I know I really hope so!! I've been so anxious all week to find out if I have to wait past tomorrow it's gonna kill me lol and honestly I don't remember what the first 2 were I was soo excited but I believe the last one was around 160
the two girls I have now were 165 or about 165 and this one threw me off bc its been like 140 with this pregnancy...but fingers crossed for your girl!!!
Hmm that's strange but the whole higher heartbeat for a girl thing is a myth up until u r in labor then the girl's heartbeat is a bit faster well at least what I read!! And how far a long are u?? When did u find out this one was also a girl? My first was a boy and I can't remember what his rate was but yea this pregnancy has been completely different than it was with him so I really am hoping I get my girl
im currently 21w5d found out at 20w3d but to me my u/s pic looks like it has a small sumthing sticking up in the middle of the legs, not sure if girls have anything sticking out at this point or not lol but still feel like im having a boy....
Well im no doctor but I've been looking at tons of us pics and I can say with about 99% certainty that's a girl sorry if u were hoping for a boy I know I'm gonna be a little upset at first if I find out I'm having another boy but as long as he or she is healthy I'm happy!!
Definitely!! But idk if u ever heard this but when trying to tell the sex the us tech either looks for a hamburger or turtle. Hamburger for girl because the labia and clitoris at this stage look like a hamburger, and well I'm sure u get why boy's genitals would be called a turtle lol but the point is you definitely have a hamburger in ur us
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