Hi all! I know this is crazy, but I have actually read this entire thread!

I found it a couple of weeks ago while frantically searching for hope during my TWW and didn't expect it to be up to date. It's nice to meet all of you!
A little background...I'm 28 my DH is 34. We have been trying for just about a year. About 6 months into it I just had a feeling something wasn't right (was on bc for 10 years stopped had one regular cycle then nada). Saw my family doc (no answers) saw my obgyn (no answers) finally referred to an RE and diagnosed with PCOS (the skinny kind i guess?) and a bicornuate uterus (not septate- that would be too easy). He started me on 2.5 days 3-7 (no response) upped it to 5 same cycle (some response) then finally 7.5 still same cycle and bam 2 follies, triggered, and waited. I was suppose to wait until Wed to test, but couldn't and got a BFN

Hopefully the next cycle I will have better luck. Like Lola, because of my funky uterii I can't do anything stronger than oral meds. Really excited to have women to talk to other than my fertile myrtle friends.