type in varying concentrations depending on gestation, but they aren't saying its any of the pregnancy types that's an issue, infact they aren't being very specific at all.
I thought they were saying that one form of hcg is most common in early pregnancy and thats why taking a blood test late in the pregnancy could produce a negative result because you've got a different type of hcg in your system by that time and the testers doesnt know what stage you are in when you're taking it.

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