First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Wow Terri that's great! Didn't you have 10 follies at thelast count? Sorry about your hand. Hope it is feeling better. Rest up!
Hi Moni. Yup, I had ten or maybe 11 on Thursday and then I triggered Thursday night. I'm guessing some of the smaller ones caught up. They are calling me this afternoon to let me know how many fertilized. My hand feels fine today and my bloat isn't bad. I'm just going to take advantage of sitting around. Hee hee. I have a few movies to watch. :)
They said that they would call between noon and 3pm, but they just called! Good thing I didn't go to church this morning because I'm glad i talked to the woman personally.

Out of the 14 retrieved, 9 were mature (so that's basically the 10 that they saw on Thursday, I suppose), and out of those 6 fertilized. So, while it's not the best number, I'll take 6. I just hope they make it to the 5 day stage. I'm getting a little nervous, but it's all out of my hands now. fxfxfx.
6 is still a good number!! How many are you putting back again?
I just got a call from the nurse. I had 6 yesterday and I still have 6. They are 2-5 cells (whatever that means), and I will be doing a CD3 transfer, which is tomorrow. I'm FREAKING OUT!!! I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing. I think bad because they aren't giving them the chance to grow to 5, but maybe it's ok because they look like strong growers at 3. I guess I better get on the positive train, and fast!
I just got a call from the nurse. I had 6 yesterday and I still have 6. They are 2-5 cells (whatever that means), and I will be doing a CD3 transfer, which is tomorrow. I'm FREAKING OUT!!! I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing. I think bad because they aren't giving them the chance to grow to 5, but maybe it's ok because they look like strong growers at 3. I guess I better get on the positive train, and fast!

Terri - I think you just let the dr do their thing. You are transferring 2 right? I am glad you still have 6...that is great news. I am excited for you about tomorrow. How long after the transfer will they do a blood test?
Good morning, ladies!

How is everyone doing? I hope you all had a great weekend.

Terri - How are you feeling? Were you super wiped out or uncomfortable after the retrieval? I hope your little embryos are growing away. When do you get your next report on them?

Moni - I hope you are feeling better and that your shots have become less painful. How is your monitoring going? Is it looking like a Friday retrieval still?

ERose - You go back today to get your P tested again, correct? How long after you start your medication until the transfer? I'm curious about the specifics for a FET - you'll see why in my update.....

JCM - I hope you had a fun time in LA. Good luck with the paleo thing. I used to do CrossFit and they are huge into it. I could never do it. I mean, I guess I could but I'm too weak when it comes to carbs. I love my pasta and bread too much. :blush: I know several people who have done it very successfully though so I hope your transition into isn't too difficult. I hear it's pretty miserable until around 2 weeks into it and then your body sort of readjusts to the changes. Curious to see how it goes for you!

Beagle - You're getting so close to your test date!!! I hope you were able to stay distracted over the weekend and didn't think about it too much. How are you feeling?

1timemomma - How are you doing? :flower:

Sorry it has taken so long for me to update. The weekends always seem to get so busy!

Well, Friday was the big day. I had read some reviews online that the doctor we were seeing wasn't very personable but we didn't find that to be the case at all. He explained everything to us in pretty good detail and seems to be very well up on things. He had actually just come back from an national RE/IVF conference and was telling us about a few things he learned while there. That made me feel really good about our choice - knowing that he is keeping up on the latest and greatest technologies.

Anyway, we talked about the results from the tests I have already had done. The lab here didn't send the actual films from my HSG, just the Dr's report so he isn't convinced that my right tube is blocked. He is requesting the films so he can see for himself. He said that lots of times the tubes spasm during the procedure and that will keep the dye from going into the tube. He also told us that if we didn't want to jump straight to IVF we could try medicated cycles, IUIs etc. He wanted us to know that was an option. DH and I talked about it briefly but decided to just move ahead - we've already been at this a year with no luck and since we'd ideally love to have at least 2 children, we don't want to waste anymore time. I appreciated that he let us know that we could do the other options if we wanted to though. He did reiterate that doing those options don't necessarily increase our odds all that much though - especially at my age (makes me sound old! :nope:)

He did a pelvic ultrasound and things looked a lot better this time than when my OB/GYN did it. I had 8-9 follies on each side, which was pretty exciting. She only saw 5-6 last time. He tried to measure my cervix with a catheter but it didn't work so I will have to do a mock embryo transfer so he can practice with my difficult cervix. He ordered some more blood tests cause he wants them run in his lab. I have to go to my lab here on CD3 and then they give me the vial of blood which I then have to freeze and ship back to them on dry ice - yikes! :help: So much pressure. Poor DH had to do another SA. Oh well, I still don't feel too sorry for him. He also was in the room when they were doing the pelvic exam with the fun little dildo camera - I thought he was going to pass out with embarrassment. I feel it's good for him to see what we ladies have to go through though.

We then met with the nurse coordinator who went through the whole process with us. She was also great. I know this is getting long so I'll sum up what our plan is - we are moving into IVF and I should start stimming in mid-September with a retrieval towards the end of the month. We talked at length with the doctor about doing a single embryo transfer (SET) since I really don't want twins. Based on the fact that we would prefer to do the SET, we are doing preimplantation genetic screening/diagnois (PGD). Doing the PGD will tell us which embryos are normal (have the correct number of chromosomes) and those are the ones that have the best chance of actually implanting. He said his clinic has close to a 70% success rate with women in my age category with embryos that have been through PGD. It's definitely more expensive but will hopefully give us a little more peace of mind.

Since we'll be doing the PGD, I won't have a fresh transfer. They take a biopsy from the trophectoderm (the part of the embryo that becomes the placenta) on any expanded blastocysts on Day 5, freeze them and then wait for the test results to come back. We'll be looking at a transfer in December. We could do November but if the transfer is successful, then the due date would be August and that is busiest time for wildfires out here (and since DH is a wildland firefighter, it's not ideal).

December seems so far away but it's actually nice to have a detailed plan in place. I feel for the first time in a year, I have a little breathing room. The doctor also feels that based on yesterday's exam, we can hopefully get lots of eggs. Lots of eggs gives us a better chance at a higher number of embryos, obviously and that hopefully gives us a better chance at more to freeze.

Sorry for the book!!! I'm just excited, I guess. :happydance:
I just got a call from the nurse. I had 6 yesterday and I still have 6. They are 2-5 cells (whatever that means), and I will be doing a CD3 transfer, which is tomorrow. I'm FREAKING OUT!!! I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing. I think bad because they aren't giving them the chance to grow to 5, but maybe it's ok because they look like strong growers at 3. I guess I better get on the positive train, and fast!

I agree with Beagle - the Dr's know what they are doing and should be doing what they think is the best thing. Is there anyway you can get more information out of them? Some better answers as to what 2-5 cells mean and why they have decided to do the 3-day transfer?

:hugs: to you!
Booger - that is very exciting. I am glad you talked about PGD. That is also an option we were given. It is more expensive. I don't think I realized that meant no fresh transfer. But they could have said that & I didn't listen. I also am not psyched about twins. I would be happy, but the added stress would be a lot. So I have thought a lot about shelling out the extra money on the front end vs the cost of twins. But I am still undecided. Putting in 2 does not mean twins nor does it mean even 1 baby. PGD does not also mean a successful pregnancy, just higher odds.

Your appt sounded very promising & productive.

I am feeling okay...not sure I mentioned this before...I think I forgot to update this thread. I will copy it here...if this is a repeat...sorry :)

I woke up yesterday with a horrible pain/ache in my lower back. It continued most of the day & I was pretty uncomfortable. We had a long day, so by the time I got home, I didn't want to move. So I laid down on a super hot heating pad & felt much better. Today I have a dull ache, not so bad & hope it stays like this & doesn't get worse. I cannot think of ANYTHING to cause this. I have not lifted anything heavy...not really drinking a lot of soda or tea...I drink water at work & juice at home. The night before, my dogs did crowd me a bit in bed, so maybe that was it. My husband thinks it is a pregnancy sign. A girl on another thread is begging me to test tomorrow (12 dpo). My husband says no...wait until his birthday on Thurs...says it is a good omen. I think in the year we have been back trying again, this is the first month I have waited until 14 dpo to test.
Beagle, you're right that 2 embryos doesn't equal 2 babies - or even 1 baby. I have to keep reminding myself of that. I also have to keep reminding myself that I may not get very many eggs on day of retrieval or that the ones we do get may not develop into Day 5 embryos - there are obviously no guarantees with any of this. That's what makes it a little scary (and harder to swallow the cost). I feel that PGD gives us a better chance at success though. At least with using it we know that the embryos we are transferring are normal. That gives them a better chance right away - I also imagine that it will make it a bit harder to take if it doesn't work. Oh, and I guess if we don't get very many embryos, we can make the choice to do a fresh transfer if we want. We just won't have any information as to whether they are normal or not.....

Hopefully your back ache is a sign of good things to come..... seems weird to say but if you have never had anything like it, you never know. Stay strong!!!
Terri - glad all 6 are still there! I don't think there is much difference between a 3 day and a 5day transfer - I would not read too much into it. (Maybe the doc just wants to go on vacation...) The more important factor is that all 6 are still progressing!

Beagle - feel better! Can't wait to see what Thursday has to bring.

Booger - sounds like a great plan! FXed for you!!

AFM - Still have off and on headaches - I have taken quite a bit of Tylenol the past couple of days. Eating in the mornings have definitely been helping. My scan today went well - biggest follie is measuring abut 14 with lots of medium sized (still 6-7 on left and now 3 on the right!) Doc is thinking Saturday retrieval is more scan is Wednesday... Terri - looks like I might be one week behind you exactly.
Booger - I def think that PGD is a good choice for you...especially if you def don't want multiples. I am taking that risk now with IUI which has a higher chance of multiples than IVF. All of this stuff just makes us think about so much...lots of decisions. Then in the end, it still feels like a leap on faith.

I never have this kind of pain without a reason. It is uncomfortable to walk. Even if I had slept wrong on Sat night, it should have passed by now. And if it were a UTI, I can usually tell when I go to the bathroom. I have thought & thought & can not remember picking up anything heavy in the past few days. My husband came to eat lunch so I asked him to bring my heating pad. So I have that now & people will probably think I am a crazy person. I kind of hope my banker doesn't notice because he knows I am TTC & I really don't want him asking if I am pregnant.
Hi girls, just checking in!

beagle, I'm hoping these aches you're having are a good sign! I'm dying for you to test, so kudos to you for holding out! Can't wait to hear soon. :flower:

Terri, wow!!! I can't believe it's time!!! It seems like just yesterday when you and Moni were still waiting for your IVF cycles to even start, and now here you are having your wee babes put in tomorrow! I'm super, super excited! Don't read into the 3-day thing. I read a lot of different success stories during my TWW, just to stay positive, and SO many different girls were doing different things. There were plenty with 5-day, plenty with 3-day, and there were even some 2-day and 6-day.

Moni, sorry about your headaches... I hate that you're getting them from these injections. I don't recall having much issue with side effects, except the occasional emotional day (which may not even have been from that), and the belly tenderness and minor bruising after so many days of it. Anyway, I'm super excited for you too, only about a week behind Terri! So much exciting stuff going on in this thread!!

Booger, I'm really happy your appt went well. I knew you'd come outta there feeling really good. It just really does feel good having a plan in place, I know! To answer your questions about FET, I'll start the Lupron tomorrow, but that's not really FET meds. Its just to get things quiet in there to prep me for the FET cycle. Once I start AF, which I'm guessing will be in about 7-10 days, that's when my FET cycle will actually start. Even with FET, your Dr will still want to get things "chilled out" in there, w/ either Lupron or BCP. My Dr has used Lupron for both my fresh cycle and my FET, because I prefer the quicker route, and since Lupron starts in the prior cycle, it gives you a little head start and is only needed for around 10 days. I think BCP starts AFTER you get AF, and you take it for 2-3 weeks (I think). So, in my case, once AF comes (as long as the Lupron made things quiet in there), I'll start the actual FET meds. It's just Estrogen at first, and then adding P about 10-11 days in. According to my worksheet, it looks like the transfer will be about 16 days after I've started those meds.

How's everyone else??
Erin - only holding out because my husband is making
We talked to my RE when this all first began, about doing the PGD. DH and I thought we would do it for sure (just to pick the ones w/ the right amount of chromosomes for transfer), but my RE didn't think we needed to since we were doing 2 embies. She only does it if couples have something pop up in their own genetic testing, couples w/ multiple failed IVFs, or if the patient is over 35 and chooses to do a SET. So we just moved forward. Now that I've had one failed IVF though, I brought it up again in my follow-up. While the failed fresh cycle could've been because of all the hormones, it also could've been abnormal chromosomes. But she still didn't find PGD necessary. Her logic is that for a woman in her late 30s, on average, about 1 out of 3 embies has the right number of chromosomes. So she felt the odds are in our favor now, since 2 failed, and we'll be doing 2 again in Sept, she predicts at least one will take. But she's leaving it up to us since they are our embies. Since they're already frozen, we would have to thaw them for the samples and then re-freeze them again, and it's tough for a little embie to survive all that freezing/thawing, so we could lose a couple along the way. She could tell I was torn, so she gave me another option, and we did it... They karyotyped DH and I both. It was a blood test that looks to see if you COULD pass on a chromosomal imbalance to an embryo. If it comes back ok, it just means we probably have the average "1 out of 3" embryo statistic. If it comes back pos, then there's a possibility that we "could" have less good embies, and in that case, we will definitely go ahead and have the PGD done on the embies before the next transfer. We don't get those results for another week or so. But my RE said she doesn't expect any of the recent tests I did to come back bad anyway. I'm not sure why she talks and thinks so positively, but I guess she's just going on what she's seen in what age groups. But I prefer this next one WORK, and while I understand what she's saying about the "odds" and all that, I still wanted the extra testing. If all comes back fine, great, at least I get peace of mind!
I'm feeling much calmer now. It was just a flurry of excitement first thing this morning. I'm going to do my "medium paced" running around this afternoon so I'll be ready to chill out at home for the next week. My boss is on vacation, so I told him I'll be "sick" for the next two days and "working from home" the remaining two days. I have plenty of paperwork, report writing and computer training that I can do from home and that counts as work work.

Moni-Glad you're a week behind me. Perfect! How are you feeling?

booger-Fantastic that your doctor and nurse were so cool. And it's good that you were able to get all that testing and such done while you were there and don't have to make another 4 hour trip on another day. I think your doctor knows what's best, and the FET with the perfect embies sounds like a good idea to me too. I feel like beaglemom in that, if they asked me about testing, I certainly don't remember. We had genetic testing done prior to our IUIs, so I guess we were deemed ok. Each cycle you have different numbers of follies, so your OBGYN may have only seen 5 or 6, or your new doctor may have been doing a more thorough investigation or some could have grown between never know, but I'm glad you have a large amount of follies. That has to make you feel somewhat good. Oh, I wasn't super wiped out after retrieval. I went to pick up lunch and felt fine, really. I just wanted to rest when I got home. Today at work was the worst I felt. I had a hard time walking around without feeling week, but I hardly moved all weekend. I mostly sat on the couch or went upstairs to get food/drink. I'm so eager for you to get started on all this stuff. I agree with you too, forget IUI and just go straight for the big guns. If you do FETs, it's like an IUI so you'll understand what that's like, so you're not missing anything. :)

Beaglemom-Hope you feel better. Scary that you have such bad lower back pain and your hubs had to bring your heating pad to work! Zoinks! You can wait three more days for testing too. Why not? That was the agreement.'s not that far away!

JCM, 1timemom-Hope you guys are doing well. I'm going to call the nurse again now. I can't sit still.
Terri, there's actually 2 types of genetic testing that can be done on embies... they can test for actual genetic disorders, like what Moni will be doing since her genetic test showed she carried a certain gene (Moni, what was the gene again?), but there's a another one that does a little less, and all its doing is testing the embies to make sure they have the right # of chromosomes for implantation. I "think" that might be what booger is doing (or maybe she's going all in, I dont know). But the one I was thinking of gives the RE a 100% chance of knowing they are transferring embies w/ the right # of chromosomes since supposedly for our age, only 1 out of 3 does (crazy, right??). Even under 35 yrs, I think only 50% do. Anyway, DH and I had our genetic testing prior to IUIs also, and they came back fine. But the chromosome test is a little different. Since you and I both had 2 transferred, our REs probably didn't feel the need since we double our chances with two.

I'm so glad your ER was good to go! I didn't feel very good at all on my first day. I was extremely uncomfortable, and even sneezing or laughing hurt. By the middle of the next day, I felt a LOT better though. I'm glad you're feeling so good. I can't even tell you how excited I am for your ET tomorrow!!

EDIT: Terri, are you doing more than two embies?? I think I just assumed two, but now I'm wondering... I haven't kept up on the Oldies thread (once again), so maybe I'll check there.
Speaking of testing... I just heard from the nurse, and my P has risen appropriately now, so she said to start the Lupron in the morning. She already scheduled my next appt for Aug 21st, so I guess she's assuming I'll have started AF by then. I'll find out then if I can start the Estrogen for the FET.

They also had the results from that blood clotting test, and all is fine in that area, so nothing to do there. Just waiting for results for the karyotyping and immune testing, which might be another week.
I feel like PGD was explained to me basically they will test the embies to determine the best to have better odds...I think it is a chromosonal thing. And at my office, if I chose to do PGD, I can ONLY transfer 1...they will not allow 2.

Back the same. I don't want to leave my chair at feels so good. I don't think I will be doing too much when I get home. 1 hour to go...

I hope the days pass by fast. My husband joked today & said no testing...don't make me check the trash can!
Terri, are you doing more than two embies? I think I just assumed you were doing 2 like I did, but now I realize I don't even know. I'm not caught up on the Oldies thread, so if you've posted anything there, I haven't seen it quite yet. :wacko:

beagle, I hope the days go by fast too!!

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