yes second sample - this time it is being washed to see how many viable swimmers he has after all the dross has been removed.
The first count was 10.98 million per sample. If less than 10m after the wash it'll have to be IVF, so i'd imagine that it'll be that route, rather than iui.
Re O - i haven't done OPK's for a few months now as i felt upset if hubby was too tired/at work and we didn't dtd. Neither do i temp anymore, as got annoyed with all the conflicting results, no baseline, OPK positive and ewcm present, so thought it was a bit misleading. Just rely on ewcm now.
I'll try to seduce hubby again tonight and see what happens as still having ewcm today.
It's just the boobs that are wierd this month. Past few months no sore boobs and af just appeared with no spotting as a lead up - so quite bizarre that they have started early - was thinking i had O mega early, but body signs say otherwise and OPk as well! I O quite early anyway usually day 10-11-12. But my total cycle length is between 24-26 days, pretty much bang on each month. LP is the same each month 13 days.... so pretty regular each month without fail.
Oh well now in the TWW now, so long wait now! Fingers crossed as Mizza got caught in her 18th month we might be lucky i'm in my 17th Month TTC now.... those little swimmers and egg ahve to meet up soon surely!