Oh home visits, that nice I always had to go into clinic to see my midwives.
Yeah basically they start filling our your maternety notes which you then keep for the duration of the pregnancy, you take them with you to all future apointments, and for when you actually go into labour. It records all your meetings, info on your urine/blood tests and blood pressure etc info on bub ie heattbeat, movements etc. Also history on all previous pregnancies. Family history for you and OH, and contact detaild for you and OH, so if your in hospital and they need to contact OH they have details. Just make sure they are up to date, or like me they will phone your old house at 6 in the morning and wake the new occupants to tell them your in labour lol!
You will also be told if your going to be midwife or consultant led care. Generally you will be midwife led care and this means that you will only have appointments with your midwife (in some cases also your GP) You will be consultant led care if they feel you need extra monitoring or discussion on specific requirements or type of care. So you only have hospital appointments if your consultant led or if you have any complications or go over due.