I just wanted to reply to your post as im feeling the same but have been through this all before and did eventually get my bfp which sadly ended in a stillbirth but even then i knew i had to try again, jus looking for that silver lining and thinking positively. After stillbirth i knew there was more chance because you are more fertile after birth so that gave me hope. I had the same hope after every chemical pregnancy too. Its hard and depressing and you do feel as if you hate your body at times. Feeling pity for yourself is easy but remaining positive is hard. Somedays the pity takes over and somedays the positive wins. I found my days wasted away peeing in cups and staring at tests. When i look back i feel i am heading there again now we are trying again. If there is any tests in the house i will no resist, in fact i will buy some and order online and wait for the post obsessively. Life evolves around your cycle. Best we can do is remain positive, be proactive to get yourself out of the rut when it gets too much, and plan ahead so when you are in your tww you have other goals to achieve. For me i tried to stay away from home and plan more things that would get me out of the house, stay at a relatives, work overtime, meals with friends etc so i am preferably not home or home late and too tired to test! What i can say because of my experience is that it is all worth it in the end. Hugs and lots of best of luck x