i'm sorry, I just got to finish reading the posts. can we please type in proper english?
hoping4bump - omg ur lil bump is so cute
i said gud bye 2mine after my first
Cherbare - i ope mine doesnt show 2 fast as wana try n not tell ppl til 12 weeks. how far gone do u look??
snowflakes120 - i gained 5 - 6 stone nt sure how much dat is in pounds but i woz on steroids tho whilst pregnant
sadie - dey wont give u a c-section unless u need 1 my skools cut off date nt till sep. were do u live were the cut of date is dec?? dat is wel after mine
hope every1 is gud?? omg my boobs r killin me started last nie feels like i av been punched in dem. x x
Got my BFP today and EDD of June 24th! Very excited and would love someone to share the journey with. How is everyone feeling? and symptoms?
Got my BFP today and EDD of June 24th! Very excited and would love someone to share the journey with. How is everyone feeling? and symptoms?
Congrats on your!!!!
I'm feeling nauseas but happy so I guess it balances out!How are you feeling?
Got my BFP today and EDD of June 24th! Very excited and would love someone to share the journey with. How is everyone feeling? and symptoms?
Congrats on your!!!!
I'm feeling nauseas but happy so I guess it balances out!How are you feeling?
I'm feeling fine... so far. Still early yet though haha. Boobs are starting to get sore and I keep getting headaches but otherwise good
Hi lovlies. My EDD is 20th June. Seems so long away. Even december seems ages away which is the 12 weeks stage where I can tell everyone!
Hi lovlies. My EDD is 20th June. Seems so long away. Even december seems ages away which is the 12 weeks stage where I can tell everyone!
Hi lovlies. My EDD is 20th June. Seems so long away. Even december seems ages away which is the 12 weeks stage where I can tell everyone!
I hear ya! I don't plan to tell family til we go home for Christmas - we will be 14 weeks or so!We are a within a day of our EDD's!