Feeding in public


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2013
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I'm a ftm and anxious of feeding in public. I've done it once in asda cafe and it was fine but not since then. Do you do it anywhere or find somewhere quiet and private? I'm thinking cafés/coffee shops are the easiest but then it's finding one.

Would love to know what you all do? Do you use anything to be discreet?
With my DS, who is now 3 i was very nervous, and kept a thin scarf in my bag that i would use to cover up. And would always go to a cafe or to the car to feed. This time, we dont have a car, so i literally feed wherever i am. Im alot more confident.
I like going into cafes/ coffee shops i just randomly pick one that has comfy seats, or just seats. Its a good excuse to have a drink and a slice of cake. As long as im comfy, im happy to feed dd.

I dont bother using a scarf this time, i layer my tops and iv just made some nursing vests and they make it all quite discreet.
I really don't care, I'll feed anywhere and everywhere. I've never had any negative comments and if anyone looks at me I smile broadly at them. I think that lets them know I'm not intimidated! Really though you're not doing anything wrong, you're feeding your baby. Don't be ashamed!
I don't feed in public often, but when I do I don't tend to try to find somewhere private because it would be more trouble than it's worth dragging my toddler away from what he's doing. I just feed LO wherever my 2 year old is playing. I don't cover up with anything because he doesn't seem to like it. It's not like anyone can really see much anyway.
I feed anyway now but at first I was very nervous. I used to use a blanket to cover over but I found that brought more attention so I don't bother with anything now.

Last weekend I took my older son to Clark's for some new trainers and there was a huge que so I just sat on one of the stools and fed my baby son while my mum and son looked at the trainers. I would rather sit and feed than walk around looking for somewhere to feed with a distressed and hungry baby xx
I just try and find a comfy seat and go for it. I don't neither to cover up but don't show that much boob anyway. Some people in Northern Ireland (especially older generations) can be pretty backward and judgy but if I see anyone give me a funny look then I usually make a point of saying 'hello' brightly. It breaks the tension and turns the embarrassment onto them not me.
Ftm here, but I won't be shamed away from feeding my baby. I was on a vacation without a car and I just fed him on park benches, airplanes, etc. Yes, it was busy, but I covered up and all was well. A Hindu lady was disgusted by it, but I didn't bat an eye. Don't let it get to you, they just don't understand.
I cover with a flannel blanket while latching and take it off once she is on. Don't likie? Don't lookie. :)
It must have taken me to 4 months before I got rid of that fear of b'ing in public and once I decided just to go for it it made it so much easier. I would bf on packed trains, at a table in a cafe, restaurants....anywhere really. I got my cofidence my practising at home using the vest top under another top trick (this is seriously the best way to be discrete) and I'd often wear a light scarf to cover an flesh if I felt I needed to. Hand on heart, I honestly don't think anyone really ever knew I was feeding her!
Have a look at a video on youtube on how to feed discretely and go for it mama!! Good luck x
At first I used to find cafes etc, but actually it's quite expensive to do that. So just anywhere will do, nobody notices in busy places really.
With DD1 I was nervous and rarely did it, I even went into another room at home when we had guests, it made it all pretty hard going TBH.

This time I decided to hell with it and it is sooo much easier and less stressful!

Generally I have been just using the 2 tops or a muslin over my shoulder (but not covering baby's head) if I haven't got the 2 tops on. I usually feed in a cafe, restaurant etc... and I have also fed on the beach and a park bench! It gets easier each time :thumbup: I did pop to a bedroom though at a family party a couple of weeks ago, it just felt more comfy with all that was going on!
I have no problem doing it in public...I have asked like today I got stuck at a rental car place and asked if it was ok...and of course they said yes. My problem is my boobs r VERY large and it's soooo hard to be discrete and cover up. My mom was with me today so she helped me cover up with a blanket. :/
I can feed in the sling this time, so I really do just feed anywhere and everywhere. It wouldn't be possible to get DS1 to sit still everytime I have to feed the baby, so I just keep going and pop a boob in his mouth. If I do want to sit somewhere, I try and find somewhere comfy. Discretion isn't my priority-keeping everyone fed and happy is! :) I do wear h&m nursing tops, so I don't just pull my top down to feed. Only used a cover twice with my eldest and hated it so never bothered since! X

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