Fertility FAQ


Aug 31, 2006
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When is a woman's most fertile time?
A woman's most fertile time is during ovulation. Ovulation typically occurs within day 11 to day 19 of a woman's cycle.

Counting from the first day of a woman's last period, day 1 is the first day a woman starts bleeding, the 11th day is most likely the earliest day a woman will ovulate. The 19th day is most likely the last. A woman's period comes between the 28th and 32nd day of the cycle. This may differ slightly because each woman's cycle varies.

Is infertility a medical problem related to the woman only?
No, infertility is a medical problem that is related to both men and women. Men and women are effected almost equally.

For men, declining sperm counts, increased testicular abnormalities, and a decreased reach of climax are recognized as causes of infertility.

For women, the most common causes are tubal blockage, endometriosis, and waiting until later in life to try to get pregnant.

How common is infertility?
Infertility is a growing issue that many couples face. It effects 6.1 million American couples. (That is 10% of American couples of childbearing age).

25% of infertile couples have more than one reason that causes their infertility.

The growth of this medical problem may be due to woman waiting until their mid thirties to start a family, when their reproductive possibilities are lower.

STD's are becoming more common. A STD such as Chlamydia may block tubes, preventing pregnancy from occurring.

Does the position that intercourse takes place in affect fertility?
Enough sperm, after ejaculation, remains inside the woman to fertilize an egg. Therefore, certain positions do not enhance or hurt the chance of sperm reaching the egg.

What are fertility treatments?
Fertility treatments increase the likelihood of getting pregnant.

These treatments can be through a lifestyle change, surgery, medication, or assisted reproduction.

There are several treatments under assisted reproduction such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), and zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT). All of these procedures harvest a number of eggs hoping to fertilize at least one, and then insert the fertilized eggs into the uterus.

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