First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Btw, girls, I messaged the BnB administrator to ask if/where we should move this thread. I told her the purpose would be to just keep in touch mostly, but perhaps there are others out there considering IVF that might see our thread and want to see successes and/or ask us questions. So we'll see what her suggestion is.
beagle, if you want to try an electric mixer to mix formula each time you make a bottle (rather than having to wash out the Doc B's pitcher each time), here is the one I got (for home and daycare). Its been working really great for months now. It takes about 10 seconds to mix, plus its super easy to rinse after each use. I loved the Doc B's pitcher, but only when I had to make multiple bottles.

PS. Munchkin makes one as well, but it got mostly bad reviews, so not sure about that one.
Hi ladies!

Well, I couldn't stay away for too long......

Still trying to catch up with everything that's going on around here but I'd thought I would hop on to do a quick update.

Thanks for all the kinds words - things were a little stressful towards the end of last week. Luckily, we got things figured out and we're back on track. At least it feels kind of like it - hopefully, it stays that way.

Piper had her two month check up today and had gained 4 ounces since last Saturday so it seems like my milk supply is coming back. I did have to supplement a bit with my pumped breast milk using a little tube but I think I might even be able to ditch that soon as it is a real pain in the a$$. She did great with her shots today - cried when they gave them but soothed fairly quickly and then was happy as a clam when she got home. Her rash is mostly gone - thanks for all the tips and reassurance. It was most likely caused by some virus but who knows.

It is a lot of work to get your milk supply back up - Beagle can probably attest to that. Right now the routine is to feed her and try to supplement with the little tube when I can (she doesn't like it so she pretty much has to be almost asleep to get her to use it), and then pump after breastfeeding. This is done almost every three hours during the day, so it's kind of tedious but I can already tell a big difference so that's good.

Thanks to you guys, I ended up ordering the Spectra pump and man it is way better than the Ameda pump my insurance provided. So much quieter and seems to be doing a much better job.

She still won't take a bottle and we are trying to work on that. The doctor said she's just being stubborn. Ha! No kidding. The lady who will babysit her is going to work with me on it. I took her over there on Wednesday and left her there for half an hour and she tried to give her a bottle. She said she took it and drank about an ounce and then realized what was going on and refused it the rest of the time. We are going to keep trying that a couple days a week while DH works on giving her on here at home.

Beagle - I can't believe it's already time for you to go back to work. I'm sorry! I know how hard it must be. I am taking Fenugreek too, even though I don't know if it really helps. My guess is all the pumping does the most good (and Piper eating every three hours) but I figure it can't hurt (the lactation nurse said it's safe) so I am taking it.

Erin - I am interested to see where they move us, if they do. Thanks for checking on that. I love reading your updates on Owen. He is such a cutie and I can't believe how fast all the babies around here are growing!!!

Lady - Well, my two cents is this.....I loved having the help but it was my Mom and not the in-law so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it. In fact, the stress of my mom leaving after 5 weeks is partially what caused my milk supply to start dropping. If you are having a section, I'm guessing you're going to want some help. It's tough. Everyone reacts differently but I know I loved having another set of arms around the house. Whether they were there to hold Piper, help clean the house or help with dinner.

sars - Thanks for all the advice on the bottles. We just have to keep trying. I didn't even know it was a thing that a baby wouldn't take a bottle. I just figured they all did! Now that I talk to people about it, I am finding LOTS of people who said their babies never took them. Craziness! Good luck on the house front. It is a very exciting and stressful time. I hope more excitement than stress.

kfs - Little Adeline is too cute!! I can't believe she has her first tooth already. Growing too fast, I swear.

Babywhisperer - Good to hear your toxic boss left. That has to be a huge relief. Phew. And luckily DH just brewed up a batch of stout so I have been having one at night after Piper goes to sleep.

Amy - you and brighteyez both having an embryo split makes me nervous about any future transfer I might have. We still have 2 PGS embryos waiting for us. How very exciting!!

Terri - Hello!! Hope the blizzard doesn't hit you too hard. Meanwhile, it's supposed to be almost 60 here tomorrow. However, we have had cold weather for a long time now, so I am looking forward to having a few nicer days.

Hi to everyone else!!!
Hey ladies!!

Booger, so good to have you back!

I hope everyone is doing well. I'm anxious to hear from Amy on her update!

Thanks also to everyone for the advice and experiences about family and in-laws staying during the birth. I think I'll try to play it by ear and see what happens. If they come early, I'll go with it. It's not worth hurting my DH or his parents. I asked my SIL (the only other American in the fam) what they did with her four kids, and they came a week before each birth. She said she liked having them there. So I don't wanna be the only daughter in law who doesn't want them to come. So I'll just try to go with it. I expressed my concern to my DH already and if he steps up and asks them to come later than that would be great too! :)

I am feeling so much stress and anxiety lately. Even about stupid little things. Like minor work stressors I get the sweaty palms and butterflies in my stomach. And the other night I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking about the in laws coming. And about my dog. I burst into tears the other night because I just felt this overwhelming anxiety and worry about my fur baby and how he will handle the baby. I had a dream he ran away. I think that was what set off that anxiety.

Anyone else experience more stress and anxiety than usual during pregnancy?
Hi everyone!!

My check up went well yesterday. Both babies are still measuring on track with great heartbeats. It looks like they'll each have their own amniotic sac (which is great) but they'll probably share a placenta (which can be a little bit more risky). The RE called them mono/di twins. I go back next Thursday which will be my last appointment and my graduation from the RE. YAY!!


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Yay Amy!! So happy to hear your little ones are doing well!!!

Krissy and Brighteyez, how are you ladies doing?
Great news, Amy!!!

Lady - I think it's normal to have some amount of anxiety during pregnancy. I mean, how can you not worry about your little one?? I know there were times when I was anxious because it's hard when you can't see what's going on there. And then everything else outside too, like your dog. I was recently reading a book on how to deal with anxiety and worry during pregnancy and postpartum. One of the pieces that really stuck with me was to try and focus on the things you can actually do something about and that is actually happening. In other words, try not to worry about your dog because that is in the future and you can't do anything about it now. If your worry is about something you can fix, then try to figure out the steps to take to fix the situation. Not sure if that's helpful or not.

Just sitting here listening to Piper wail as Daddy tries to give her a bottle. Sigh. Who knew these things could be so hard?? Guess I really am going to have start leaving the house. We are going to start trying every night with the same bottle - consistency and persistence.
Lady anxiety is totally normal. I stressed over money since ivf was on credit. Plus no pay for 4 weeks. I think I have always thrived under a certain amount of stress. My delivery I was just so calm. I decided early in my pregnancy I would have to trust my dr and my body. And it all worked out. It will work or for you as well. My dogs never reacted to my pregnancy except one thought my bump was a pillow. As far as the baby 1 was interested slightly the other 2 annoyed but not in an aggressive way. In a stay away from me way. Now that he is awake and not just a cry machine they are more interested. The one who is attached to me just sort of thinks the baby is an extension of me. One guards him from the cats which isn't necessary. The third is getting excited new hands are coming to pet him. I think your dog will be fine. I let derek sleep with us a few hours. Something I thought I could not do with 3 dogs in the bed. But they are fine. I never leave him alone though. Anyways about the anxiety. Just try to live in the moment. Your pregnancy will go by fast. Just try to enjoy it. And take stone long baths and cry if you need to.

Booger sorry about the bottle situation. We were so lucky. He took the bottle well but never have up on the boob. I stopped fenugreek. The bottle ran out and I didn't notice a difference. Make sure you are taking like 3600 mg a day. I heard any lower does nothing. I am using the alfalfa trying 3 pills 3 times a day. And the tea which I think does make a difference. You do 3 cups a day. I use the lowest ounce setting on keurig. I let it cool some and drink it fast. Is not awful but def not enjoyable. I got a great deal on a pack on amazon.

My supply goes back and forth because my habits are not set in stone. I think once I pump regularly at work it will be better.
Hi guys!!! Love the picture Amy!! I always forget to jump on here and check in. I'm way better with Facebook because it's easier on my phone. BnB sucks on my phone!! If anyone is on Facebook and wants to add me on there, send me a PM and I'll add you. We have a little mommy group that's private through Facebook if anyone wants to join!
Charli is crawling. I'm so proud of her. It's really cute how pissed off she gets when she's stuck. Ha!
So I was talking with my REs wife (I make friends everywhere) and she said I can do an ivf round for 6k. That's half of what I paid before. If I want PGS it's 2K extra. They are able to give me this deal until May. I'm currently trying on my own but you know how THAT goes...Ideally I'd be pleased to be pregnant this summer. After Charli is 1. DH suggests just paying for it and if I end up pregnant on my own before then, great. Then I'm out 6k. So I would kind of have it as back up. Originally I wanted the chance to get pregnant on my own but I can't help but feel like it won't happen so I should just jump back into ivf. Am I insane for considering doing another round so soon? I know I'm kind of rushing things but I'd like my kids to be close in age. Plus I'd love 2 more so if I did do this now I could possibly have an extra embryo for later down the road.
Amy, so glad your checkup went well and everything is looking good!

Lady, I'm so sorry for your anxiety. It is normal to have some of that for various reasons. I would get it occasionally near the end of my pregnancy, but for me it was mostly just feeling like I had so much to do before baby arrived. I hate that yucky butterfly-anxiety.

beagle, how is the pumping at work going? Good, I hope!

booger, its lovely to see you back already! Thanks for the update. Have you gotten Piper to take the bottle since your last post?

Jen, I already replied to you on our FB page, so I won't duplicate here, but you know we'll be waiting for an update when you decide. ;)

Girls, I agree with Jen that FB is so much easier than BnB on my phone. I check in there a lot more these days. If anyone wants to join our mommy group on FB, let us know. It's totally private. From this thread, we have Jen, beagle, Moni, and me, and there are 3-4 others from another thread that we all used to be on. If not, no biggie... I heard back from the BnB admin, and they aren't planning on moving our group. Apparently they are keeping it open for others who are still TTC. So if you prefer this thread, that works too. :)
Hey all - I'd love to join the FB thread! 😁
Erin: Owen is sooo adorable. I love your profile pic of him with the elbow patches. Gah! Don't beat yourself up about his scalp. This is all a huge learning process. Maybe it is eczema? I can tell you it itches like hell; I've got it myself.

KFS: I love, love the picture of Adeline by herself. How lucky she will be to have a cousin so close in age. We did get the sellers to agree to pay for almost all the repairs, which is a huge relief. I'm glad you got the 3-day weekend. My good friend, who has a two year old, always say a 4 day work week where you worked 5-6 hours a day would be the perfect balance.

BabyW: Yay for you toxic boss being gone! I hope it makes work more enjoyable and you hit all your goals. I read BabyWise and tried to attempt it. But there's really zero suggestions on what to do if your baby doesn't play ball. Brian eats every 3-4 hours. He generally takes a 3 hour nap during the day. We have a loose schedule and I try to not nurse him to sleep. But he started boycotting naps at home unless he was held. He would scream bloody murder when we put him down. Just this week it has stopped but he has been passing out after his mid-day feeding.

He just turned three months and from what I've read that's a bit too soon to let him cry out. He just clocked in at 12.2 pounds. I'm getting ready to go back to work and he's been having a bit of a sleep regression of late. I think it may be gas. Did you let Emma cry it out? I'm still EBF with bottles of breast milk when I'm not around or have had a drink. He goes down between 8-9 and typically sleeps until 2:30-3 when he eats. Until recently, he wasn't waking up for that 3 a.m. feed. He won't be settled by a pacifier or rocking. He then sleeps until 5:45-6:45, eats and does back down until 8-9 He will eat, get changed and naps again until about 10. Then we have lots of play time and he goes down again about 1.

Amy: Good luck at the doctor Thursday. Can't wait to hear your update.

Beagle: BFing really is a supply and demand. If you can pump for 10 minutes after feeding Derek or let him nurse longer, that will signal to your body you need more milk. Adding in a pump feeding after he goes to bed will help boost your supply and build up a frozen stash. For me, water seems to be very important in keeping my supply up. Have you tried lactation cookies? I am making my first batch this week. I go back to work Jan. 28 and I'm trying to build up my frozen stash.

Hi Terri! How is marathon training going? I'm signed up for my first post-baby 10K on the Super Bowl and a half-marathon the last weekend in April. I'm finally starting to feel good running. I'm still slow though. haha.

How many ounces does he eat per feed?
Hard to know because he's EBF and only takes a bottle if I'm not around. Since I went back to work Thursday he's been eating 3-4 ounces a feeding.
Hey ladies! Thanks for all the words of wisdom re: anxiety. Yesterday I had another emotional roller coaster but today I feel a lot better. My poor DH, he is so good to me and I am probably not so much fun to be around lately. We went to Victoria BC for the weekend last weekend, which was so much fun! He also booked me a surprise maternity massage at the hotel shortly after arriving. :) I am so lucky. Then this weekend we finally got started on the nursery. Popcorn ceilings are finally down, ceiling fan installed, I picked out the paint and we prepped the crown molding. I'm so excited- it's gonna look good!

We're also starting to think about daycare vs a nanny. I've looked around for daycares and so few offer part time care. The few that do are kind of crappy. We toured one the other day and it seemed chaotic, disorganized, and kind of junky. And for full time care?? Gah the costs are about the same as a nanny! So we started thinking about that as an option, at least until we can get her into a bilingual school so she can learn Spanish. There are a lot around here, but the age minimum is 2 for most of them. So we'll see. BabyW, I know you have a nanny. What do you like about it vs a daycare?

Jen- you're not crazy for wanting a second baby so close to your first. If you can get a deal on IVF, I say go for it! As much as we probably all wish for a natural conception the second time around, it seems like the odds are that IVF will be needed just like it was needed the first time around!

Oh - and I would love to join a FB group! How do we go about that??
LadySosa - I'm glad you're feeling better today. Anxiety is so completely normal. I definitely had it on and off before and after Adeline was born - I am the QUEEN of "What ifs..?" - drives my husband nuts. Like Beagle said, I know it's tough, but just try to live in the moment. Oh, and daycare/nanny costs are INSANE. I hope you are able to find something reasonable.

Booger - Hope things are improving with the bottle situation. I know feeding in general can sometimes be stressful.

Amy - Good luck at your appt this week. Can't wait to see some new pics. :)

JCM - You go for it, girl. Keep on trying naturally up until your next round. You never know what could happen but you'll have a back-up plan just in case.

Hi all of my other beauties. Adeline just got through her first fever. She woke up sick on Sunday and I kept her home yesterday. She seemed much better this morning so I'm relieved. In other news, I think I mentioned that we're going through a re-org where I work. I made it through the first round of layoffs (more to come unfortunately) but I found out that they're moving our office to Hoboken, NJ which means a 2 hour commute one way for me (or longer with traffic). Sigh. They're allowing us to WFH 2 days a week but I'm still not sure what I'm going to do.
BF at work is fine. I think my supply may be increasing...if nothing else I am keeping up pretty well with what he eats daily...using the freezer stuff first. Work is hectic so sometimes I forget to pump unless I feel the tingle. I try to do it every 2 hours. And I go to daycare to see Derek at lunch & feed.

Lady picking a daycare is so important & can be stressful. But I love the one we have. It is through the local community college. They have teachers & aids & occasional students help but are never there on their own. And the classes are separated by age. So Derek is only with other babies in the 3-6 month range. They have their own crib & it's the same every day. Very sanitary...lots of washing of hands & sanitation going on. The class has 2 sides...each side has a max of 6 babies. I've been there during hectic times & they handle really well. The other day it was nice so they take the babies outside in wagons. Too cute. I hope you find a good solution.

Jen - I said on FB, but I say go for the IVF.

booger hope things are getting better. :)
kfs - so sorry about the work situation...2 hours is rough especially with a baby...hope you can figure something out.
To join the Facebook group I message Erin on here with my name and she friended me and added me to the group. Come on over ladies!

LadySosa: I'm glad you're feeling better anxiety wise. I got two pregnancy massages and I wish I'd gotten more. Treat yourself! I wanted to find part-time options but I really struck out. I do love the daycare we are going with. It is affiliated with our local YMCA and it is in a voluntary state accreditation process that holds them to high standards. Prices around here ranged from $190-$285 a week at the places we looked. That was well below the going rate for a nanny, so I can't add much there. Are you looking for part-time care?

KFS: Yay for surviving the layoffs but not to the commute. Would you take the train to Hoboken or drive? As much as a long commute sucks I would prefer a train one, where I could get things done, vs. car time. Sorry to hear Adeline was sick but congrats on getting through the first fever.

Beagle: Glad to hear the BF is going so well. I'm sure pumping every two hours helps. That is awesome you're able to feed Derek during lunch. I think I'll be able to do that when Brian starts too. The daycare is only a mile away. I love our local CC's program but it was so expensive. They pro-rate it for college employees and students and there are limited spots for everyone else, so they go at a premium.

Jen: I say go for the IVF. That's a huge discount. Maybe you get pregnant before then. If you don't you have this in reserve or for the next baby.

I'm getting in the swing of things with work. I've been so busy the day really flies by. I've also had two night shifts where I'm home with B in the mornings, so that's been nice. I pumped through the weekend too to build up a nice buffer of fresh and frozen milk. I've now got about 150 ounces in reserve, so I feel like if I have a bad day there isn't so much pressure.

The not-so-nice part has been that for the last three nights we've been dealing with a major sleep regression. I think it has been a mix of tummy discomfort and teething. DH has been a champ about helping and really taking on the brunt of it since he is off from work. B's been asleep for the last three hours since we gave him some Tylenol on the pediatrician's recommendation. I'm hoping we're turning a corner.

I ran my first 5 miler Sunday and did another yesterday in anticipation of my first post-baby 10K this Sunday. It won't be pretty but I'm excited to get back out there.

I cover our local city council and I actually ran into a councilman at my RE last February right when I found out I was pregnant. I've felt a mix of weirdness and guilt each time I saw him when I was pregnant, knowing his wife still wasn't. Last night, he came up to me to welcome me back to work and said, "Dr. Lee worked her magic again! Melissa is pregnant with twins after a full IVF cycle!" So, that was sweet.

Good luck at your appointment Amy.

Hi to everyone else.
Hey ladies! Thanks for all the words of wisdom re: anxiety. Yesterday I had another emotional roller coaster but today I feel a lot better. My poor DH, he is so good to me and I am probably not so much fun to be around lately. We went to Victoria BC for the weekend last weekend, which was so much fun! He also booked me a surprise maternity massage at the hotel shortly after arriving. :) I am so lucky. Then this weekend we finally got started on the nursery. Popcorn ceilings are finally down, ceiling fan installed, I picked out the paint and we prepped the crown molding. I'm so excited- it's gonna look good!

We're also starting to think about daycare vs a nanny. I've looked around for daycares and so few offer part time care. The few that do are kind of crappy. We toured one the other day and it seemed chaotic, disorganized, and kind of junky. And for full time care?? Gah the costs are about the same as a nanny! So we started thinking about that as an option, at least until we can get her into a bilingual school so she can learn Spanish. There are a lot around here, but the age minimum is 2 for most of them. So we'll see. BabyW, I know you have a nanny. What do you like about it vs a daycare?

Jen- you're not crazy for wanting a second baby so close to your first. If you can get a deal on IVF, I say go for it! As much as we probably all wish for a natural conception the second time around, it seems like the odds are that IVF will be needed just like it was needed the first time around!

Oh - and I would love to join a FB group! How do we go about that??

I like the nanny since we don't have to pack up the kids in a car to go to daycare or rush to pick them up, I am out of the house while everyone is still sleeping and dh works late. I feel safer with it in my house for obvious reasons, all the supplies are there, less germs which means less missed work days for me, and more one on one attention and development. I think we will reassess when both kids are in preschool, but we may be leaning towards a live in...this way we can go to the gym and not rush home for nanny to leave, and we can have more freedom on weekends and even sleep in when needed...but we will see. Real estate mkt starting to get soft w/ less than stellar Wall St compensation and reductions in force.
How's everyone doing?? Amy, Brighteyez, Krissy? Would love to hear an update :)

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