This happened to me also! He got a gf - I think within 2 months possibly less and moved in with her a month after that. 6 years we'd been together!
I used to wonder what his new gf thinks of this situation but then he's prob told her a different story. It may be the same for your lowlife fob's.
His friends, our mutual friends including his best friend (we never used to get on) all have an bad opinion about him. I stayed quiet and didn't say much on the matter, it was him broadcasting things on Facebook and his actions that got him noticed for the person he really is and not me mud slinging - I'm proud of that cos I said, "one day people will see him for what he is."
I did have a rant on Facebook the other day though after he visit LO and bought dirty clothes!
It wasn't about me and him - I was angry he'd done that to his son!!
Like you I have never been treated this bad in my life - like you said you don't expect it - especially from someone you love and thinks loves you!
Honestly it does get easier.... Everyone says having your LO does make things easier and it does!! He's beautiful and is my new focus!
Now i feel better about the things he's done to me (though there is still a stab of pain sometimes)
Things that helped me were:
blocking him and anyone connected to him on Facebook so I wasn't tempted to look or see him "checked" in anywhere..
I know it's hard not to look and ask people to look but it's best just to be kind to yourself. You've already had enough hurt from him dont inflict more on yourself.
Tell friends not to look or talk about him either - that helps.
Staying busy - when LO is here this one is easy!!
See a counsellor, being able to talk open and honestly to a qualified "stranger" for a few visits really helped me!!
I'm nearly feeling okay about things now! One point I was so low! He says he wants to be involved in LO's life though he's done nothing during pregnancy and hasn't contacted me after his first failed visit this week. The thought of seeing him every week visiting LO made me sad but now he's here I know I can deal with it. He has a few hours with LO and I get to tuck him into bed and wake up with him each morning!
Seeing men who are rubbish during pregnancy and who are heartless makes me feel that I'm not hard done by and other people are in this situation.
I think I had a lucky escape and it sounds like all of you did too! I don't want heartless, nasty, immature selfish people around my son.
Dezireey you said on a thread that your mum said something like, he would undo all your hard work bringing up your LO - I like this. Imagine them being around LOs full time inflicting their morals on them.
In time Dezireey and Lemon you will pity Fob new gf, I do. The pain of him getting with her so quickly will fade. I can laugh about it with friends now!
They're now be lumbered with those nasty b****ds and we're free of them.
I honestly would never get back with fob - never thought I'd say that.
When tough situations happen people show their true colours and these men certainly have! Wasters, pity them and wish them luck, they may look back when they're older and have remorse but then it doesn't matter.
Dunno if I believe in karma...