Hi all
We have been TTC for 18 months now. Continually being told "oh it'll happen! just be patient!" etc. After 8 months, we just got annoyed at being fobbed off and went to a private hospital for a fertility assessment. Turned out my DH has complete Azoospermia. We were relieved at the diagnosis, but because I have a child from a previous relationship, we arent entitled to any "help" with treatment.
We have been using frozen sperm from home, but because I have ludicriously bad cycles (some 60 days, some 31 days... in a year I only had ONE ovulation test being positive) we have been moved onto Clomid. I had to take medication to kick start my period, then take Clomid from cycle day 2 to 6. Had severe mood swings and headaches, but I suppose thats to be expected.
I had an ovarian scan at another private clinic yesterday. They couldnt find my ovaries for a long time! They were starting to panic that the clomid wasnt working, but they eventually 'found' them and my ovaries each had a follicle each on them. One at 15mm and the other at 13mm at cycle day 10.
But we are currently sitting with a cryotank and still waiting on a +/ve ovulation test. :-/
Its all just so lonely and complicated to be honest! None of my friends "get it". All you get told is "well at least you HAVE a child..." etc, but the money and the heartbreak every month is shattering. I hope to make some TTC buddies soon! Good luck everyone!
We have been TTC for 18 months now. Continually being told "oh it'll happen! just be patient!" etc. After 8 months, we just got annoyed at being fobbed off and went to a private hospital for a fertility assessment. Turned out my DH has complete Azoospermia. We were relieved at the diagnosis, but because I have a child from a previous relationship, we arent entitled to any "help" with treatment.
We have been using frozen sperm from home, but because I have ludicriously bad cycles (some 60 days, some 31 days... in a year I only had ONE ovulation test being positive) we have been moved onto Clomid. I had to take medication to kick start my period, then take Clomid from cycle day 2 to 6. Had severe mood swings and headaches, but I suppose thats to be expected.
I had an ovarian scan at another private clinic yesterday. They couldnt find my ovaries for a long time! They were starting to panic that the clomid wasnt working, but they eventually 'found' them and my ovaries each had a follicle each on them. One at 15mm and the other at 13mm at cycle day 10.
But we are currently sitting with a cryotank and still waiting on a +/ve ovulation test. :-/
Its all just so lonely and complicated to be honest! None of my friends "get it". All you get told is "well at least you HAVE a child..." etc, but the money and the heartbreak every month is shattering. I hope to make some TTC buddies soon! Good luck everyone!