For Moms Who Had C-Sections.....

My planned c-section was great, was very disappointed when had to have one but had got to 42+2 after 5 days of failed induction, hadn't had a single labour pain and had very bad pregnancy induced high blood pressure so enough was enough.
Wonderful experience in the theatre, very relaxed and friendly, spinal was fine didn't hurt at all, was able to bf about an hour after birth, wasn't allowed any pain meds except paracetamol due to very high bp.
Will be honest, pain for first 24 hours is very very bad and difficult to even move in bed let alone walk about but usually you can have more pain meds if needed and you know the pain will get better. I'm sure labour is probably worse, who knows!? I almost fainted with pain when I first walked to the shower 24 hours after the op but that was the worst point.
After that gets better every day. I honestly didn't need any paracetamol or anything else after 3 days. People who visited me 2 weeks after birth said they wouldn't have known I had a c-section as was moving around completely normally.
Make sure your wound is dried properly after showering, I dried mine with a cool hairdryer (on advice of my mum who is district nurse) and take it easy. I didn't start going for short walks for about 10 days.
Good luck xxx
I was an emergency section but i wouldn't class it as emergency i just wasn't progressing through labour so had a nice calm section instead.

But recovery was fine I was up the next day out of hospital by 3 and a bit sore at home but it didn't stop me caring for baby i could still pick her up etc, i might have found it harder if hubby wasn't able to take so much time off, with bathing etc but my mother in law gave me a good tip and told me to put changing mat on a high surface so i'm not bending over to pick LO up when changing her. It did make things easier
My csection itself wasn't bad at all,I had chronic shaking but most do.I wouldve said the healing wasn't bad either but I got an infection and nearly died so they had to rip open the stitches and now I'm looking at 10 months healing time.the hospital did say how rare that was and they'd never seen anything like I would still say csections are mostly fine hun xx
with my son I swam 3km only 3 weeks after I had a section
with my second section, I shopped two days later.
with my third, I shopped within a week and vacuumed two weeks later.

The first two were emergency ones, and I would say I felt alot more tired. My first I had massive complications (not from the section) that left me anemic, but still recovered fairly quickly, but hte first week or two was pretty tiring. My last one was my only scheduled one...what a breeze it was! It was like going to the dentist for a filling, and coming out with a baby. It was great! Everything was organized. The people I wanted there, were there. I had things packed. I felt 'ready' and prepared. I got to hold Kelana immediately and the whole time they stitched me up. After that, the gave me her naked and we breastfed. i couldn't have the birth i wanted, but it was still a great birth...and there was no pain.
I was very ill thru my pregnancy and had preeclapsia at the very end so my planned cs became an emergency one. To cut a long story short, if I take away all the illness I had (associated with pregnancy) then the cs was great! I healed well. Yes, its a little difficult to move around but not as much as you would think. I was planning on not being able to go upstairs for a week or so...I was up there immediately as soon as I was home x
Thank you so much for all of your stories. I have an appointment with my midwife tomorrow, and I am hoping that she will respect my concerns about attempting the ECV, and let me deliver with a Csection. I kind of feel like I am maybe not doing everything humanly possible to get my LO to turn head down, but maybe there is a reason she is situated this way. She has not budged in months!

Thanks again, I really do appreciate the feedback, more than you know.
i had EMCS and i won't lie i found it hard. my recovery was very straight forward but i was in pain for a couple of weeks. but i agree its a better option than the EVC
I wonder if you may find it harder (is that is you in your avatar) with having such a flat tummy? I think I found it so easy as I was a larger person to begin with; my skin was pretty loose so there was zero tugging or pulling going on with most movements. But perhaps pregnancy would have helped you along there...

Seems from what i have read on BnB the slimmer women have more trouble with c-section scars or pains.
Easy peasy! My horror at the idea was about 10/10, the actual recovery was a 1/10. The only thing that was hard was coughing or sneezing. Bit of pain but not too bad.

I'd rather have a c-section than a cold.

Mine was an emergency c-section also but it wasn't like a panic thing, they asked me if I wanted a c-section or to keep trying to see if I would dilate further, I chose the c-section. I already had everything set to go as I had an epidural. They just say it was an emergency as the baby's heartrate was dipping oddly and he'd poo'd into my waters. And it was a couple of hours from them asking me to when it happened so it wasn't like it was a terrible shock.

Ha ha, same here xx
Thank you so much for all of your stories. I have an appointment with my midwife tomorrow, and I am hoping that she will respect my concerns about attempting the ECV, and let me deliver with a Csection. I kind of feel like I am maybe not doing everything humanly possible to get my LO to turn head down, but maybe there is a reason she is situated this way. She has not budged in months!

Thanks again, I really do appreciate the feedback, more than you know.

Don't give up hope that LO might move. My LO was transverse throughout my pregnancy, I went for an ECV at 37 weeks and he turned head down while I was waiting for the doctor to arrive. like you I had very strong abs (sadly no more!)

However, I ended up having an emcs anyway as LO got into distress early in labour. He had been doing summersaults and had got the cord wrapped tightly round his neck so his heart rate was plummeting with every contraction. I healed fine, main pain was when laughing or coughing or sneezing. Or lifting anything heavy like LO I car seat. I had my appendix out about 15 years ago and was expecting a similar recovery but the emcs was soooo much quicker recovery.

My LO was also frank breech all the way through. They offered me an ECV and I was nervous about declining it (I'd researched the subject and I was not comfortable with them manipulating my baby like that. Also, like you, I thought LO must be in that position for a reason and was totally against trying to move him in that way) I went to see the consultant armed with my research info, ready for battle :haha: Turns out there was no need to feel so anxious, I told her I didn't want an ECV and why and she booked me in for my C section there and then :D Stick to your guns!
Just to add, the recovery from the section wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be! Really was easy for me (most pain ever was trying to watch something funny on TV!) Infact it was so good, I'd like to have a C section next time! The whole experience was very positive for me.
Good luck hun!
minties - im a slim lady so not the case for me :flower:
i laboured for hrs all the way to pushing stages until my babys heartbeat slowed and was rushed to av an emergency c-section, whilst in hospital and takeing all the drugs they could offer i was fine and up and about but when i got home and just in iburofen and paracetamol i felt qyuite uncomfortable, not pain really just an acheing and tenderness issue down there, i was a bit crouched up when walking and felt quite tender for a good two wks. its now four wks since my section and am on antibiotics as the area above my scar was red and inflamed but thats gone down in the two days since starting the tabs, i do have a numbing sensation around my scar , if i touch the skin with my finger it feels kinda numb and tingly all at the same time. ive been out walking with the pram and dog today so its not bothering me.
I had EMCS & my recovery was fine. I want an elective next time :)

I was tiny before getting pregnant but I grew sooo big during my pregnancy & went from size 6 to 16 :rofl: , I dont think size makes a difference, many of my cousins had an elective CS & they had amazing recoveries. Good luck hun, it was easier than extracting my wisdom teeth few months back (ouch!)
Maybe it was underwear rubbing on scars I am thinking of, with slim ladies? My lovely fat tummy stopped that from happening with me lol! I'm saving for a tummy tuck.
I also had an emergency c-section after 26 hrs of labor and I can tell you it was the easiest part! the recovery went super well (I"m 6 weeks post partem) and have resumed running and all other exercizes since4-5 weeks. The only thing that was uncomfortable was laughing, snnezing or coughing for the first week and even at that the pain was soooo bearable! I also did not take any painkillers at all after coming home from the hospital. Honestly, I'd much rather have a c-section any day than get a third degree or episiotomy! Don't stress, its a joke!
I am shocked at all the ladies who said their recovery was so easy. Honestly mine sucked and here I am 4 months later and still very sore. I think it is different for everyone but it definitely wasn't a walk in the park for me!! It is major abdominal surgery.
I hand an EMC and took 3 months to recover!

I had a haematomia and then my scar got infected and needed regular antibiotics and dressing. My advice, rest! It's major surgery and the recovery is key.
I am shocked at all the ladies who said their recovery was so easy. Honestly mine sucked and here I am 4 months later and still very sore. I think it is different for everyone but it definitely wasn't a walk in the park for me!! It is major abdominal surgery.

:hugs::hugs: sorry you had a hard time and yes - this shouldnt be forgotten - its NEVER something to be considered lightly as it is major surgery and it does take some much longer to recover than others and the first few weeks you have to be very careful. And not being able to drive for 6 weeks was a real resticter for me. BUT I think its also not something the OP should be afraid of IF she HAS to have this as the best option for her and her baby then it isnt something for her to be frightened of - it can be a very calm positive experience and although it makes life a little harder to begin with it is perfectly manageable in most cases. I wouldnt have chosen it but its what happened so I live with it - thesedays quite happily -I still wonder what a contraction feels like though!

Also OP - if you were thinking of BF your baby-having a c-section, especially an elective one need not make any difference to that - we havent encountered any problems that a big cushion over my tummy didnt solve. xxx :hugs:

Mizze xx
Hi Hun, I had emcs, and tbh, my recovery was ok, it would have been fine if it wasn't for the huge blood loss! I hated not being able to lift things or drive for 6 weeks. But really, it wasn't that bad. I'm also breastfeeding successfully.
Tho next time I will be opting for a VBAC.

Good luck! :) xx

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