FINALLY - The Birth of Aiden - 23.10.09 - 2.50am



I've finally found the time to write my birth story! :happydance:

Where do I start?....well, at about 5.30am on thursday the 22nd of October, I woke up and thought to myself...hmm....that's funny, I haven't woken up in the night to go for a pee :wacko: I then coughed and UH OHHH....I thought I'd wet myself a little bit. I sort of dozed off again for 2 minutes and then woke up and thought to myself, "well I suppose I'd better get up and sort myself out..." but just as I lifted myself...WHOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHH! My waters went! Bloody hell, no one told me there was THAT much! I remember giggling to myself and getting on all fours on my bed and it just kept on gushing out, I've never felt so soaking wet in all my life.

I heard the other girl who lives here get out of bed and I opened my bedroom door...she started harping on at me about how the other girl who lives here had woken her up by ringing her and crying down the phone drunk and she wasn't happy. Then she saw the look on my face and realised what had happened. My waters were STILL gushing out and I just stood there in the middle of the carpet going "HAHA LOOK!", doing some weird dance, amused at how a fountain of water was trickling constantly out the leg of my pyjama trousers.

Anyway after a bit of umming and ahhhing...I phoned the labour ward. The midwife told me to take my time, have some breakfast and get myself ready and come in. So I pottered about for half hour, not with it at myself all ready and phoned my birthing partner Stef and then my mum. Poor mum went mad, told me to keep her updated and said she was shaking so had no idea how I must have felt. Stef made her way to the hospital and I met her there. While I was waiting I was in the room all on my own and I couldn't stop farting :dohh: I'd never known anything like it! Luckily no one walked in while the fumes were still hovering around.

So they sent me down to the Day Assessment Unit and put me on the baby monitor, took my urine etc etc...everything was fine but Aiden was being a bit lazy and wouldn't move. So the midwife asked if I'd eaten anything at all and I hadn' Stef went and got me a bar of chocolate from the vending machine. I kid you not, the SECOND the chocolate was in my mouth- I hadn't even SWALLOWED yet- Aiden started having a rave! Hahaha he's just like his mum, loves his food :D So that was all fine, and they sent me home. They booked an induction for me for the Saturday in case Aiden wasn't here yet.

I live right next to the hospital AND right next to Tesco, so Stef and I went and bought some tasty food and a few other bits we thought I'd need and made our way back to mine. While I was in the supermarket I started feeling what I thought were VERY VERY mild contractions. If I'm honest, they actually felt NICE!

So we got home and we spent the day pissing around in my room, taking photos, eating food, listening to George Michael (some of you will remember my thread about how listening to him whilst in labour is AMAZING, I still stick by that HEEHEE!)...mum popped round after work and we all agreed we thought Aiden would be here in the early hours of the morning. At this point I was having stronger contractions, but apparently each time I had one I would say "oh hang on a sec.......yeah it's gone :)"....and I was ENJOYING THEM! They felt really nice and I loved the fact that each one brought me closer to meeting my baby :) Each time I had one I would sit on the corner of my bed and bounce up and down which really helped keep them regular and more bearable.

At about 9 0'clock, I rang the labour ward and the midwife said she thought I could last another hour or 2. It got to 10 0'clock and I felt I was ready to go in. Not before I did my hair and make up though (HAHA)...Stef called a taxi (even though it was a 5 minute walk away I had all those hospital bags!) and we made our way in a room and they put me on the monitor again. Everything was fine and a male midwife came down to check me over.

I have no idea what he did to me but OUCH it hurt, the *******. By this point, the contractions were painful enough for me to be going "ouch" each time I had one. They were about 3 minutes apart.

What he then said to me after he'd internally examined me will haunt me for the rest of my life....

"Well, you're not in labour. You're half a centimetre dilated"....

"HOW?!?!?! WHAT?!?!! That's not even ONE centimetre. THIS IS MY WORST NIGHTMARE!!!"

Anyway, we got sent home AGAIN. Another taxi journey back with all those bags. But on the way out the contractions were on top of each other with NO break in between and were really painful! But they just ignored me and off I went.

The rest is just a surreal blur to be honest. Kind of like a really heavy night out. I know things happened but I don't actually remember them if that makes sense. Anyway we got home and at this point I was SO tired and really miserable. I ran a bath and Stef made me a cup of tea...I got in the bath fully clothed and the contractions were REALLY bad. I was growling like a dog. Stef took a couple of photos of me at this point and OH DEAR, I don't look good AT ALL. In fact I look the worst I've ever looked in my life. I actually do look like I've had 10 pints too many and I've passed out on the pavement. I remember being really upset and crying and saying "how am I meant to do this?! I'm only half a centimetre, I've got HOURS and HOURS to go yet, yet I'm in SO MUCH pain, I get no rest in between each one and I NEED SLEEP but I can't sleep through this!! What am I going to do?!?!"

I got out the bath and I literally couldn't do anything for myself because as I said I had no break in between the each time i tried to get myself dried and dressed I'd fail miserably. By this point I'd woken the other girls in the house and they were in my room trying to reassure me while I sat there howling like a dog. It's amazing how even through that I was still worried about Stef seeing my fanny when I was trying to get dressed!

Stef decided to call the hospital because I know my own body and I knew that Aiden was on his way. They could hear me in the background and said YEP she's definitely ready to come in! (This was literally only half an hour after they'd sent me home).

The taxi driver turned up and got all nasty, asking why an ambulance hadn't been called...I remember telling him he could SUCK MY TITS and to get us to the fucking hospital. Think he saw the funny side and told me I could swear at him all I want and "GO ON GIRL, GIVE IT SOME"...I then asked him his name and told him, "LEE, YOU ARE THE WORLD'S BIGGEST ARSEHOLLLLLLLLLE"...luckily he laughed at that! I actually really enjoyed that taxi journey, it felt nice for some reason!

So we got to the hospital and I coulnd't even get up the stairs to the labour ward! (And I don't do lifts haha)...finally got to the top of the stairs and I held on to the rail while Stef went and got someone...2 midwives came and got me and put me in a wheelchair. I remember apoligising and saying "you must think I'm a drama queen but I promise you, he is going to be very soon and this is all very real!"

The midwife wheeling me was a really nasty rude bitch at that point and didn't take me seriously at all. We realised we'd left my delivery notes at home so poor Stef had to go back and get them! :dohh: The midwife left me on my own in the room for a few minutes. So I was completely alone. And then came the huge urge to push. this part was traumatising, I was screaming my lungs off for help but no one would come :( Eventually she came back and asked what the hell was wrong with me and then took one look at me and her face said it all...Aiden was coming out!!! :shrug:

I asked her if I could please have some gas and air and she gave me some, took me a few contractiosn to get the hang of it but once I did, I was in the zone :D Stef came back and I got into the weirdest position ever....I had half my body and my head hanging off the side of the bed, and everytime I had a contraction I had to get the midwife to hold my leg up in the air :rofl: Throughout the WHOLE thing, I had my eyes closed, it was the only way I could cope. She then told me Aiden was crowning and that it would sting a bit...I told her "no it doesn't :dohh:" and it truely didn't. I just pushed with everything I had, it really did feel like I was doing the biggest turd of my whole entire life! The midwife then asked me if I wanted Aiden placed straight onto my belly and I said yes...but thought she was just saying all this to make me feel better, I thought I still had another 7 hours of pushing till Aiden arrived! One contraction later and there he was! I didn't even feel him come out?! Apparently then I just said "MY BABY IS HERE, MY BABY IS HERE!! :happydance:" over and over again...Aiden just lay on my screaming his lungs off for a good 20 minutes, then she tucked him under my nighty so his little head was popping out the top :D He was born at 2.50 in the morning and weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces :)

The male midwife came back in to stitch me up (I had a 2nd degree internal tear) and when he came back in I said "HALF A CENTIMETRE MY ARSE! :growlmad:" he looked embarrassed to say the least! :rofl:

I carried on with the gas and air while he did my stitches...apparently I lost quite a lot of blood from the tear. They then brought me tea and toast which I was really looking forward to as I'd heard it's the best you'll ever have in your life, but by the time I got to it it was cold :growlmad: Nevermind. The midwife gave Aiden a bottle while I went for a bath, cor that was messy! I couldn't actually walk along the corridor without help though as I was soo weak from the blood loss and kept wanting to faint.

Then me and Aiden had a lovely sleep and here we are now! He's 2 weeks and 3 days old and he's thriving :D

The midwife told me I'd shocked all the staff there that night. My whole labour from start to finish (1st, second and third stages) took only 2 hours and 55 minutes...not bad for a 1st baby! :D And I did it all with just gas and air :smug: AND he was born on his due date!!!

All that worrying and anxiety and everything went as perfectly as it possibly could. I have the most gorgeous, perfect little man and I'm so happy :D

Thankyou for reading, and thankyou all SO much for your help over the past few months. I mean it when I say, I couldn't possibly have gotten through my pregnancy without you guys, I owe you all so much.


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Not sure if you guys can see these photos but I'll try, as it won't let me post any up!
congrats hun, he is gorgeous. after all you ve been through these past few months aiden obviously thought he would arrive in style to keep the drama going.
bless you thats such a great story :rofl: at the farting thats hilarious can't say I experienced that myself. I remember when I got to the hosp after my waters broke I was even dilating I was like "you're not f***ing sending me home I want some drugs" :rofl: you did very well!!

And he's a stunner, even my hubby said "aww" :rofl:

Congrats once again love :) x
CONGRATS! I really enjoyed your story! He is so adorable!
Hahaha what a great thing to say to the taxi driver.

Well done you only doing it on gas and air and Aiden is such a cutie! You must be a very proud mummy :)
I never usually read birth stories (farrrrr too scary for me!) But I read yours and it made me cry :cry:

I can't wait for all that to happen to me.

Congratulations on your beautiful little boy. xxx
He's so gorgeous, and you sound so proud of him :cloud9:
Congrats again and... I told you so :p

Nice and easy plus safe and sound! :D
what a lovely birth story!! I always get abit teary eyed at the end when the babies aere born lol
What a pair of stars you both are! He's gorgeous! Well done you and hope my labour is as quick ;)
Shame though, I thought you were going to post the photo of you growling in the bath :rofl:
Hope you're both settling in together!
And such beautiful photos: really too cute LO!!!!
I really enjoyed reading your birth story and lovely photo's too. I hope when my time comes that my labour is as quick!!

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