Feeling tiny kicks on the outside..


Double Preemie Momma
Dec 25, 2007
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Has anyone else felt kicks on the outside this early? Im only 20 weeks..but my husband last night was able to feel kicks on the outside of my tummy. He was soo happy. I mean they are very tiny and subtle but you can feel them none the less.

I have been feeling them on the outside for like a week now but I sort of thought maybe it was just because I could also feel them on the inside, and you know my mind was playing tricks on me! hehe

I will mention..before getting pregnant my stomach was probably too trim, I tend to lose weight there first..thankfully. So I dont know if that affects it?

Anyways! I just just curious if anyone else has felt this..this early?

Thanks! And horray its almost the weekend! :dance:
My hubby felt his first kick at just over 20 weeks. My stomach used to be pretty trim, so I guess that may make it easier to feel them externally.

It's not so trim now though... :(
My hubby felt his first kick at just over 20 weeks. My stomach used to be pretty trim, so I guess that may make it easier to feel them externally.

It's not so trim now though... :(

Awe hun..its ok! I so feel your pain..hehe. I keep saying "Im fat" even though I know Im not...Im suppose to look this way! But it's a hard reality sometimes that you go from a nice flat tummy to what looks like you swallowed a beach ball that slowly inflates everytime you breath!

Ive seen your belly pics..you look stunning! So no complaining! hehe. :hugs:
I felt the baby move from the outside lastnight, wasent kicking, just turning over or something, so id say yeah.
I reckon you can feel them on the outside from 19 weeks onwards. I have never felt them sooner than that but I am a large lady too xxx
Yeh my hubbys bin feeling them for a couple of weeks now but with our first was about 20wks
Yeh my hubbys bin feeling them for a couple of weeks now but with our first was about 20wks

Thats so cool for the hubbys!

I guess I didnt think it could happen since most people have told me its not very likely yet. But Im pretty sure there is NO other reasoning my stomach would be moving like that! hehe!
Mat just felt her for the first time the other night! Its just a matter of catching her when she is moving, really.

BTW, this rain is shite, isn't it nkbapbt? What the hell? It was so warm the past few days. I want to go to Alberta again.
I felt my first outside kick this morning! My OH has yet to feel it yet. He feels a bit left out!
Mat just felt her for the first time the other night! Its just a matter of catching her when she is moving, really.

BTW, this rain is shite, isn't it nkbapbt? What the hell? It was so warm the past few days. I want to go to Alberta again.

Yeah I think that is the TRICK..catching the little one when they are moving around. I can feel them on the outside more because I tend to keep my hands on my stomach when I lay down on my back, just so I can feel.

And about this weather! I dont know....its utter CRAP! I hate it. I wore flip flops and a tshirt to work today...no coat..:hissy: I miss Alberta too! I miss the country..and the sky. Im going to Edmonton soon though..even just for a couple of days.

Are you going to the westcoast moms baby shower this month?
Ive been feeling them on the outside since 18wks :) Its an awsome feeling, still havnt got hubs to feel them tho everytime I call him to me to feel them she stops LOL
Mat just felt her for the first time the other night! Its just a matter of catching her when she is moving, really.

BTW, this rain is shite, isn't it nkbapbt? What the hell? It was so warm the past few days. I want to go to Alberta again.

Yeah I think that is the TRICK..catching the little one when they are moving around. I can feel them on the outside more because I tend to keep my hands on my stomach when I lay down on my back, just so I can feel.

And about this weather! I dont know....its utter CRAP! I hate it. I wore flip flops and a tshirt to work today...no coat..:hissy: I miss Alberta too! I miss the country..and the sky. Im going to Edmonton soon though..even just for a couple of days.

Are you going to the westcoast moms baby shower this month?

haven't even heard of this? Details, lady!
Mat just felt her for the first time the other night! Its just a matter of catching her when she is moving, really.

BTW, this rain is shite, isn't it nkbapbt? What the hell? It was so warm the past few days. I want to go to Alberta again.

Yeah I think that is the TRICK..catching the little one when they are moving around. I can feel them on the outside more because I tend to keep my hands on my stomach when I lay down on my back, just so I can feel.

And about this weather! I dont know....its utter CRAP! I hate it. I wore flip flops and a tshirt to work today...no coat..:hissy: I miss Alberta too! I miss the country..and the sky. Im going to Edmonton soon though..even just for a couple of days.

Are you going to the westcoast moms baby shower this month?

haven't even heard of this? Details, lady!

Here you go...Plus the westcoast moms is a very cool website! =)


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