For ladies who have given birth more than once!


Hubb,DS & DD =]
May 10, 2011
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I am expecting my second and my feelings about it are all over the place. With my son, pregnancy was crap as I had constant migraines and sinus problems and had morning sickness all day every day. The labour from start to finish was 10hrs 15 minuets and apart from needing an episiotony towards the end, it went pretty well an I did it drug free.

However this time round I feel excited that she will soon be here, but feel so nervous and anxious as I know what the pain is like, and also I have it in my head that I won't be as lucky this time an there will be complications an the labour will be twice as long an there will be problems with her an stuff. The pregnancy has been really crap this time round, worse than the first an im trying to stay a believer of "hard pregnancy, easy labour" but its hard. IDK why I wound up about it.

What was your labour and birth like second time round? How did you feel about it on the weeks running up to it? Xx
I shouldn't comment because it will bring you down, but my second labor was awful. The actual pushing phase was awesome though. She was out in a few pushes. I had an 8 hour labor with my first, 27 hours with my second
Im wondering how long this one will be because the pushing stage took 3 1\2hr. Im hoping the whole thing will be shorter :/
My second baby was the opposite! My first was horrible, my waters went but no contractions started so they induced three days later.

My second however was very quick, I lost my plug around 2am and contractions started about 5am, I held out until 4pm to head to the hospital and upon getting there they assessed me (but didn't do an internal!!!) and sent me home at 6pm as I didn't 'look to be in enough pain for established labour' drove home and within 20 minutes my waters went with a gush so we headed back up to the hospital for pain relief, I didn't get the chance to though he was born within 5 minutes of getting to the hospital after crowning in the car, Established labour was noted down as 50 minutes. One hell of an experience!!

Leading up to labour I was terrified of it being the same as my first born, slow, painful and drawn out but despite the lack of care from the midwives I enjoyed every minute of my second borns labour and birth x
My first labour was 12 hours long - started off fine but ended up turning into a nightmare as my contractions slowed down n they gave me a pitocin drip which made the contractions unbearable - baby started to become distressed and I was all over the place - she was born absolutely fine tho thank god although I tore pretty much everywhere!! And the stitches were so painful for weeks I couldn't bear to wee it was so uncomfortable!!

Naturally second time round I was anxious especially about having stitches and because I remembered the pain!! However I on a Wednesday morning I woke up n turned over and felt a pop this was at 7am- I started to drift back off to sleep when it suddenly clicked maybe it was my waters - got up and had a wee and the water trickled down my leg so I knew it was but they were meconium stained so of course I was panicking phone hospital and they said to go in ..... Almost instantly the contractions started and although painful I was able to cope - got to the hospital where they checked me I was 8cm and a few minutes later I felt the urge to push - 3 pushes later my baby boy was born 9lb 2 and no stitches not even a graze!!!completely healthy and no complications from the meconium at 7.59am so 59 minute labour!!

Every labour is different but the end result makes it worth it!! If I knew my labour would be the same as my second baby next time I'd be pregnant tomorrow lol
I think every labour is different and depends on so many factors.
This is my third pregnancy and I was told by midwife actually that it's a standard joke that third babies are the little monkey during labour!

I don't know, my second was a little trickier than my third but I think that was because my second was bigger, came out at an awkward angle and I was much more tired to begin with once my labour started so I ran out of steam quicker.

We could spend weeks threating about it but at the end of the day what will be will be and we are female and built to endure labour to the end. Whatever your labour experience all will be forgotten once bubs is out and in your arms.
Your labour could be easier or harder, which ever it is the end result is the same. The pain will stop, you will make it through to the end and you will have a gorgeous baby to show for It :)
My second labor was a breeze...three pushes and he was out, after only a couple hours of contractions.
Bumpnthree I was told this too about my third, that they're either really stubborn, or really quick! She was my longest labour but only by two hours but the contractions were a lot more intense for me. Fingers crossed yours isn't a little monkey!
My first was 8 hr 30 mins of pushingmy 2nd was 2 hrs and 30 sec of pushing :) both really bad ms threw the whole thing! Also lots of migraines as well but both labors where great infact I didn't know I was I lanor for half of it with my second
Im wondering how long this one will be because the pushing stage took 3 1\2hr. Im hoping the whole thing will be shorter :/


My 1st one was 4 hours pushing.

I'm afraid I must admit, my 2nd was 2 hours pushing, but overall very easy labour (home birth) and easy to recover, no episiotomy this time even with shoulder dystocia.

Do you know why you pushed so long??? Both mine were in bad position and I was very tired. Midwife told me walking stairs can help move it along (I know that sounds insane when pushing)
Im wondering how long this one will be because the pushing stage took 3 1\2hr. Im hoping the whole thing will be shorter :/


My 1st one was 4 hours pushing.

I'm afraid I must admit, my 2nd was 2 hours pushing, but overall very easy labour (home birth) and easy to recover, no episiotomy this time even with shoulder dystocia.

Do you know why you pushed so long??? Both mine were in bad position and I was very tired. Midwife told me walking stairs can help move it along (I know that sounds insane when pushing)

hey hun, I was pushing for so long because his head was sideways an the cord was wrapped round his neck. But they didn't realise this to begin with! They were blaming the lengthly pushing time on me not trying hard enough (I hadn't had sleep or food for 36hrs), an it wasn't till his head was almost crowning that they noticed his large head was sideways! That's why I was having a hard time. They then did the episiotomy, an he was out 2 pushes after that x
My second labour was brilliant. Really quick and easy delivery. Im hoping this labour is the same as my second. My third was by far the worst pain wise. It was quick but excruciating !!!!
Hi, my 1st labour sucked! I was induced at 10 days over due. Labour lasted 23 hours and baby got stuck so had to have epidural, ventous, forceps and episiotomy :( Lots of stiches later I had my perfect baby girl so it was all worth it.
2nd labour I was terrified the same thing would happen again. I went over again by 8 days, had 2 sweeps. My waters went and I had no contractions so thought I would plod around my house but my son had other ideas, 15 mins later we pulled up at hospital and he was born after 3 pushes in A+E a total of 20 mins labour and 5 contractions. Perfect!
My 3rd I was induced again at 7 days over due. My waters went at 11.40 p.m and same again no contractions or anything until I was fully dilated and ready to push our 2nd daughter was born 38 mins later :D
I am now terrified I am going to have another poop labour as been very lucky with the last 2 x
First labour was 43 hours with 30 minutes pushing. It was long, hard and very tiring.

2nd labour - granted I had 3 days of slow labour and 2 sweeps but once it got going it was a lot more intense, I was already 3cm dilated when it started with my waters partially gone and he was here in just over 5 hours with only 2 actual pushes - and he was nearly 11lb!

My midwife has said that my labour this time is either going to be short and intense again (Eddy has 'paved the way' so to speak) or baby will be a stubborn thing and I'll need intervention. Don't want intervention, so hoping to keep active and mobile and let baby fall out lol........can't be much resistance left surely! lol :haha: Currently though, baby is breech......little bugger!
I had a different labour to first one, first was induction and emerg c section. Second was faster, more natural but needed forceps. Very painful. I dont handle pain well at all. :( I wish I could say it was great. This time I am dreading it. Just want past that bit if I am honest.
Im wondering how long this one will be because the pushing stage took 3 1\2hr. Im hoping the whole thing will be shorter :/


My 1st one was 4 hours pushing.

I'm afraid I must admit, my 2nd was 2 hours pushing, but overall very easy labour (home birth) and easy to recover, no episiotomy this time even with shoulder dystocia.

Do you know why you pushed so long??? Both mine were in bad position and I was very tired. Midwife told me walking stairs can help move it along (I know that sounds insane when pushing)

hey hun, I was pushing for so long because his head was sideways an the cord was wrapped round his neck. But they didn't realise this to begin with! They were blaming the lengthly pushing time on me not trying hard enough (I hadn't had sleep or food for 36hrs), an it wasn't till his head was almost crowning that they noticed his large head was sideways! That's why I was having a hard time. They then did the episiotomy, an he was out 2 pushes after that x

Oh how frustrating!!! To be blamed :growlmad: 10 hours unmedicated wlel no crap you are tired. My midwife recommended walking up and down stairs for bad positioning. Also, do you have bad diastasis recti (muscle separation)? I hear that affects position.
Im wondering how long this one will be because the pushing stage took 3 1\2hr. Im hoping the whole thing will be shorter :/


My 1st one was 4 hours pushing.

I'm afraid I must admit, my 2nd was 2 hours pushing, but overall very easy labour (home birth) and easy to recover, no episiotomy this time even with shoulder dystocia.

Do you know why you pushed so long??? Both mine were in bad position and I was very tired. Midwife told me walking stairs can help move it along (I know that sounds insane when pushing)

hey hun, I was pushing for so long because his head was sideways an the cord was wrapped round his neck. But they didn't realise this to begin with! They were blaming the lengthly pushing time on me not trying hard enough (I hadn't had sleep or food for 36hrs), an it wasn't till his head was almost crowning that they noticed his large head was sideways! That's why I was having a hard time. They then did the episiotomy, an he was out 2 pushes after that x

Oh how frustrating!!! To be blamed :growlmad: 10 hours unmedicated wlel no crap you are tired. My midwife recommended walking up and down stairs for bad positioning. Also, do you have bad diastasis recti (muscle separation)? I hear that affects position.

No I don't have that as far as im aware anyway. I remember I tried to be active during labour but with each contraction my legs just buckled underneath me. They tried to get me to go toilet before I started pushing but I just couldn't move, the contractions were on top of eachother. Nightmare. Hope this ones better x
Oh well good luck :) Yeah I just couldn't move at transition/pushing either, it was just too much. "The path has already been paved", so to speak :D so I'm sure the 2nd has to be shorter. While my 2nd was 2 hours it felt like 5 minutes really, b/c I knew what was coming, it seemed more abstract with 1st baby.

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