Beau is beautiful

And the dress is marvellous

When you have a pic of her in it you definitely have to post it!
Thanks for all the nice words

I sometimes find it so hard to be a mother, all the advice that I get is v. often contradictive and if you have to work out what's best for your child by yourself I guess you'll always have this feeling that maybe you did something wrong. A feeling along the lines that in a few years' time it'll appear that I should or shouldn't have done something and some problems are caused by me doing/not doing sth... Hard to explain but I started having this creepy feeling recently and it's just awful, Lily is so little and I started being scared about her future health, happiness and all that.
I'm also trying to make Lily giggle, but it;s a hard job - she's done it a few times when I was kissing her neck v. loudly and that's it.
And thx for the info abt vit D!
I used saline Nasal Spray, I didn't see drops in the pharmacy, but I guess it's all the same. It does help a lot, I used it for two days and it was way better.
Now I understand what you meant by Izzy not eating fully, I guess you can't do anything with that. I heard that tickling a ckeeck helps and a baby starts eating again, but it failed completely with L.
I also think about baby led weaning, I need to read more abt that idea.
I'm so sorry about your fall

But accidents like that do happen, fortunately nothing bad happened to Iz. But there is something weird about falling with a baby, I mean that you instinctively protect it from the fall and getting hurt. My midwife told me once (when I was pg and panicking about dealing with such a small creature) that it's very rare to
really hurt a baby, as parents have this instinct to protect a baby from all the danger.
But Isabelle had a bad day, your nephew kicking her after the fall, poor thing

As for vit. D, I asked my doctor and she advised me not to give her vit. D in summer, as L. will produce enough being outside. The problem is that I heard from my friend that her doctor insists on giving vit. D all the time for a few years.
I just want to make a good decision and wanted to know how it looks like in different countries. My country always "lags" - like with vit K, I heard that in many countries it's not used anymore at all and here it's obligatory straight after birth and for the next three months.
As far as a pacifier is concerned, Lily refused to take it after the hospital, so I decided not to use it. It seems that she doesn't need it at all, but to be honest it seems that she uses my breats in this role, as sometimes she just calms down for a minute and she's all happy
Lindsey, It's fantastic that Sarah sleeps better and she's able to self-settle, I guess it makes you feel better and more relaxed

Hope that teething pain won't come back, maybe you've already had your share of that

And 7,5 hours of sleep - wow!

As for the "debates" you mentioned, I think that what you wrote before is true - a happy Mum = a happy baby and it doesn't matter if you sleep with your child or not, breastfeed or give a formula, as long as you and the baby are happy, that's all that matters. Different things work out for different people and different babies. I remember myself saying when I was pg that my baby will definitely sleep in her own crib in her own room and I and my hubby sleeping together. But, real life changed my way of thinking, it's way easier for me to sleep with Lily, I feel great doing that and I know that it's what we both need. And my husband sleeps in Lily;s room

We tried sleeping together with her, but he has such a light sleep that a tiny sounds Lily makes wakes him up immedietaly (when she made a very quiet sound my husband was immediately up and waking me to feed her - I didn't even hear her!). And since he works really hard, he can't afford to be sleepy. So, we had to change our plans, but all the time I hear that what we're doing is bad, as Lily will not be able to sleep alone, it's going to be difficut, a baby should sleep in its own bed etc. So it's the other way round here

So I believe that you know what's best for you and your family and has to stick with it, no matter what other people say. And other people should not comment on that, I mean a gentle advice is ok, but not bossing around.
Oh, but there;s one thing I just can;t bare - the idea that when a child cried, it "exercises" its lungs and you should leave it alone.For 5 minutes, 10, 15, as long as it takes, as baby needs to learn to self-control and you shouldn't carry the baby as it wil get used to that and will want you to carry him/her no stop. For me it's just barbaric to leave a child crying. So here I'd argue like mad.
Lindsey is totally right, it takes time. now that Lily is over 4, falling to sleep is getting better (and faster!). It'll come with time
I'm planning to prepare baby food by myself. I changed my eating habits completely when I started breastfeeding and feel much better, so I decided to try with L's food. I don;t know how I'll manage with it (time!) but I'm really willing to give it a try
Maybe Aiden is not ready to sleep alone? It seems that your DH is, but you aren't. Just do it when you feel like it and I;m sure it's going to be just fine