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+++ February - Leap Year - Testers (119 Testers, 17 BFP's) +++

I dreamt that I had IB, does that count as a symptom lol
cos other than that I am about 8dpo and had no symptoms whatsoever... I know that doesn't mean anything but always kinda assume I will "know" if I am pregnant... still, fingers crossed for next weekend, if I can hold out poas that long!
I dreamt that I had IB, does that count as a symptom lol
cos other than that I am about 8dpo and had no symptoms whatsoever... I know that doesn't mean anything but always kinda assume I will "know" if I am pregnant... still, fingers crossed for next weekend, if I can hold out poas that long!

I know how you feel! I'm 7 or 8 dpo and I felt like I was having symptoms, but today I feel fine. It really kinds if bums me out and makes me feel like I'm out for this month.

I wonder how common it is to have no symptoms but still get a BFP when you're TTC (and looking for symptoms).
How is every1 doing? Any more :bfp:s?I will be testing Sunday if AF doesn't beat me to it ;) x
I am out,crazy :witch: showed up a day early. So I am back onto the week long of clomid, gonal f and ultrasounds. Hopefully next month or the end of this month the IUI will go better.

Good Luck and :dust::dust: to everyone still waiting to test!
Seems like AF has really been doing a number on us girls the past few days...even showing up early for a lot of us! Boo to AF!
My Af is due today but usually starts in the afternoon. My boobs are normal, no cramping really, minimal symptoms compared to last cycle. Don't like my chances. Don't know if I should waste another hpt coz I reckon it will be bfn!
Sombra too true :cry:

I hoping for loads of BFPs the rest of the month.

Fx'd for everyone.
I was just thinking that as I was looking at the dates and ladies testing!

Too Many :witch:'s on there!!

My SIL/best friend went for her 20 week scan today and found out she is having a baby girl :) Over the moon for her and her partner :) Seeing the picture just made me more determined than ever, even my OH melted just a bit ;)

I am feeling more positive for next month already xx

There are way too many :witch:'s

We were doing soo good in the beginning.. What the heck happened!?
I am out,crazy :witch: showed up a day early. So I am back onto the week long of clomid, gonal f and ultrasounds. Hopefully next month or the end of this month the IUI will go better.

Good Luck and :dust::dust: to everyone still waiting to test!

:hugs: I'm sorry....
Hopefully next month!! :) :dust:
And the TWW begins! Had a positive OPK this morning and by the time i got home it was negative! Felt cramps today around my right ovary, pretty sure I ovulated. We bd'd to catch the little egg!
Hey everyone so I'm 6dpo and (TMI)......my cp is really high i can barely reach it. So hope thats a good sign. But my best friend is probably gonna have her baby boy on saturday (inducing her cuz of low fluid) and my second nephew is due in two weeks. So getting excited to have some new borns around and extremely jealous at the same time 8-[ Im down for the 26th but AF is due the 19 so probably test before then. It would be nice to get a :bfp: before the 26th considering that marks 10 of ttc :awww:
kategirl- i know the feeling.. sigh

heh btw i love that everyone here talks about checking their mucus and feeling their cervix when so many women wont even use ob tampons cause eww icky they have to touch themselves =). i wonder how many people are just lying.
I am having some slight cramping, hoping it's implantation... Also having increased watery-cloudy cm... Is that a sign of pregnancy??

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