First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Brittany :happydance: way to go Aiden!!!! I hope that its not a one off, and he at least gives you a few more nights like that.
Yourin laws are such a pain in the ass. How can mil think she isn't saying anything when she clearly is?! And your FIL is just a jackass, but its good that they were annoying other people, because at least then you know they don't just have something against you - they're just idiots all round!!
Sorry to hear about your car accident. I'm so glad that you are ok, and thank heavens Aiden wasn't with you. It was just one of those things - don't beat yourself up about it too much. That said, I totalled a car two winters ago by going too fast round a corner, slipping on ice and spinning into a wall and I still feel really stupid about it. I think when it was our fault, and avoidable, then we can't help but think about how we could have prevented it.
I'm so jealous that you know someone who makes cloth!! I'm thankful actually that I don't, or I'd probably have many many more!

Lindsey: I'm so happy that Sarah has adjusted well to her new sleeping arrangements! I'm sure the longer stretches of sleep will come again, once she is fully happy in there. I think that Sarah would be way too young for CIO, even if you did want to do it, so don't worry about that. You know your baby, and know how you can best help her without CIO. I can't believe Seth let her sleep 7hrs in the day! Oh man I would have gone nuts!!! Also it sounds like she is wonderful at settling herself, so that's half the battle I think.

Not much is really new for me :shrug: Isabelle has been having some intense green poops for a week, and I've never been so interested in my poop in my life! Some has been darker green, but some was BRIGHT green. I had been eating some spinach and salad so I wonder if that has something to do with it? Brittany, I remember that Aiden had something similar a while back and you mentioned a fore/hind milk imbalance, so I've been trying to feed her off the same side if she only snacks (which she does mostly) so we'll see if that helps. She has been comfort sucking her life away today and my nipples are sore for the first time since her birth really!

I'm going to go and get Isabelle some new toys this week. We don't have many (just three lamaze toys, including the wrist and foot finders Hayley has for Tyne) and she is getting to the point where she needs more for sure. I know I'd mentioned that before, but I definitely need some more bits for her now. I mean, she can't even hold anything yet properly, and isn't much interested in the toys we have, but I know that she will be soon so I want to be ready. We didnt buy much when I was pregnant as we decided to wait and get bits as we needed them.

Sleep wise, she is doing a minimum of 5hours now, anywhere up to 7 (8 the night if her immunisations). I said the other night to Simon that for about a week she hadn't woken before 3am :dohh: of course that night it was 2.30am. I have a psychological thing that if its after 3am then it's ok, anytime before that is too early :haha:
Hi girls, just a quickie. I'll post properly either tonight or tomorrow.... I am well and truely pooped. All I want to do is sleep today!! Beau is having none of it though lol. Speak later x
Brittany, I can't believe your in-laws! Especially your FIL. It must be a relief to know that you won't have to see them again anytime soon.

How awesome of Aiden to sleep through! Totally jealous. I hope he keeps it up for you! Sorry about the car accident, though. :( I rear-ended someone a few years ago because I honestly wasn't paying enough attention, and I felt terrible. Don't beat yourself up!

Sarah, I wonder if the green poop is related to something you ate? I thought I had a fore/hind milk imbalance in the beginning but I read somewhere that a true imbalance is rare. Is the poo frothy? Does she seem extra gassy or uncomfortable? I still get the occasional green poop but as long as baby's still happy, I try not to worry. Hopefully yours goes away soon!

Lauren, hope you're having a good time! Can't wait for an update.

Toys: Sarah loves her play gyms (Ocean Adventures and Kick & Play Piano) and anything that has mirrors or dangly toys for her to grab. I hang toys (the Loopy Ball is her favorite) on her bouncer, car seat, PNP, pretty much everything, and she's started swiping at and even grabbing them.

Sleep: Last night was #4 in the crib. A few days ago Sarah discovered her feet and has been playing with them a lot. Well, last night she woke up in the middle of the night and played with her feet for over an hour! She was "talking" to her herself, grabbing her feet, and rocking back and forth (trying to roll over?). I watched her on the video monitor from my bed. Eventually, she closed her eyes and went back to sleep. Cute, but weird! Since moving to her crib, she still only sleeps a max of 4 hours (waking every 2-3 hours in the early morning) as opposed to the 5-7 she did in the RNP so I feel like the walking dead right now. :wacko: She seems to really like the crib so I'm sure it's just a matter of time before she starts sleeping longer...I hope...

We're flying to Oregon (2.5 hour flight) to visit family next month so I'm getting nervous about that. Seth is too busy with work to come, so my best friend is flying with me. Hopefully Sarah does well with that.
Oh Lindsey I was so worried about our flights with Isabelle earlier this month and she was just fine, so try not to worry too much about them!! So sweet about Sarah playing with her feet, and the fact that she can wake up, play, then drop off again is wonderful! She's a clever little lady to be able to soothe herself like that!

We've had two nights of poor sleep here too :( after me getting all complacent about her 'not sleeping less than a give hour stretch' she has decided that 3-4hours is also her maximum, and more like 2 in the early morning.

Coupled with that,the last two nights she has decided that nappy changes during the night are not her thing, and has screamed the house down. I dunno what that's about at all, as she has always had her nappy changed during the night and never had an issue. I wouldn't usually bother changing her both times if she woke twice, but I had heard her poop last night so had no choice.

Re: her green poop, I actually thought it was the spinach and salad I had been eating, but purposefully haven't eaten any since Saturday and no change. I've now been block feeding her for two days and also no change :shrug: I don't like the block feeding as I've heard that is recommended to help lower supply if you have an over supply issue, which of course is not what I want to do. So I haven't any idea what is going on. She also seems to be pooping more than normal. I mentioned the night poops- she never poops at night, and last night she did three times (I think it was that that actually woke her up) and then this morning she went three times in an hour!!!

Oh, plus, did I mention that now during the night whatever way she is eating she is dribbling milk all down me so I have to change during the night?

Not having the best fun over here at the minute :( hope all is going better with you ladies :hugs:
Oh, I didn't even mention that Simon and I attempted to dtd for the first time last night. When I say first time, I mean first time since I was about 27 weeks pregnant :blush: needless to say it didn't go well. We couldn't actually do it because something down there hurt anytime pressure was put on it, so we couldn't even get close. I ended up in floods of tears because I felt so awful about not being able to do it.
Just quick reply. Sarah please don't worry about pain during sex as my first few attempts really hurt and I too was in tears after.... Well I say after, we never got anywhere with it. We just kept trying, brought lube (which really helped btw) and now we do it as often as we did before and I don't get any pain.

If you over think it or your self conscious, it will be massively uncomfortable and you tense up - resulting in pain.

But don't give up on it, just keep trying, try and relax and I suggest using lube to help things. Also, spend a bit more time on foreplay and if you want, a glass or two if wine in the evening :)
Hi Girls!

Lauren - Hope you had a good time! Is Adam home now?

Brittany - Ugh @ your FIL and MIL! :wacko: Oh no, I would be so upset about the car accident too - I'm glad Aiden wasnt in the car, but these things happen - don't beat yourself up about it. :hugs:

Lindsey - Glad Sarah is doing well in her crib!

Sarah - Aww that paragraph about your friends made me really sad. I was actually thinking about it in bed last night - its so horrible!
So where they actually making a fuss of the other baby and just literally not bothering at all with Isabelle?!!!
Did you say anything to them? I supppose it would be hard to - you can't exactly start stamping your feet and insisting they coo at your baby!
But how horrible. I wonder if your friend with the other baby noticed it?!
And its not like they've met Isabelle before but never met the other baby or anything like that?!!

I can't fathom some peoples behaviour, I really cant.

You know I had a similar issue with my cousin - I mentioned her while pregnant, she was the one always going on and on about how she hates boys etc yet seemingly forgetting that she'd told me and all of our family for YEARS about how much she wanted to have a boy coz her beloved Dad was so desperate for a Grandson (He wanted a son so badly and had 4 daughters, now he so badly wants a Grandson and so far has 4 Grand daughters).

Well now that Tyne is here - her behaviour has only got worse! She hardly ever comes to visit, yet is ALWAYS posting on Facebook that she's been to see her sister in laws new baby who was born a few weeks before Tyne.

Then last week she finally came to visit with her 2 girls - her daughters were fine, they were holding the baby etc - but SHE didn't even LOOK in Tyne's general direction once. She did not acknowledge his existence whatsoever apart from when her eldest daughter had hold of him and she asked her mum to take a photo of them.

Then I was going to get some cake for the girls from the kitchen so I asked her to hold Tyne - she literally groaned and rolled her eyes as she took him from me!!!! And then when I came back with the cakes and put them down, she literally SHOVED him back at me and said "He's shit his nappy"....

ERM?!!!! :growlmad:

Honestly - I can't believe her behaviour! As well as being my cousin, she's been one of my closest friends since we were children so i find it particularly difficult to take - she also didn't bother getting him a gift when he was born despite the fact that I showered both of her children with gifts when she had them!

When I've told my family members about how she acted that day they all just roll their eyes and say "Jealousy" - but come on!! How long is she going to be a Tw*t for?!!! (excuse me, but there are no other words!)

And they all tell me to respond in kind and ignore her kids - but as if I can do that, her kids are 6 and 4 and would notice! Plus its not their fault that their Mother is more of a child than they are!!!

I actually didn't mean to rant so much - oops!!!!!!!
Sarah - Aiden had the green poops but it only lasted about a day or 2 and then they were the normal yellow color again so I don't really know what caused them since if it was a fore/hind milk imbalance the green poop would have continued so I'm not sure why his poop was green. I have also read that a dairy sensitivity and iron fortified formula could cause green poop as well. My pediatrician wasn't at all concerned when I called about the green poop when Aiden had it though. As long as Isabelle is still gaining weight and doesn't seem unhappy then I wouldn't worry about it.

Don't feel bad at all about not being able to DTD. DH and I weren't able to do it until our third attempt and even then TMI DH could only go half way in because any more than that was too painful and I got absolutely no pleasure from it. We haven't tried again since so I have no idea if it's any better yet. My OB said it can take 3 to 4 months for everything to heal down there (I imagine it's the same for you since you also had stitches down there) so just try to be patient with it as hard as that can be. I hope Simon was just as supportive as my DH was when it didn't work, I found that made everything a lot easier.

Lindsey - Aiden loves his Ocean Adventures play gym. We hung the whale up on it and he loves to talk to it. He also loves his mobile and just about anything else that is hanging since he likes to reach at things like Sarah. I'm looking for more hanging toys and would like to get another play gym so thanks for posting some of the things Sarah enjoys.

Glad Sarah is still doing good in her crib. I've been putting Aiden in his crib awake for a little bit each day so he can start to get used to it. He doesn't tend to last too long in there before he starts to cry and wants to be out of there.

Hope the flight to Oregon goes well. Our trips to Indiana are about 2.5 hours driving and Aiden has done good for the most part as long as we're driving during his nap time because then he just sleeps the whole way. When we've tried leaving when he's not read to sleep he usually ends up fussing the whole time so I end up having to sit in the backseat with him trying to keep him entertained.

Hayley - I can't believe your cousins behavior. Sounds like she is jealous that you had a boy since she wanted a boy even if that's not what she's saying anymore but still that's no excuse for her behavior. I'm glad you're not listening to your families advice about ignoring her kids. The kids didn't do anything like you said.

AFM - Aiden's STTN was just a one night thing. He is back to his fussing during the night. He's not really awake when he does it though since really all he's doing is swinging his arms and legs around and moaning, then he'll be asleep again for a few minutes and then he'll start with the constant moving around and moaning. He only seems to actually wake up once but with all his moving and moaning I'm not getting very good sleep because then he keeps me up. I'm thinking I want to try moving him out of the bed and into his PNP and see if that helps him sleep better but I'm not sure. During the day he wakes right up if I try to put him in his crib when he's sleeping and will scream until I pick him up.
Sarah, I'm sorry that Isabelle isn't sleeping as long! I'm always afraid that I'm going to jinx things when I talk about them, as Sarah then seems to do the opposite of what I say/think she'll do. :dohh: Maybe Isabelle is having a little stomach upset and will get back to her longer stretches once it's passed. Sarah had green poop for almost 2 weeks one time and I still don't know why. I hope little Izzy feels better soon. :hugs:

I'm really surprised that Sarah puts herself to sleep like she does. Yesterday, we were out having dinner when she decided that she was tired and simply dozed off in my arms. Last night, I put her down after her MOTN feeds and she tossed and turned for a minute, then went to sleep. It does take a lot of work to get her to sleep in her PNP, though, which is what she'll be sleeping in when we're out of state. We have a month to practice!

Don't feel bad about the sex. :hugs: I didn't have any tears or stitches and it was still painful the first few tries, so I can only imagine. Things will get back to normal (if not better than before!), just give it some time.

Hayley, WTF?! Your cousin has issues! She's obviously jealous and is letting it show in the worst possible way. I'm sorry you and Tyne were subject to her shitty behavior. I just don't understand people sometimes.

Brittany, I also have these Lots of Links (I put them everywhere) and I bought this stroller toy because Sarah was starting to fuss a lot in the car. The Kick and Play Piano has been a huge success over here, if you're looking for another play gym.

I'm sure Aiden will STTN for you again soon. Sarah has been a very noisy, active sleeper since Day 1 and that is why we only co-slept for the first week. She would kick and flail her arms and make all kinds of noises. I was so dreading the transition from RNP to crib!! I started putting her in the crib for some "play time" while I folded clothes or whatever in the same room. I'd turn on her mobile, talk to her, etc., and pick her up as soon as she started to fuss. I attempted nap time like, twice...but she'd only sleep 15-30 mins and then wake up screaming. We did awake time in the crib for 2 weeks before going cold turkey one night and I haven't looked back! I'm so happy to be done with the RNP. Next baby won't be using it.

AFM - We took the newborn insert out of her car seat. She's too big for it. :cry: She grabs toys now but instead of bringing the toy up to her mouth, she tries to bring her head down to the toy. It's hilarious. She's seriously my little buddy. I love her more and more every day. I love this age and sometimes I get sad when I see older babies and kids because I know she'll be that age soon and I just want her to stay my innocent, cuddly baby!
Lindsey - I was looking at the Kick and Play Piano Gym when I was doing my baby registry. I'll have to look around and see what I find. The car seat toy you posted is the one that is currently on Aiden's car seat. He loves it!

We're still working on the awake time in the crib. He loves the mobile in there and will stare at that the entire time it's going but if he's not in a good mood he'll stop screaming as soon as it stops. This morning I put him in there and when I checked on him he was "talking" to the whale on the crib bumper. I'm thinking I'm going to wait to try to move him to the crib until we get back on a routine. Ever since last week he has been all over the place so I never know how the day is going to be. Today seems to be a good day though since he's actually taking his afternoon nap.
Right, I can finally sit down and catch up!!! If I'm not busy, I'm out. If I'm not out, Adam is on the laptop and when I have tried to get on it something pops up! I want to write about a load of stuff on my blog but I just don't seem to have the time :dohh:

I do apologise if I miss anything...

First off, sorry to hear about problems with friends/family. What a bunch of nobs. I can't be doing with people who are selfish, make no effort whatsoever then are rude. I am still so angry with my so called friends. My ''closest'' friend STILL hasn't even seen Beau yet she works literally 5 minute walk away from where I live. I'm not bothered about going out or having a full day together, 10 minutes wouldn't hurt would they??? grrr

Lindsey, I have thought about taking the newborn part out our carseat too as she seems to look a little squished. I think it will last a few more weeks though unless she has a growth spurt! I look at other babies and find it quite sad. I met a friend today - well I say friend, she is the girlfriend of our friend. We have met as a group together but never alone. Today was a first. And was nice :) - but anyhoo, she has a baby who is 7 months and she looks massive compared to Beau. She still looks like a baby but isn't small and cuddly like Beau. I don't want her getting big :(

Brittany, Beau can be really noisy sometimes too. When we were in Cornwall I had her in bed with me....well she was in her carrycot but the carrycot was in my bed. But she kept me awake because of how much she moves and makes noise. I never noticed it that bad before, maybe it was just because she was in a different bed and somewhere new?
Also, sorry to hear about the car accident. I was in a bit of one when I was a few weeks pregnant. Wasn't my fault and wasn't serious but some old guy just pulled out of a road without looking and went straight in to the side of me. I was fuming! But its made me really wary of people driving up roads to turn out, I worry now that someone will pull out on me again. Another thing I did was drive in to a big metal pole thing which dinted my bumper, I cried then. lol.

Right, update.

Well got down to Cornwall...eventually. Was quite funny actually, when we reached Cornwall my phone died (I was using it as a sat nav) so my sister had to use her google maps to direct us - then her phone was on its way out so I told her to write the directions down. Once her phone had died we discovered that she hadn't written them down properly :haha: but did get there in the end. The first day was horrible, it was throwing it down and was sooo windy. I was really upset. Then to top things off, Adam majorly pissed me off. At home he is ALWAYS checking up on me, if I don't reply to a text he will ring...then if I don't pick up after a couple of attemps, he will text again. Well because my phone had been dead for a while it took ages to charge and turn back on, then didn't have a signal for ages. Well it was like 4 hours after arriving, my signal came back. I was expecting loads of texts from Adam asking if we got there ok ect - but nothing. He hadn't even bothered to see if we got there ok. He claims he tried ringing - yeah right. I think he was lying. He was obviously more bothered about being out getting drunk.
Anyway, second day started off as rain but decided to head out to St Ives and on the way there is became much brighter and the sun came out :) then stayed that way all day which was lovely. I spoke to Adam a few times during the day and were ok.
Sunday we decided to go to the Eden Project with was great - way over priced but good - after loads of walking around we were ready for bed when we got back.
Was in a good mood until I spoke to Adam again - this time he went and told me that he was going out in the evenings and leaving his phone at the hotel. I was FUMING. What if something happened and I needed to contact him??? He was really apologetic after then and saying he feels really bad for doing it ectect.

But him behaving the way he did totally ruined the weekend for me. I was going to bed crying because of how shit I felt. I still don't forgive him and he is never doing anything like that again. I was so angry. Even writing up about it is making my blood boil. He was being so idiotic and selfish. I actually don't think I'll ever forget or forgive him for how he was behaving.....or even for him going to that damn thing in the first place. He should never have gone. But again, going out and getting pissed with the lads was obviously waaay more important than us :x Thats how I felt anyway.....

Anyway, that is enough of me moaning. I'll just get upset again.

Other news - some of you may have seen on Facebook but Beau broke a new record!! She slept 12 hours last night!!

Well apart from me moaning and Beau's new record, I don't really have anything to report :/

Oh Hayley, I am sooo jealous of Tyne laughing. I can't wait for Beau's first giggles :) she smiles a lot and can hold her head up properly now apart from when she is sleepy.

I'll leave you with some photos anyway from when we were away :)


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Lauren, I know what you mean! My friend's baby is just 6 weeks older than Sarah and he looks huge in comparison. And Sarah's not a small baby! Like I said, I get sad but at the same time I see all of the cute things that older babies can do and can't wait for Sarah to do those same things. I want her to grow up but I don't. I take tons of videos now because I cried when I realized I didn't have any from the first few weeks (aside from the hospital).

Seth rarely checks up on me when he's out and it used to bother me a lot. I'm glad you and Adam were able to talk after all but you still have every right to feel the way you do! Does he realize how much he's hurt you? Does he feel bad at all? It would take me a long time to get over something like he's done. I'm sorry it ruined your weekend. :hugs:

Yay for Beau! That's so impressive! :happydance: Sounds like she's turning into a wonderful sleeper. Hopefully you were able to enjoy that free time!

Love the pictures. Beau's such a cutie!
I think he does know what he did wrong and how I feel about it. He hasn't openly said anything.

It's so frustrating though. I'd find it so much easier to stay mad at him if I didn't love the damn idiot so much!!! >.<

Oh, and that on Beau's head is a vest lol. I took it off under her dress as it didn't look very nice... I thought she looked cute hehe :)
Lauren - My SIL's baby just turned 7 monthes. I always think he looks massive compared to Aiden. I have a picture on my facebook of the 2 of them together with their great-grandpa. But I love that her baby is so close in age to Aiden since I'm sure they'll probably be close growing up.

Does your phone not notify you of missed calls while your phone was dead? As soon as I charge my phone up it notifies me of any missed calls or texts I received while it was dead. Anyways I would be pissed about you OH not checking to make sure you arrived safely. Especially considering he went on that stupid trip when he should have been with you.

AFM - Nothing to really update about. DH told Aiden he needed to stay up and watch the Blackhawks game so Aiden tried to stay awake. I wasn't able to get him to sleep until around 10:00. He's been to sleep around 8:30 so 10 was really late for him. It's kind of funny that this happened the same night DH told him to stay awake though.
Brittany, what a coincidence! :haha: Did the later bedtime have any effect on Aiden's sleep?

How long do your babies play independently, on an activity mat or whatever it may be? I feel guilty if I let Sarah go more than 30 minutes (a few times a day) but I know it's important for babies to have space and learn on their own, too, and she always seems content. I'm not constantly in her face all day; she spends time in her bouncer watching me get things done but I'm still interacting with her, and we do plenty of other things together. I just sometimes feel bad when I lay her down with some dangly toys and leave her to it for 30+ minutes.

AFM, Sarah did a 5 hour stretch in her crib last night. It was still every 2 hours after that but we're getting there. I'm just glad the transition to crib is out of the way and she seems happy.
Hi Girls!

Lauren - Glad you had fun in Cornwall. Beau looks adorable in the photos! I would be FUMING with Adam - I hope you make his life hell for at least a week! :winkwink:

Lindsey - I know what you mean - part of me is excited for Tyne to get older and do new things but equally it makes me sad to think of him growing up and not being my tiny baby anymore. I dont think I've ever felt so torn!!!
As for time spent playing alone - I feel the same way! He doesn't tend to like to play alone on his mat for more than about 20 minutes before he starts griping...he'll sit in his bouncer for about 40 minutes though... but I feel guilty! I'll be nearby on the computer or watching TV, but I still feel bad for not interacting with him - but yet I know we're not supposed to ALWAYS be right there in their faces either. :wacko:

Brittany - Fingers crossed that Aiden sleeps through again soon! Its good he did it once, he's heading in the right direction!!

AFM - I'm all depressed atm, my Nan died today :cry:

She was almost 90, and she'd had advanced alzheimers for the last 3 years - it'd been years since she'd recognised me or my Dad or even knew who SHE was, so I'm trying to tell myself that its better for her as really she hasn't been there for years - she was just a body going through the motions.
But its still sad - and I feel so guilty as I hadn't taken the baby to meet her, I was so worried about germs in the nursing home :nope:
But I wish I'd have gotten a photograph of her with Tyne at least....

I'm not sure when the funeral will be but I don't know what to do about that as I don't really think they're appropriate places for babies are they?! I'd hate him to start crying and disrupt the service!! But I don't really have a babysitter as all my family will be there.

In slightly happier news, we've got some good news about moving! Jon has got a job offer in Devon to start on August 5th, and we've been given first refusal on a 3 bedroom property near where my sister lives - my Mum viewed it for us today, she said its slightly old fashioned but nothing that a lick of paint won't fix and apparently its HUGE - so I think we'll probably take it!

If we do, we'll be moving back in about 4 weeks time - exciting!
Hayley I'm so sorry to hear about your nan :( she got a good stretch of life though!! 90 is a brilliant age. Alzheimer's disease is horrible, I work (ed) with patients with the disease too. It sounds as though she had it quite bad? It's very sad to see. As for the funeral, take Tyne with you. You might regret not going otherwise, Tyne will most likely behave. If he doesn't, just take him outside...

Great news about Devon and Jon getting the new job!! When you move in to a new house, will you just be taking a 6 month contract out? I don't think I could trust anyone else choosing a house for me lol - I'm incredibly picky!!! :)

Brittany, my phone sends through texts once my signal comes back but don't get notification of people trying to ring. I don't think he tried ringing anyway. Never mind.

Lindsey, Beau likes time to herself. She gets really ratty if I hold her for too long. However, she still gets bored. I STILL don't have a play mat for her!! She has a mobile one which we can clip to her Moses basket but I don't like putting her in that. So I have to dangle things infront of her instead. I've got to buy her something, it will have to be after pay day though as we have quite a bit to pay out this month.
As I type this she is lying in bed sucking her hands which she has been doing for the last 20 minutes - I did put her in there for a nap but she obviously doesn't want to sleep yet lol. But is happy enough in there.

Afm - I have sooo much to do at the moment but I'm either too busy out or doing housework and when I am free, I'm too tired. I don't know what's wrong with me. I have a suspicion that its my eating habits. I'm not eating all day.... I just don't want to eat or I'll be hungry but won't have an appetite. When I was pregnant I had breakfast, lunch and dinner while snacking in between. So I had loads of energy! How am I supposed to make myself eat if I don't want to??!!

I have this story I want to write up about which has me super excited, but will take a bit of time due to internet trawling....but I just don't have time to bloody do it. I have just started now but I have to get ready and go out in a mo. We are going to a fair with some friends then going for some lunch. Wasn't due to go until later but they just text me to say they're feeding the little'un then making their way over. 1. I'm not even ready!!! and 2. I need to clean up before they decide to come over lol!! Noooooo so now I have to turn this off and get sorted.
Hayley :hugs: So so sorry to hear about your nan. I agree that a funeral isn't a great place for a baby, but see how awkward it is for you to find someone to look after him. If it were me, I think I'd take him, but maybe get Jon to sit near the back with him so if he starts to cry, Jon can discreetly take him out?
Great news about the house and job! :happydance:
Re: my friends - they literally made a fuss of the other baby and ignored Isabelle, and have met both babies before. Your cousin sounds like a right bitch. I don't think my friends were purposefully nasty, they just didn't think at all. Your cousin was purposefully a bitch. And yeah, hard to ignore her kids, especially when they are bigger and its not them who has done something wrong. Tough situations for us both.

Brittany I didn't phone the dr about Isabelle's green poo, but am glad to hear that yours said it was normal. They seem to be getting a bit better, so I dunno. Simon was great after our failed attempt at dtd. It's interesting to hear it can take as long as 3 months to properly heal down there. I assumed since I have no day to day pain I was ok, but maybe not.
I know how you feel about Aiden's moving during the night keeping you up - Isabelle is the same (but she does usually wake after maybe 15mins of it) I think trying him in his PNP at least may be an idea. If it doesn't work you haven't really lost anything. Maybe try putting him down drowsy rather than asleep?

Lindsey Izzy does the opposite of what I say about sleep too! These kids are such cheeky monkeys!! I love how you said Sarah is your buddy - I feel just the same about Izzy! So funny about her trying to bring her head to her hands - I can only imagine what that looks like :haha:

Lauren 12 hours sleep?!?! Miss Beau is amazing!!! Sorry to hear Adam has been such a dick, I would be fuming about him leaving his mobile behind too. Simon doesn't phone/text much if we're apart (he's actually away this weekend) but I know he would have his phone in case I needed him.
But glad to hear that, overall, your Cornwall break was a good trip! Love the pics - Beau is so gorgeous! :kiss:

Independent play Isabele is on her playmat every morning and evening, and can beon it for up to an hour. I spend almost all of it with her, chatting and showing her toys, and kissing her (lots of kissing!) but i do have to leave her there to get bits done. I like her to have her space, but know I'm close by, so I usually stay with her for most of it where she can see me., so I guess I don't leave her to play alone for any more than maybe 3 minutes. Over eager mummy alert here! :haha:
I actually get cross at Simon if he puts her in her bouncer/on her playmat and leaves her to it!

Afm generally all is well :) Still lots of green poop :haha: sleep is normal - although we did have our best ever night on Wednesday 10.30-4.30 and then 4.45-7.30!
BUUUT...that's because she was so exhausted. On Wednesday I went to a work BBQ and left her with Simon. I fed her at 5.30pm and said i'd be home by 11pm. Simon had milk to give her in a bottle though. Well, at 9pm I txt to check in, and he said she hadn't eaten ANYTHING, and that she had been screaming non-stop for an hour, but was now alseep in her bouncer. Of course, in my mind my poor, screaming baby was half starved, so I immediately left the BBQ and raced home (drove at 80/90 the whole way...) She was sound asleep in her cot when I got back, having eaten a WHOLE 1.5oz. I was absolutely distraught and cried the whole way home, and when I got home. I went up to see her and she woke up and her eyes were all puffy from crying :cry: I fed her, and she went straight to sleep, but I just felt awful about leaving her. Simon had actually phoned my mum and dad for help as he was so worried she wouldn't eat anything, and my dad went round. Of course we were both panicking and she was fine, but I will NOT be rushing out anytime soon!

Simon is away on a stag weekend atm, so I'm staying with my parents. My mum made some more remarks yesterday about Isabelle being too clingy, and needing to get used to being separated from me. I said how can I when she won't take a bottle, and my dad said "yes, she needs to get used to that. What happens if you die?" :shock: what?!!?
So I am supposed to get Izzy used to a bottle...just in case I DIE?! What planet is he on?!
I am going to tell them tonight that I know they think they are helping and looking out for us, but she is my baby, and she is only 10 weeks old and I don't feel a) comfy leaving her yet while she is still ebf and b) that she SHOULD be most attached to me and that's normal, and I don't want to hear anything about it again.

I need to remember to be diplomatic though and not say what I really think :haha:
Hayley, I am so sorry about your nan. :hugs: I'd probably do what Sarah suggested and bring the baby, but sit where it wouldn't be hard to sneak out with him if he became fussy.

That's great news about the house!

Lauren, I'm not very hungry these days, either, but force myself to eat because I'm still nursing. Have you tried any shakes or anything? Sometimes it's easier to drink something like Ensure than to eat a whole meal. I hope you get your energy back soon!

Sarah, What if you die?! That's pretty extreme. And insensitive. Maybe your parents are jealous of how attached Izzy is to you? I don't think there's anything wrong with a baby being so close to her mother (it's the way it should be!), and I'm sorry your mom keeps acting like there is. And I'm sure Izzy will take a bottle when she's ready.

I don't like to leave the room while Sarah plays on her activity mat but I do let her do her thing for a little bit. A month ago, I hated even putting her down (and I am still her favorite toy) but she does enjoy some alone time and gets squirmy when I've held her for too long.

AFM - Just when I thought things were getting better sleep-wise, Sarah was up 5 times last night. She was so happy and smiley all day long. Then dinnertime rolled around and she was a totally different baby. I'm pretty sure she had a stomachache because she was farting up a storm and did a massive poop first thing this morning. :( She's been doing so well in her crib and at soothing herself back to sleep, so I guess I was due for a night like this but it's just discouraging. And we are both so tired today. I feel like I haven't gotten a good night's sleep since before she was born, and some days it makes me want to cry.
OMG Sarah!! If you DIE!!! Fancy saying something like that!!

Sorry to hear about the panic, I imagine I'd worry too. Glad overall everything was ok though.

Lindsey, the sleep thing WILL get better. One day you will have forgotten about the night time feeds :) I know people say 'sleep when baby sleeps' but that's easier said than done!!

I ended up crying in town earlier - twice! We had just sat down in Pizza Hut and Beau started crying... Then screaming hysterically! She never cries like that. But Adam took her outside and walked around with her, she eventually fell asleep. But before then I started getting all teary - as I always do when she cries. It was quite embarrasing. Anyhoo, she was fine for a couple of hours then started getting ratty again so I took her in to a cafe to change her nappy and when I lay her down she went mad.... Her cry wasn't anything I had heard before, it was horrible. She sounded like she was in pain but nothing I did would sooth her. I shoved her nappy on and practically ran out to Adam and our two friends. She was still screaming - and when I say screaming, literally screaming! Not crying. Her legs went all red and patchy like she was stressed. OMG I just wanted to break down and cry. Eventually she stopped when Adam took her and lay her on her stomach accross his arm. She did burp so maybe had trapped wind. But I have never seen her like that before. At that point I just decided to leave and go home. I wanted to check her temperature and stuff. When we got to the car park away from everyone I just cried. I felt really awful that I didn't know what was wrong with her or couldn't sooth her... And we had people all around us (was in a busy shopping centre).

Since then she is much better. Temperature was fine too. I never want that to happen again :cry:

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