fetal movement question at 35weeks anyone else notice this?

Just hoping u are correct Im only allowed to stay in network for my insurance to pick up costs and obgyn has to actually refer me to hospital. I can't go to hospital without being advised to or insurance won't cover it. My family doctor had to tell me to go when i had kidney stones and the obgyn sent me one night in Dec and glad they did bc i needed appendectomy. So i trust they know what they are doing. Im just so used to feeling her move and i explained i need reassurance bc i can't lose another baby.
I felt absolutely sick to my stomach as I read this. I am so glad you are being seen again, really push for a NST if you can. Take someone else who can speak out for you, if needs be.

A doppler either with yourself using it or a doctor is not enough, you need a trace to be able to watch the heart rate and movements over 20-30 minutes to know if baby is okay or not. A doctor should know that, and tbh I would be complaining about your ob.

And the people who said movements should NOT slow down, rather they just change from big kicks to elbows, nudges, little kicks etc are correct.
Jen - thank you for the update. Keep us posted if you can.:flower:

I agree with Tasha....especially considering your history. Having been there I understand the worry and need for reassurance, and I think your doctor should too. That's disappointing.

I hope everything goes well with your appointment today.
Oh I didnt even notice your history until Moti just mentioned it. I will say that it is very easy for obs, mws etc to write angel Mummy's off as just OTT, paranoid, highly strung etc but dont let them sweetie. You havent felt movement for a long time and even if you had, if you need reassurance then you deserve it :hugs:
Thanks ladies! I am waiting to be seen now. I ate some fruit drank cold water before i came in hopes for some movement. I think the doctors just think i want a scan but it's not the case. I am definitely pushing for nst even if i have to pay up front for it.
Hey so i finally spoke with a nurse at obgyn on phone i am goin in today to see the male doctor at practice. Baby moved slightly last night but it was hardly anything Im wondering if its her position. Praying she's just sleepy.

Im betting she is big and she has not room..

let us know ok...your in my thoughts hun

how did u get on jen, good i hope , hugs xxxxxxxxx
Hope things are okay...I have actually felt like movements are more stronger now? Maybe its just becausee I feel EVERYTHING now. Baby doesnt just poke anymore. She full on rolls, kicks, flips. My skin feels like its constantly being stretched out! I have been told movements may decrease closer to your due date, but i thought that meant like 38 weeks and on when baby engaged? But who knows, hope things are okay!!
Had a Nst today after practically fighting the doctor for one. Came back heartbeat was fine but no movement really. Doctor finally sent for ultrasound i guess she is just sleeping bc they told me to.come back on Tuesday for another check and to cal this weekend if any change. Idk what to think all i can do is relax and just knowing i was checked makes me feel.a little better. I worried about heartbeat and plancenta along with umbilical cord. Glad all is.ok with them. She is head down facing my spine they didn't really say much to.me but seeing her eased my mind along with her heartbeat. Can't wait to have her so i won't have to worry anymore.
So glad everything is okay, hopefully the next few appointments will bring more reassurance for you.

Just wanted to say to jcliff, please ignore when people say movements decrease. They should not decrease just change what type of movements they are.
So glad everything is okay, hopefully the next few appointments will bring more reassurance for you.

Just wanted to say to jcliff, please ignore when people say movements decrease. They should not decrease just change what type of movements they are.

ignore the people who say movements decrease....???????

Yes they do infact change but they also do decrease........

at the end of all my pregnancies or at least the ones that where able to get a bit bigger cause most where preterm....they did decrease because lack of room, when upon mentioning it to my doctor I was told the baby starts to lose room to move to movements do in fact decrease...

and this has happened to all my girlfriends who has gone full term in all there pregnancies...

why on earth would you tell someone not to listen to something that doctors/nurses/ and other women have gone through and is in fact correct...

we are not saying the baby STOPS moving, we are saying the baby runs out of room and in fact the movements do in fact decrease...

I wouldnt thuink of anyone saying saying that....:hugs: ......
I dont want you to worry more then you need too, and you have tons on your plate at the moment ....
My babies movements never decrease, yes they change but the amount of movement felt should be pretty consistent.

Telling someone its ok to for movements to decrease on thread like this is saying reduced movements are ok and their not. Most of the time it is just baby having a quiet day but sometimes its not.

Reduced movements need to be checked out because that 1 time out of 100 that its not just a lazy day can be heartbreaking and life changing.
ignore the people who say movements decrease....???????

Yes they do infact chance but they also do decrease........

at the end of all my pregnancies or at least the ones that where able to get a bit bigger cause most where preterm....they did decrease because lack of room, when upon mentioning it to my doctor I was told the baby starts to lose room to move to movements do in fact decrease...

and this has happened to all my girlfriends who has gone full term in all there pregnancies...

why on earth would you tell someone not to listen to something that doctors/nurses/ and other women have gone through and is in fact correct...

we are not saying the baby STOPS moving, we are saying the baby runs out of room and in fact the movements do in fact decrease...

Please do not put to much into the last post as I think it would make you worry for no reason ......
I dont want you to worry more then you need too, and you have tons on your plate at the moment ....

Erm there is no need to be rude to me and yes telling her to not put too much into the last post is rude. I am not trying to scare women but support and give them the correct advice. When the baby has STOPPED moving it can be too late, so no one should wait until that point if they have concerns and they should ignore outdated advice (which the decrease movement is widely accepted as out dated along with the ten kicks thing, that is the reason RCOG updated their guidelines quite recently).

Why on earth would you tell someone to ignore the advice (the dont put too much into bit is basically saying ignore me) of someone who has not only had three live births and therefore knows that her movements did not decrease with them but also has had two stillbirths, one of which was almost term (36+6) and waited until the baby has stopped moving by which stage it was too late?

Below is a few bits taken from various websites, all of them are good sources of information and I would listen to them over any one else, especially considering one of them is the advice of the RCOG.

This is taken from SANDS (the stillbirth and neonatal death society) website:

It is normal for the strength of your baby’s movements to decrease in the last weeks of your pregnancy but you should still feel the same number of movements right up until labour begins.

This taken from a information leaflet done by the royal college of obstetricians and gynecologists:

The number of movements tends to increase until 32 weeks of pregnancy and then stay
about the same, although the type of movement may change as you get nearer to your due date.

This is taken from countthekicks.org:

Do babies kick less near the end of pregnancy?


Toward the end of pregnancy the baby may move differently. You may feel less kicking and more rolling. However, if you are monitoring the baby’s movements at the same time each day, it should take about the same amount of time to feel 10 movements. Call your doctor if you notice a significant change in your baby’s movement patterns or if you do not feel 10 movements in 2 hours.
ignore the people who say movements decrease....???????

Yes they do infact chance but they also do decrease........

at the end of all my pregnancies or at least the ones that where able to get a bit bigger cause most where preterm....they did decrease because lack of room, when upon mentioning it to my doctor I was told the baby starts to lose room to move to movements do in fact decrease...

and this has happened to all my girlfriends who has gone full term in all there pregnancies...

why on earth would you tell someone not to listen to something that doctors/nurses/ and other women have gone through and is in fact correct...

we are not saying the baby STOPS moving, we are saying the baby runs out of room and in fact the movements do in fact decrease...

Please do not put to much into the last post as I think it would make you worry for no reason ......
I dont want you to worry more then you need too, and you have tons on your plate at the moment ....

Erm there is no need to be rude to me and yes telling her to not put too much into the last post is rude. I am not trying to scare women but support and give them the correct advice. When the baby has STOPPED moving it can be too late, so no one should wait until that point if they have concerns and they should ignore outdated advice (which the decrease movement is widely accepted as out dated along with the ten kicks thing, that is the reason RCOG updated their guidelines quite recently).

Why on earth would you tell someone to ignore the advice (the dont put too much into bit is basically saying ignore me) of someone who has not only had three live births and therefore knows that her movements did not decrease with them but also has had two stillbirths, one of which was almost term (36+6) and waited until the baby has stopped moving by which stage it was too late?

Below is a few bits taken from various websites, all of them are good sources of information and I would listen to them over any one else, especially considering one of them is the advice of the RCOG.

This is taken from SANDS (the stillbirth and neonatal death society) website:

It is normal for the strength of your baby’s movements to decrease in the last weeks of your pregnancy but you should still feel the same number of movements right up until labour begins.

This taken from a information leaflet done by the royal college of obstetricians and gynecologists:

The number of movements tends to increase until 32 weeks of pregnancy and then stay
about the same, although the type of movement may change as you get nearer to your due date.

This is taken from countthekicks.org:

Do babies kick less near the end of pregnancy?


Toward the end of pregnancy the baby may move differently. You may feel less kicking and more rolling. However, if you are monitoring the baby’s movements at the same time each day, it should take about the same amount of time to feel 10 movements. Call your doctor if you notice a significant change in your baby’s movement patterns or if you do not feel 10 movements in 2 hours.

your telling someone to ignore there doctor, ignore the hospital and ignore other womens advance (not only me)

she is already scared and doesnt need to be scared more she is seeking medical attention she can seek.....she is coming here for comfort....

you yelling at me and picking me apart for your own entertainment is really strange.....

IM trying to calm her down, Im trying to help her out and Im trying to find her ways to get help with her hmo that she is dealing with......

but I wll tell her the truth as where a baby does grow room runs out and movement does slow down.....what once was a pattern with more room may not be a parttern anymore..
she has seen her doctor several times already and been to the hospital....
All them saying the baby is fine, why on earth would you put her on panic mode?? Not that its not but you dont know that either.....

As far as Im know we are here to help not hinder and yes if you see a difference in pattern always alert your doctor....but she has done with...

all we can do for this women now is support her and I intend to do this....

btw i have had stillbirths as well so i guess your not the only one here.....

im just trying to help and not scare here while doing so.....

I just dont see why you need to tell her to ignore peoples advice when it was sound advice.....and they where helping her as well


That said, hun have you called around for a second opinion. I have found that other doctors will give you one and if your still scared this maybe something to look into and the hmo's will pay for this. If the other doctor sees there is a problem he can then put his two sence in to the hmo and you can be seen in the hospital......

You are in my thoughts :hugs: I have been on HMO before and my mother works in medical records and billing right now so if there is anything you need to know please pm :hugs:
your telling someone to ignore there doctor, ignore the hospital and ignore other womens advance (not only me)

she is already scared and doesnt need to be scared more she is seeking medical attention she can seek.....she is coming here for comfort....

you yelling at me and picking me apart for your own entertainment is really strange.....

IM trying to calm her down, Im trying to help her out and Im trying to find her ways to get help with her hmo that she is dealing with......

but I wll tell her the truth as where a baby does grow room runs out and movement does slow down.....what once was a pattern with more room may not be a parttern anymore..
she has seen her doctor several times already and been to the hospital....
All them saying the baby is fine, why on earth would you put her on panic mode?? Not that its not but you dont know that either.....

As far as Im know we are here to help not hinder and yes if you see a difference in pattern always alert your doctor....but she has done with...

all we can do for this women now is support her and I intend to do this....

btw i have had stillbirths as well so i guess your not the only one here.....

im just trying to help and not scare here while doing so.....

I just dont see why you need to tell her to ignore peoples advice when it was sound advice.....and they where helping her as well


That said, hun have you called around for a second opinion. I have found that other doctors will give you one and if your still scared this maybe something to look into and the hmo's will pay for this. If the other doctor sees there is a problem he can then put his two sence in to the hmo and you can be seen in the hospital......

You are in my thoughts :hugs: I have been on HMO before and my mother works in medical records and billing right now so if there is anything you need to know please pm :hugs:

Really did I tell the OP to ignore the advice? OR was I talking to someone else on the thread? Cos I am pretty sure the username I used was jcliff and the OP username is jen435.

I am not 'picking your post apart' as you put and certainly not for my entertainment. I simply posted about guidelines and advice. I am sorry if that doesnt suit your experience but I refuse to not share the knowledge I have as ignoring the decreased movement thing could save a baby's life.
I would like to point out tasha is not scaring anyone. You are telling people movements decrease and its fine when its not.

When I was pregnant last time I went 13 days over due. Not once did the moment decrease it changed as baby got bigger but DID NOT decrease!

I was told the minute the pattern changed go in as being over due you are at more risk. When I was in labour I even felt him move...

Maybe the advice is different in America. But when I read her doctors were saying it was fine I wanted to tell her to ignore them. Doctors and nurses are too quick to dismiss they see you as a number not a person carrying a baby.

Why only have a go at tasha? I saw plenty of ladies saying the same thing...
my mom had 12 kids and she said that her bub def got quieter few days before labour, saving up strength for whats coming up :)
i always get sleepy bub days before my bump grows again.
but if really noticeable change in pattern always safer to be checked.
i def have days where bub is quieter, nurse in hosp told me so long as 10 -12 movements in a day its ok, but said do come check out any changes.
better safe than sorry later .
i think everyone is just tryin to help here, every pregnancy is different and every individual will feel things differently.
jen so glad things worked out xxxxxxxxxx

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