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+++ February - Leap Year - Testers (119 Testers, 17 BFP's) +++

hrm lying in real life not on here, if that didnt make sense
I am having some slight cramping, hoping it's implantation... Also having increased watery-cloudy cm... Is that a sign of pregnancy??

i was wondering that too since im in the same boat so i googled it. apparently it can be a sign but it is also a natural thing for the luteal phase. ugg!

Sigh... i just spent about two hours on youtube watching people tell their parents they are pregnant...needless to say i need a tissue.
Hey Sweetpea, can you add me to February 28th? Thank you. =).

Little back story.
Me - 18, history of LPD, cervical cancer, and recurrent miscarriages.
DH - 31, healthy. No SA yet.

This is our first cycle officially trying to have our first child. This month we are charting temps/CP/CM, BD'ing every day during my fertile phase, using OPK's, taking 2400mg of Guaifenesin five days leading to O and one day after, increasing water intake, and laying still for 30 minutes after DTD.

Any tips from ladies that received BFP's this month?
It was our second month trying because I stressed out first month & o'd a week late so we missed it! here's what I did: bd'd every other day throughout fertile window, lay down for at least an hour after, often all night, with my hips in the air for as long as I could manage! Lol used conceive plus. No temping or opks. I went out & bought a massive stack of tampons & pant liners, started a TTC journal & bought grapefruit juice for the following months all to ward off af & not jinx it!! Lol & I thought positively & trusted that it would work (I figured if it didn't I would deal with that later!) lol so tried to relax & see what happened- & it worked!!! :D my advice: stock up on feminine products! Ha ha ha

Good luck to all still to test xxx
I am having some slight cramping, hoping it's implantation... Also having increased watery-cloudy cm... Is that a sign of pregnancy??
Hey sweet pea...that does sound promising.....atleast better than not having any symptoms..LOL..be positive.....
Lets hope its a BFP eventually......
Thought I would go straight from Jan to March as I usually have long (31-36) cycles, but surprised myself by Oing on Day 15 for the first time in ages! So I'll be testing Feb 25th! Good luck girlies!
It was our second month trying because I stressed out first month & o'd a week late so we missed it! here's what I did: bd'd every other day throughout fertile window, lay down for at least an hour after, often all night, with my hips in the air for as long as I could manage! Lol used conceive plus. No temping or opks. I went out & bought a massive stack of tampons & pant liners, started a TTC journal & bought grapefruit juice for the following months all to ward off af & not jinx it!! Lol & I thought positively & trusted that it would work (I figured if it didn't I would deal with that later!) lol so tried to relax & see what happened- & it worked!!! :D my advice: stock up on feminine products! Ha ha ha

Good luck to all still to test xxx

Thinking I should go to Costco and buy a CASE of tampons! I need something that will work! 8 months and nothing has worked yet!
Omg... I'm at work, and I'm soooo sleepy :(
It's actually physically hard to keep my eyes from dozing.
I'm trying not to symptom spot, but this is like super bad. I got about 7 hrs of sleep last night, so there's really no reason why that wouldn't have been enough sleep.
kategirl- i know the feeling.. sigh

heh btw i love that everyone here talks about checking their mucus and feeling their cervix when so many women wont even use ob tampons cause eww icky they have to touch themselves =). i wonder how many people are just lying.

I don't check anything because I'm kind of in the "eeewww I don't want to know that" camp. Which is odd because I'm a nurse and I can dig in the grossest, most infected wound all day long, and it doesn't phase me. I'm crazy! (But I already knew that.)
**List is updated**

C'mon girls!! We need more :bfp:'s!!! We were doing so well in the beginning of the month (especially on the 4th). We gotta make a comeback!!!


Go Team Go!! :haha:
**List is updated**

C'mon girls!! We need more :bfp:'s!!! We were doing so well in the beginning of the month (especially on the 4th). We gotta make a comeback!!!


Go Team Go!! :haha:

i agree!! i want to see some good news!!
Me too! I may end up getting to test again in February. It kind of depends on how my cycle decides to behave. :)
ladies who have had bfps, did you have symptoms before missed af? x


I am just over five weeks pg. I didn't get my BFP until 10dpo which was the faintest line you have even seen. But I knew I was pregnant at 5dpo my bb were soooo sore! They still are..... I also came over very very nauseous on the evening of 5dpo. My cervix was also very high.

Wishing all the February ladies lots of dust. Xx

I'm not sure I'm going to see my :bfp: this month. I'm not sure if we caught the eggy. We BD's last Friday and Saturday, but I didn't get any pains either on the right or left side like I have been getting these last few months at all this week. I haven't been symptom spotting as much either. Ugh...maybe I'll be surprised. :shrug:
hello i am looking for a forum to join, i just had a baby in Dec but my hubby is deploying to Afghanistan and wants to try between now and April, we are 33 and he is 35 and we had a beautiful baby boy via c-section he was born at 34 weeks due to an infection so i told him we will try as god permits if it happens then it was meant to be but, i am not going to be using bc but i am not going to be going all out anyways looking to hang out here if that is ok

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