Feeling super impatient...so close yet so far, anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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This pregnancy feels like it has flown by...until I hit about 36 weeks and it is just DRAGGING

Every day feels like forever. I am so uncomfortable. Can't sleep. Restless legs. Breathless. Sore. I mean this is my fourth baby so I should be a pro but this one has taken the worst toll on my body.

I am SUCH an impatient person in general and I hate not knowing whether it will be another two or four weeks if I go overdue.

Anyone else at the final hurdle and just done?!

Also I've never been induced so I've had to wait for spontaneous labour with my others which were 41 weeks, 40+2 and my last on his due date.

Anyone else want to be impatient and moody with me XD
Me please!! :wacko:

I’m on the countdown, 15 days left... then I think about going two weeks over and I want to curl up in a ball and die :nope: Every day I torture myself thinking maybe today! And then I’m disappointed. Ugh, why can’t pregnancy just be a little shorter :haha:
Me please!! :wacko:

I’m on the countdown, 15 days left... then I think about going two weeks over and I want to curl up in a ball and die :nope: Every day I torture myself thinking maybe today! And then I’m disappointed. Ugh, why can’t pregnancy just be a little shorter :haha:

I just hate not knowing XD I feel like I've more than done my time haha
Oh my god, I could have written this post!
I have never been so uncomfortable for so long in my life. I am so very thankful to have had quite easy pregnancy, but since 37 weeks, I have been in constant pain and discomfort, and counting the days for a while now, hoping everyday is the big day! So far nothing is happening yet.
Would love to have some company xxx
I keep having this ridiculous hope that the baby is going to come on Thursday - no reason, it’s just the date I set in my mind. I keep telling DH not to plan anything for that day because that’s when the baby is coming :haha: If he doesn’t come then, I’ll have to pick another date to get me through the weeks haha
Haha, me!! I remember thinking maybe I'd have the baby on the day of royal wedding, and well, I have two hours before the 19th is over. ;) Then I think the 22nd for some reason...well, I have zero labor signs at all. It does feel like it's dragging.

I do have C-Section scheduled for the 18th which is only 9, nearly 8, days away.....but I want her to come on her own so I don't have to have the C-Section!!

Are you ladies doing anything to try to bring on labor? I'm doing RLT and bouncing on my birthing ball...that's basically it. Trying to DTD but TBH neither DH nor I are that into it at the moment haha. Maybe I'll start eating dates :dohh:
Yeah Allie I’m drinking tons of RLT, I order it off Amazon in bulk :haha: Also been walking tons. DH and I went to the mall today and I walked for like 4 hours straight. But I’m starting to think it’s all pointless and the babies will just come when they want haha

DH doesn’t want to dtd, he’s worried about being too rough, and tbh I don’t really feel like it either.
Haha I had some dates in my mind too! May 10th, then 18th, but (obviously) Im still here!
Im bouncing on my ball as I type this, and also walking a ton daily & DTD even though none of us feel for it either
Oh tried spicy food too, all I got was bad burning when I went to the bathroom (sorry for TMI)
I feel exactly the same had on off Braxton Hicks for 4 week and then this week they have increased started to be regular and then stopped. They are. Now all throughout the day but are keep stopping and starting. Just feel so frustrated now. Got 2 weeks to go and I just can’t imagine this going on for any longer. Today it’s been on off all day. Have a sweep in a week and 3 day hope it works.just feel so frustrated and achy. Dh is sick of my moaning.
I'm fed up with the aches and pains of pregnancy. Although I'm only 30 weeks, the baby at my scan was measuring 33 to 34 weeks so it feels like I'm further along than I really am. Also, I have birthed between 35 to 39 weeks so really I can't ever predict when labor is going to happen for me. I'm tired of the endless runs to pee, the pelvis pain, the leg cramps, being unable to get comfortable at night, unable to bend much to get the house work done... just a few more weeks is what I keep telling myself.
I'm 34+1 and ever since my csection got scheduled time has been dragging.
Only 4 weeks and 1 day left to go but it feels like forever away. At the same time, I'd like for it to last a bit longer because I'm getting my tubes tied as this is my fourth baby (4 boys eek lol) and pregnancy and my body do not get along well.
1st pregnancy I had hypertension that turned into pre eclampsia at the end. Big baby 9 lbs 1 oz induction turned emergency csection.
2nd pregnancy (twins) bed rest from 12 weeks until I delivered, threatened pre term labor from 30 weeks, pre E developed at 34 weeks, delivered at 36 weeks due to pre e.
So far this time I've had extremely low iron, my arthritis in my hips is acting up plus SPD, been at the hospital every two weeks since about 26 weeks, Severe back pain made worse by pregnancy from a wreck I had a year ago, and baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead.
I haven't been able to sleep since before I found out I was pregnant.
Hows everyone doing? Any news?
AFM, finally have my appointment later today (excited!), hopefully can find out if Im dilated at all or cervix is still closed & firm.
Have been having period pain, diarrhea and shooting pain in my thighs since last night, maybe a pre-labor sign?
Nothing yet, family is counting down the days :p I’m trying to convince DH to dtd to see if we can’t kick start anything.

Sounds like promising signs! What happened @ your appointment? My midwife doesn’t do cervical checks so I never know what’s going on down there :haha:
Hope sounds promising!!!

I am having no signs...had some AF cramps last night, nothing tonight. DH and DTD tonight and it didn't even given me BH contractions!

I have an appointment tomorrow and as I'm 38 weeks now they will check my cervix if I ask but I'm worried I'll just be disappointed so maybe won't even ask. :haha: Maybe if they'd sweep me but they won't before 39 weeks and that's a day before I'm scheduled to have a C-Section anyways.

(C-Section is if I get to 39 weeks as Baby will be too big for my body after that point probably considering my last delivery where DS got stuck for hours).
Well, just got back from my app, cervix still not dilated at all haha
According to the doc, I most likely will go at least 40-41 weeks, oh well

Sander-I asked my doc just now, and she said sex does work for some! so who knows, maybe you will be one of the lucky few

Allie- baby getting stuck sounds really scary! Hopefully you will either go into labor before 29th or go ahead with the C section if she doesnt come before then. Will they do a growth scan tomorrow? How big is the baby at this point? I got a scan today, they said she is 6.7 lbs right now
So fed up! Keep getting contractions for a few hours every night like never that intense but every ten minutes. And almost a week and a half ago when I Went on the monitor for reduced movements i was having loads of tightenings. But still nothing. They just die off. I've never had slow labour before out of four pregnancies and it sucks.

I feel like I'll be reaching my due date and beyond tbh, no mucus plug, no symptoms etc.

Pity party over here haha
Also I've been taking raspberry leaf capsules every day since about 34 weeks, other than that I haven't tried much because I tried everything with my first and he was a week late haha
This is so me!! After hating pregnancy for 25 weeks due to feeling like death; the last trimester hitting has really got to me emotionally. I'm trying to enjoy every second but also willing it away so I can meet my little lady.
I’m 26+2 today so I’m not at all close. I watched my sister give birth to her daughter 2 weeks ago so now I’m like impatient as can be. Like let’s get this damn show on the road!! Lol.

Good luck to all you ladies who are right there!!
Still no real symptoms like mucus plug etc...ahhh. 39 weeks tomorrow. Come on baby :(

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