Jessica: Yay! Congrats on ovulating! Now the tww (two week wait) it is the hardest part, but try and keep yourself busy with other things and not thing about it. Good luck!
MnGmakes3: Welcome to the group. I hope Femara works better for you than Clomid. Most of us will agree it is WAY better. I think you should be fine to bed before your appointment.
Tonya: Ugh! How frustrating. I hope you heal fast.
Braven: Welcome. Clomid SUCKS! It is hard to be hopeful, but Femara really is a million times better than Clomid. I hope you have a much better experience on it.
MK: Cramps are the worst! Take a nap, that is what I do. 
AFM: CD 9, I need to start OPK tomorrow, but I am really not feeling it. In other news, we finally added to our family! We got the cutest puppy ever! I will try and post a pic.