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+++ February - Leap Year - Testers (119 Testers, 17 BFP's) +++

Well Af hasn't shown up and I'm usually a 26 day cycle so if it shows up tomorrow it's a 28 day cycle this month. Still don't have much in the way of symptoms other than some mild nausea and daily headaches. Boobs aren't sore at all but lots of veins ( I am pale normally so can usually see veins!). Not going to test today. If no Af by tomorrow I'll test then. Good luck everyone else!
Wow February 4th was a great day! Congrats to all!!

Thank you. Looks like it could be a busy labour ward!!! Lol

Hey Pug, did you have any other symptoms besides your bb's hurting???

I'm having some slight cramping and today I am exhausted... I'm 5dpo...
I'm trying not to symptom spot, but it's so hard!!


I had a lot of cramping too which has eased now. I also had a headache around 6dpo which is so unusual for me as I never get headaches, only very occassionally during my af. I did maybe feel more tired but I wouldn't say it was a major symptom, I am feeling more exhausted now at 5 weeks then I did earlier on. I also had a lot of gas and I still do.

I'm also bloated, we went out for a meal last night and I had to unbutton my top jean button, I've never done that in my life!!!

I didn't experience IB.

I really hope this is your month Sweetpea. Xxx

ladies who have had bfps, did you have symptoms before missed af? x


I am just over five weeks pg. I didn't get my BFP until 10dpo which was the faintest line you have even seen. But I knew I was pregnant at 5dpo my bb were soooo sore! They still are..... I also came over very very nauseous on the evening of 5dpo. My cervix was also very high.

Wishing all the February ladies lots of dust. Xx


Just to give some of you girls hope- I really didn't have many symptoms before missed af- the only things that stood out were a bruise like pain on the right hand side of my pubic bone & the day before my bfp (so 12dpo) I got a headache so bad it made me feel dizzy/sea sick.

No sore boobs- they're only slightly sore now at night. & still only a few symptoms (frequent urination started early so did bloating but that comes & goes now! Thirsty & hungry all the time, slight nausea if I don't eat).

Hth! Baby dust to you all

AF officially showed up. Usually this is disappointing, but this month was just cruel after getting a really faint second line on 2 tests. I don't know what to think, I wish I didn't test early and got my hopes up. :cry:

:dust: to all of you!
AF officially showed up. Usually this is disappointing, but this month was just cruel after getting a really faint second line on 2 tests. I don't know what to think, I wish I didn't test early and got my hopes up. :cry:

:dust: to all of you!

I'm sorry :hugs:
Its hard when you get your hopes up.
Fx'd for next month!!
Any ladies who got their BFP have a similar looking chart as mine? I'm trying not to get my hopes up. :blush: The temps themselves aren't any higher than other cycles, but the pattern is definitely different. :shrug:
I tested today at 9 dpo and got a BFN, but I expected it. Just couldn't wait since there was a chance! I still think I'm out (I'm just not feeling it), but you never know...
I'm out, :witch: arrived this morning. I am gutted :(
Fingers crossed for those still waiting
Ok, question to those who use FF...

My cm is best describe as lotion like - its cloudy white in color and is a mix of watery and creamy... Which do I mark that as? Creamy or watery? I've been putting creamy but wanted input... Sorry of this is TMI, but I'm trying to chart things as accurate as possible.

Also, for those who are pregnant or may know the answer...
When you have implantation, do you feel a sort of twinge/slight cramp every once and awhile, and is it just on one side?

I keep getting a strange feeling, and I'm hoping that's what it is. I'm not trying to get my hopes up, but easier said than done. Lol.
I'm out now. Witch got me overnight! On a 28 day cycle now. Good luck everyone else!
Sorry monkeymum and wannabemum23, good luck for next month :)

Day 7 for me of the 2ww. Temperature dropped from 36.6 to 36.2 yesterday, then was back up to 36.6 today so fingers crossed it was an implantation dip! Fighting the urge not to test until Wednesday (10 dpo) but tempted to try on Valentine's Day, just in case...
AF was due on 11th, had some faint lines on ic tests, going to buy a digi tomorrow!
Ok, question to those who use FF...

My cm is best describe as lotion like - its cloudy white in color and is a mix of watery and creamy... Which do I mark that as? Creamy or watery? I've been putting creamy but wanted input... Sorry of this is TMI, but I'm trying to chart things as accurate as possible.

Also, for those who are pregnant or may know the answer...
When you have implantation, do you feel a sort of twinge/slight cramp every once and awhile, and is it just on one side?

I keep getting a strange feeling, and I'm hoping that's what it is. I'm not trying to get my hopes up, but easier said than done. Lol.

Hiya SweetPea! I would mark the CM as creamy. If you put down watery or eggwhite, FF will change your crosshairs to dotted lines b/c you're putting down fertile CM. I'd then write it down in your notes that it's a combo of the two.

As for the tuggings, I get these every month. For some women, it's b/c of implantation and for others it's not. I'd be sure to record them so you'll be able to compare them to what you experience other months. FX'd for you that you have a sticky bean. :hugs:
Ok, question to those who use FF...

My cm is best describe as lotion like - its cloudy white in color and is a mix of watery and creamy... Which do I mark that as? Creamy or watery? I've been putting creamy but wanted input... Sorry of this is TMI, but I'm trying to chart things as accurate as possible.

Also, for those who are pregnant or may know the answer...
When you have implantation, do you feel a sort of twinge/slight cramp every once and awhile, and is it just on one side?

I keep getting a strange feeling, and I'm hoping that's what it is. I'm not trying to get my hopes up, but easier said than done. Lol.

I agree, I would mark it as creamy, but make a note that it's kind of watery as well. I had major twinges/pinches/weird cramps last cycle, which obviously turned out to be nothing. But I've read lots of stories where they were something....so you really never know. FX for you!
So I am back on the bandwagon, today is CD3 and I started the clomid today, and then next week its on to the Gonal-f shots and so hopefully I will get the IUI in the next two weeks and can still test in FEB. Keeping my fingers crossed and :dust::dust::dust: to all still trying!
**List is updated**

C'mon girls!! We need more :bfp:'s!!! We were doing so well in the beginning of the month (especially on the 4th). We gotta make a comeback!!!


Go Team Go!! :haha:

Hi SweetPea, put me down for testing on the 14th (If I can convince myself not to test tomorrow AM...). I don't think I'll be the next BFP - I don't feel ANYTHING this cycle. I could have sworn last cycle was my turn, I had every symptom on the book, but ended up with another BFN. So I'm trying not to get too excited this time around. But, who knows.... Baby Dust to all! xo
Well, I figure, if I don't get a bfp this month, I will have somewhat of a baby to add to the household... We're getting a puppy!! Here's the link... We're either getting him, or a sibling... So excited! :)

Siberian Husky

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