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Feeling ill


2 perfect boys & 1 gorgeous girl
Nov 7, 2011
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I keep getting waves of extreme nausea on and off throughout the day. At first I thought I’d caught a bug but it’s been for over a week and it seems to be getting worse. Anyone else having this? I think the acid doesn’t help. It really takes it out of me though and I feel like I have to go and lie down. I’ve got 2 other kids to look after though so resting is not always an option.

Help! Never had this with the previous 2. Also keep getting awful spasms in the back of my legs at night which are so painful.
Omg I’ve had the exact same thing.
I’ve been really sickly for the last few days and, sorry tmi, my bowels are going crazy, not loose but I have to literally run to make the toilet.

No idea whether it’s pregnancy related or just a bit run down x
Me too! Nausea and morning sickness is back with a vengeance along with backache, and cramps, I was monitored last night that was picking up a few contractions again, also theres a problem with my iron levels again I think need them re done!

Not long left now!
I really can’t wait until I have this baby out now. 5 weeks feels like forever away. I feel run down too.

Are you guys still working? I finish a week on Saturday and it can’t come soon enough!!!
Hlx are you still taking your iron supplements?

I wondered about mine too as really short of breath and weak but last time they checked at the booking in appointment my ferritin was 86 so it’s probably still ok.

Hollie how far along are you??
I'm still taking my iron but I think they are shit! The doctor I saw last night was fuming as I should have been offered iron injections at 28 weeks as it was dangerously low, and I don't think these iron tablets are working!

I'm not working I finished at 30 weeks just before I got admitted to hospital in preterm labour! Good thing I left really, I work in retail and was on my feet for hours a day, I would never have managed right now!
Oh no don’t blame you at all! I’ve thought about going off sick but I hate calling in. Go off at 36 weeks so will hopefully have a few weeks to relax before the newborn craziness begins. Just hope this nausea and the leg pains don’t last until the end..

I wonder if they will give you an iron infusion now then?? Do you normally run low on iron or is it just the pregnancy?? I bet you’d feel so much better after an infusion. It might have contributed to your symptoms a lot. What was your ferritin level? The lowest I’ve been was 28 about a year before I got pregnant and I felt so shocking.
Oh no don’t blame you at all! I’ve thought about going off sick but I hate calling in. Go off at 36 weeks so will hopefully have a few weeks to relax before the newborn craziness begins. Just hope this nausea and the leg pains don’t last until the end..

I wonder if they will give you an iron infusion now then?? Do you normally run low on iron or is it just the pregnancy?? I bet you’d feel so much better after an infusion. It might have contributed to your symptoms a lot. What was your ferritin level? The lowest I’ve been was 28 about a year before I got pregnant and I felt so shocking.

I've suffered with iron deficiency on and off for about 10 years, but this is the lowest it got to, pregnancy does normally make it much worse for me, but I haven't been on iron tablets for a good few years prior! I'm hoping they give me something stronger as I do genuinely feel awful! I'm not sure on ferritin levels they did tell me but this was back at 28 weeks and I cant remember lol I know they used haemoglobin with me healthy iron is between 13 and 17mmol/L my lowest ever iron reached a 8mmol/L and I believe this time was around a 5 or 6mmol/L I think that's almost transfusion levels, I think my auntie had a blood transfusion when her haemoglobin reached a 5, so I'm a bit confused as to why they didn't bother offering me anything stronger just incase! Even my iron tablets now are rubbish I've been on stronger ones when my irons been higher!
Oh no poor you. I hope they get you sorted really soon. Sounds like they’ve probably made a mistake not offering you more. Maybe your hb was low but your ferritin (stored iron) was ok..

I still feel on/off sick and to top it off my back is aching so badly today. I had planned to paint the nursery today but looks like that plan has gone out of the window. It hurts to walk/sit/lie down/live now and I just want this baby out. I still have stuff to do though so at the same time I need time before her arrival

I am panicking about the thought of having 3 kids to do the school run with.. last time my eldest wasn’t at school so just had to get him to nursery twice a week but I’m worried I’m going to struggle getting 3 kids out of the door and to school on time.
I'm also worrying about the school run! Its going to be absolutely mental trying to get all 3 kids out of the door :rofl: especially as the midwife today told me baby has pretty much fully engaged and to one million percent expect an October baby... that means school runs with 3 kids a bit sooner than expected lol!
I'm also worrying about the school run! Its going to be absolutely mental trying to get all 3 kids out of the door :rofl: especially as the midwife today told me baby has pretty much fully engaged and to one million percent expect an October baby... that means school runs with 3 kids a bit sooner than expected lol!
Ooooh that’s exciting! Wow not long now then! I want mine out but also want to keep her in as I finish work Saturday and want a few days to get organised before her arrival!!! Torn between feelings. Can’t wait to hear your news :)
Ooooh that’s exciting! Wow not long now then! I want mine out but also want to keep her in as I finish work Saturday and want a few days to get organised before her arrival!!! Torn between feelings. Can’t wait to hear your news :)

I've been off work since August hahaha! Technically only been on mat leave for about 2/3 weeks though as I took holidays first, I had to go I literally couldn't be on my feet any longer! I'm only a little short arse and the weight of this baby was killing my poor back in work and that was back in August! God knows what I'd be like if I was still working :rofl:
I finished today. Phew. So relieved. Now need to get organised and pack a hospital bag as I’m thinking this little lady is going to make an early arrival. Keep getting niggly periody type cramps.

Does anyone else keep having vivid dreams too?? Mine are a bit
Crazy at the mo. Had this in early pregnancy too.

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