FINALLY my birth story - Charlie Robert James wright


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2011
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Well after a rather traumatic week, my gorgeous boy and i arrived home yesterday evening. On Sunday night my waters broke, and on Tuesday morning I was induced. Pessary inserted, we walked for the next 5 hours only to find out that I was still only 1cm :( so I was started in the drip at 6pm. About 7pm I started on gas and ir, but it wasn't even touching the pain so after an hour I had pethidine. It made me really sick and I felt awful!! It made me really out of it, but I could still feel the pain so much that I decided to have the epidural. After that everything started going wrong. My temperature and both mine and charlies heart rate went up. The paediatrician had to make 2 scratches on his head to check his oxygen levels which were ok, but our heart rates didn't go down and I was only 4 cm at half 11 so they made a decision to do a c section at 1am because we both had an acute infection.

They checked me one last time and I was 10cm!! So I had him naturally there and then and it was the best feeling, he was born at 2.18am on september 28th. He was having real trouble breathing so they pushed the panic button and there were about 7 people all round him trying to get him to breathe as he kept starting and stopping. After 10 minutes he was finally doing it on his own and I was so relieved, had a little cuddle and he was rushed away to have antibiotics, which he had to go down to the neonatal unit to have twice a day via canula which was in his foot.

After 2 days of antibiotics his infection markers had escalated from 4 to 62, but they didn't know what the infection was so we spent the day having x rays which were horrible as he had to be in a really unnatural position, blood tests which were a nightmare because his veins are hard to find, and a lumbar puncture which they recommended we didn't go to as it's really unpleasant and a needle goes into the spine to check the fluid around the spinal cord and brain.

On Friday we were still waiting for results, and Charlie was diagnose with jaundice - it wa just one thing after another going wrong. He spent the next 24 hours under phototherapy lights which was.hard because he was only allowed out every 3 hours to feed then straight back under, regardless of whether he was crying or anything and he was so sleepy I had to hand express and use formula to top up because he didn't even have the energy to open his eyes let alone feed. I felt so low having my poorly baby, having to wat h my oh leave every night and watching women come into the ward, staying the night and then going home, I was crying all the time.

On Saturday after more bloods his billareuben (jaundice) levels had returned to normal!! Finally some good news!!! So he came out fro. The lights, and slowly he began to feed more and be more responsive. His later bloods came back at half 12 Saturday night and the infection markers were also continuing to fall :) we were tolld that if things continued then we would be allowed home Monday after his antibiotics had finished and he had been monitored for 24 hours. Well, yesterday afternoon the paediatrician came and told us hat she had good news - shed discussed it with the consultant and because of the progress Charlie had made so quickly, they were happy to let us go Sunday!! So we took him to neonatal for his last lot at 7pm and were discharged at half 8 last night :)

Today is also oh's birthday so being home is even more amazing. I can't tell you how amazing it feels to e sat here writing this with my little boy asleep on my lap, every second in hospital was worth it for this feeling, I'm so in love :cloud9: xxx
I have been waiting for your story :) Reading it you have been so brave! So glad you and your lo are home :). It must be amazing. xxx
Sounds like you had a very traumatic time but so glad to read little Charlie is doing great now and you and OH have him home at last. Congratulations on your baby boy xo
Omg I know there have been lots of ladies (inc me) desperately waiting to see how it went!!! Sounds like he had a traumatic start to his life but so so glad things are better now and you are both home & doing well!!! CONGRATS Mummy!!! :D

I'm so glad everything turned out well in the end, but what trauma to have to go through.
Ahhh hun, that sounds terrifying - i'm so glad everything is ok and you have your little man home. Did they ever find out what the infection was?
Aww sorry you had such a scary time, but such a wonderful outcome! Glad all is well and congratulations!!
Glad to hear you both are doing good!! Congrats:)
Aww i was wandering how you were getting on. What a traumatic time it has been but i'm glad your all home and doing well. Congratulations :flower:
Ive been thinking about u since u said ur waters broke. I am so glad u both r ok and he is making a full recovery :)
Thanks ladies, no they didn't find out what it was they said sometimes they never know xxx
Awwww I've been waitin for this update! Thank god ur lil boy is ok :D congrats x
So glad to hear he's doing well now. Congratulations! :D
congratulations was wondering how you were doing! what did he weigh? x
Congratulations... I am glad your both home and doing well xxxx
I am so glad that Charlie came out and that you got to deliver him vaginally. I know you went through alot, both of you to be home now. I am so glad that you both are adjusting well despite the rough delivery. Thanks for sharing your birth story Jen.

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