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- Nov 14, 2014
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Hello I'm 21 years old and me and my fiancé are trying to concieve. We started trying oct 25 which was two days before ovulation. A week after trying I felt nausea through the night and could not sleep a few days after that I became so bloated that I looked 6 months and I also was very gassy I've also have had these strange hiccups every now and then. I took a pregnancy test at 3 weeks which my period is not due yet so it was to early of course I got a BFN(big fat negative) it's now been 4 weeks I'm so scared to test my AF (period) is due nov 18. I have not been nausea anymore but now I have been experiencing constipation and then it did a big flip on me and turned into diarrhea (tmi sorry). I only feel a little tenderness in my breast not a lot at all. Me and my fiancé try every weekend he comes home. Do anyone think I have a possibility of being pregnant ? I eat a lot now and for some reason I love peppers now and I've been a little mean towards my fiancé
help! I'm needing advice