With my first I never produced enough breast milk. He really hated nursing, so I just figured that was why. He didn't latch, he didn't suck enough, ect. Now with my second I am having the same problem. Only this boy LOVES nursing. He latches really well, and he drains me all the time. I can't bring myself to let him go hungry, and honestly I can't take care of him without getting some sleep, so we do supplement. I've heard that taking fenugreek can help increase my supply. Does anyone have any experience with it?
I am not looking for anyone to tell me how wrong I am to supplement, or that supplementing is the reason I am not producing enough milk. After a week of a hungry little boy and no sleep we decided it was best. He really prefers nursing, and I always nurse first until I am empty, and when he is done with a bottle I have him comfort suck on me rather than giving him a pacifier.
I am not looking for anyone to tell me how wrong I am to supplement, or that supplementing is the reason I am not producing enough milk. After a week of a hungry little boy and no sleep we decided it was best. He really prefers nursing, and I always nurse first until I am empty, and when he is done with a bottle I have him comfort suck on me rather than giving him a pacifier.