FEBRUARY HEARTS Due in February 2015 , open group all welcome!

Not being allowed to eat or drink anything during labor was killer. I went over 48 hours without food or drink. Ice chips didn't cut it! LOL

Looking forward to not being forced to adhere to that policy this go-round! Also FX for a slighly faster labor lol.
Megan: I will KMFX for a snowstorm for you if you keep yours crossed for good weather for me! My commute is a HAUL but so worth it. I wouldn't trust my life in the hospital closest to me. Which is a shame since its a nice area, just a crappy hospital!
Hey girls.
Sorry I don't comment much on this thead but it's really moving too fast for me usually and all I can do is read through it once or twice a day.
I'm at work now and slacking off just a bit so I'd like to say something about a couple of topics here :). You don't have to read it if it's too long ;).

GD test. I am glad it exists and I think it should be offered to everybody. I'm sure it's very annoying for some but I think it isn't worth taking chances that you might have an undiagnosed and untreated GD. I did the stress test in my last pregnancy and it wasn't bad at all. I didn't have GD. This time my fasting results were just a tad too high and I got diagnosed right away. So no further GD testing for me. I'm on a diet and giving myself insulin shots. It was extremely stressful at the beginning, especially since early on GD can cause a miscarriage/birth deffects and my BS levels were all over the place before I got put on insulin in spite of the diet. But things got sorted out and now I'm enjoying my pregnancy.

Home birth. It's practically nonexistent here. Babies are born in hospitals (unless birth progresses too fast of course). I personally wouldn't want to risk anything going wrong if my baby was born at home. I know it would most likely end well and that things can go terribly bad in a hospital too but that's just me. With Jakob I waited till my contractions were three minutes apart at home, then we went to the hospital and I gave birth (unmedicated) two hours later. I didn't have a birth plan, I didn't read any birth books or anything, I just decided to trust the professionals there. They did cut me and press on my stomach at the end which I know isn't as widely used elswhere and is totally unnecessary in most cases but I got my healthy bundle at the end so I'm not complaining.

Writing all that, I respect other opinions. I like discussions but hate it when people start arguing and try to enforce their opinions on others. This is me, I might be right from my point of view but totally wrong from yours. And the objective truth doesn't always exist...
24 weeks today here too! V-day, finally! Never thought I'd reach this day!!! Baby also let me sleep until about 6:30 instead of waking me at 6 or earlier, so added bonus! :happydance:
V-day for me today, too! Congrats to us, woohoo! one more month and we'll already be in 3rd trimester!!

Hi Katy :) Totally glad to hear you had a great experience in the hospital! That's my goal, too. I'm not totally sure where you're located- it says Europe? I don't know enough about European hospitals to comment there. But I know in the US, it's kind of luck-of-the-draw as to whether you'll get caregivers who you can trust like that, or caregivers that have their own agenda... in the latter case it's really good to be armed with information. I feel secure doing my research because I know I'll feel more confident about the choices I make, and I won't let the doctors make certain (non life-threatening) choices for me. Yesterday I read a great article/blog about "go with the flow"- how many women choose this as their "birth plan" and then end up being whisked away to a c-section after the spiral of interventions. BUT that's totally not always the case! And plenty of women are happy after a c-section just knowing their baby is safe. So it's to each their own- my decision is to know everything I can get my hands on, but I know a few people in real life who disagree with me. And that's ok.

On a lighter note, I had a dream right before I woke up today that I was in the hospital for a visit, and it WAS a snowstorm, and because of that, it was completely packed with 16 women checked in ready to give birth. I witnessed 3 babies being born in the waiting room, and thought to myself "this isn't exactly what I pictured...". Lol.

Swan, I remember you telling me that way back in the beginning. I hope it's JUST enough snow to be an excuse for me, but not enough that the roads aren't clear and safe where you are! If I were you, I might be preparing myself for a "just in case" car birth, lol... I read somewhere that was a good idea and I agree! :haha:
Megan: What I do have working on my side, at least, is that it's only main roads to the birth center. I can take back roads when it's nice out, but there are main roads running there so we should be okay.

My daughter was due Feb 7, came Jan 7 and came on a fluke weekend where it was a full moon and like, 60something degrees outside, so everyone who came to visit kept asking me if I was enjoying the beautiful winter weather.

So I'm hoping I can fall on some random fluke day of warmth. Even just if it's one day! :rofl: Last winter was the worst winter we've had since moving to the Philly area, others have been much milder. So I never know what to expect. But if you're anywhere in the upstate NY area, I know that's a whole other ball game for you! :rofl: Long Island winters were usually so mild, then friends and family upstate were building igloos. xD
Hi girls i never post much on here because theres pages on here like pp said. I think im asleep when the usa ladies comment so im too far behind lol.

i just wanted to say hope your all doing well. Its hard to believe tomorrow i have 14 weeks left. Sorry if this subjects already been discussed. What birth plans etc are you ladies planning. I am quite put off by gas and air as alot of people are sick on it. Im open to an epidural if i cant get through. The water births seem nice but someone may already be in it and i get so hot in baths i go dizzy.

i had a psychic reading done as soon as i fell pregnant. She said my labour was going to be 18 hours and ill need pain relief. Ill have a 71b 2oz baby girl (im having a girl) the date 21st feb is showing. I xant help thinking this will be the case.

im having a 4d scan saturday. To confirm shes a girl more than anything but it will be an amazing experience too.

hope everyones well. Just thought id drop in and say hi. I know im not a regular poster x x
Megan, I'm from Slovenia.
I should say that I wouldn't let myself get talked into anything not good for me or my baby, I am well aware of my rights. Doctors are not allowed to tell you what to do, however, in case you don't accept a treatment, you might have to sign some document to relieve them from responsibility in case something goes wrong.
I'm also quite well informed because this field interests me and I know a lot from the scientific side (I'm a VMD by profession). So I'm not totally 'go with the flow'. Trusting professionals is not so bad if you know what they're talking about.
OMG! I so hate the GD test its a killer for me. I have mine on the 12th .
Put me down with bumblebee, MrsTM1 and Megan - happy v-day to us!!!!

Hmmm things to put in my birth plan, if Sheila is head down:
- epidural catheter but no drugs at least to start with, in case of emergency c-section with Bruce
- I'd rather tear than be cut, and would like mineral oil/counter pressure/warm compresses when I'm pushing to help alleviate the need for either
- anything that I can do to help me relax that's allowed I want to try - music, low lights, hot shower, partner massage
- skin to skin straight away, before weighing/testing etc (this is my hospital's policy anyway)
- try to establish breastfeeding straight away before weighing/testing (also hospital policy)

If Sheila is not head down, then only the last two will apply.
Thats a nice list u have there Melly. I have a scheduled c-section on the 13th of February.
Yay- happy v day to you, ladies!!! :happydance:

Glad to hear that your GD is under control, katy :) I am not looking forward to the test, but definitely want to know asap if I have it! it sounds like we are on a similar wavelength re: decision making when pregnant. Though you may do a better job of wording your replies more eloquently!

I won't have a formal birth plan. I am going to start reading up in a few weeks and go from there. My ideal would be no pain meds, but we will see. I will also steal melly 's preference for tearing over cutting :) Aaaaaand the final thing I would ideally like is extended cord clamping. :)

Funny how things are different in different countries/cultures. I knee a lot of swiss ladies having babies and not one had an epidural, though some did take other pain relief. For whatever reason that was the norm. Most everyone I know in Aus Took the epidural.
Horrible awful night for us. We spent the night in children's hospital since DD swallowed 2 high powered magnets. Two x-rays later, the magnets are attached and moving together and she had to be sedated for a endoscopy. It failed, they couldn't get the magnets out, so we now have to watch her closely to make sure she doesn't worse symptoms and check her stools and hope the magnets come out. :( The anesthesiologist told me that one of the risks of general anaesthesia is learning delays, so now I'm freaking out and have read too much. Ugh! Two doses of radiation and general anaesthesia that *may* cause learning problems and nothing was even solved. I just hope the magnets come out and she doesn't have to go in for surgery...
Oh no feronia how awful!
It's very positive that they are attached to each other and moving together though.
I hope they pass without problem!

Non regular posters - nice to see you, it is a very busy group a lot of the time but it doesn't matter if you only post once, stay around because we are all here for when there's a question about something related to exactly how far along you are.
We are also blessed with some extremely knowledgeable ladies and probably every different type of pregnancy/culture/situation :flower:

Laura109 -

Pain relief and what works is very personal. I loved the water, I thought I would and I had my own pool at home. The shower on my back helped almost as much.
The water was at the correct temperature, I was in for hours and actually kept me cool, I got hot out of the water.
I never got to try gas and air, the good thing would be that it would be out of your system immediately whereas an adverse reaction to anything else could last a lot longer.
There might be other options before the epidural, a friend of mine loved pethidine, yet that makes others sick and can have an effect on the baby.
Epidural is not without possible risk as I'm sure everyone is aware and the best thing to do is research everything and make informed decisions.
I'm always better at compiling a list of what I don't want thanwhat I do.
That sounds terrible, feronia. Don't kick yourself about what is already done- you made the best decision you could in the moment. Lots of babies (even teeny tiny ones) end up having a general anaesthetic without issue. i would think learning delays must be very rare, but one of those things they have to mention 'just in case'. I am one to talk.... but Stay away from google! ;) hopefully the magnets will appear in the next few hours. :hugs: when we were little, a friend of mine swallowed a coin- came out in her diaper without issue!
Also- i have had an endoscopy, and was only in twilight sleep as it is over so quickly. I would guess that she would have had a lower dose of sedation than a child needing a full on op (?) :hugs:
Oh no Feronia! Sending positive thoughts your way and hoping that your DD passes the magnets quick and everything turns out okay. Hugs.

Happy V-day ladies! I can't believe we are all close to the third trimester!!
What a nightmare Feronia. :( I'm sure the risk of learning delays is very, very small - I had a general as a small child and I think I've done pretty well for myself. :lol: :hugs: But I understand the worry. Fingers crossed the magnets come out soon - they can be very scary but it's great that they are stuck together at least!

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