For Moms Who Had C-Sections.....

I didn't stop driving, I drove home from hospital, why aren't you meant to drive? Surely it's ok as you are sitting down.
You arent meant to for 6 weeks - think about what would have happened if you had to make an emergency stop! - You cant get signed off by a Dr beforehand if they think you have healed well enough but your insurance wouldnt have covered you if you had an accident before 6 weeks if you didnt have a Dr's note

Mizze xx
I had a crash section under GA. I had a lot of complications (and 4 units blood transfused). After 24 hours I was able to walk to NICU to see my daughter, although it was pretty shaky. I was on morphine for the first few hours, but after that almost nothing (paracetamol, I couldn't have stronger because of the risks of bleeding) and took nothing after I left the hospital. The first 3/4 days it hurt a lot to get up or cough, but it was manageable. I'd be ok with doing it again as a scheduled section, I presume that would be easier than the crash one!
I don't have insurance, was told I was fine to drive by my midwife, so just assumed it was ok! Yikes!
I had an elective section this time and honestly would rather have 10 more sections than another vaginal birth! The only painkillers I needed were paracetamol, stopped after 4 days and here 4weeks after I'm 100% normal :)
I was fine tbh, I had an elective. Was walking the next day (albeit slowly) and was never in any pain, even when I forgot to take the meds. After a week I was only taking a few paracetamol. After a week I was near enough back to normal. I was still careful though and didn't lift anything heavy, but I was holding my babies with no issues. You'll be fine, it's hard to bend over for a couple of weeks and to get out of bed you kinda have to roll out but it passes quickly! xx
I had a horrible recovery. But emergency and planned c-sections are completely different from what I've heard. The one piece of advice I can give to you is STAY ON TOP OF YOUR PAIN MEDS! If you're allowed to take pain meds every 4 hours then make sure you take it every 4 hours, even if you're feeling OK because you will pay for it, it's sooooo painful. If you live in a two-story house, then try to keep everything on one floor so you don't have to go up and down stairs, again, you might feel like you're OK to go up and down the stairs, but really you won't be and you might hurt yourself.

BFing is hard enough as is when you have a newborn but having a c-section will make it even tougher. Invest in a boppy pillow if you plan to BF. It makes it SO much easier and relieves a lot of pain off your midsection when you are BFing. And take it easy! You might feel OK to go back into your old ways of doing things, but take it slow.
I don't have insurance, was told I was fine to drive by my midwife, so just assumed it was ok! Yikes!

must be different there - We have to have car insurance - its illegal not to - and it would have invalidated your insurance if you were driving within 6 weeks if you didnt have a Dr sign off to do so over here.

Im surprised your midwife said it was okay so soon after your section - it could have really hurt you if you'd had to make an emergency stop. Luckily nothing happened though and you are fine obviously! :flower:

Mizze xx
Mine was an emergency c-section also but it wasn't like a panic thing, they asked me if I wanted a c-section or to keep trying to see if I would dilate further, I chose the c-section. I already had everything set to go as I had an epidural. They just say it was an emergency as the baby's heartrate was dipping oddly and he'd poo'd into my waters. And it was a couple of hours from them asking me to when it happened so it wasn't like it was a terrible shock.

Mine was the same as this. After 40 hours (spontaneous onset of labour), I was still only at 5cm, baby had meconium in his waters and his heart rate was dipping slightly when they starting using the drip to try speed up my contractions. I was told at 10.30am it would be a section at 2.30pm if there was no change, so I was prepared mentally. The spinal was fine (that was my biggest fear before labour), and although the tugging is surreal, I had a very positive experience overall. I was up walking around the next morning. I would have one again tomo! Also, the scar that I am left with is very faint.

Good luck with whatever happens!
I havent had a section but know many girls who have, i had a natrual birth with 2n deg tearing. I couldnt sit or walk properly for 5 weeks, the friends who had sections were out shopping and up and about within 2 days. i spoke to them about it and compaired our very different recoveries, and the upshot was, they had a much easier and quicker recovery then i, or anyone else who had a natrual delivery. I actually felt envious!
i had ECS and recovery was quick and not painful at all. Area was a little uncomfortable for a few days, that's all xxx
My LO was oblique breech, and I had a planned c-section.

I was offered the ECV and I had it booked and everything but after reading the literature I wasn't happy and choose not to go ahead. Mainly because I also had polyhydramnios (excess fluid) so there was a high chance of the baby turning back should they manage to sucessfuly move her in the first place. As it was, when my LO was born her ear was turned inside out a little where she had been wedged in my ribs :dohh: so I doubt she would've turned anyway :haha:

My c-section was an amazing experience, and although it was the last thing I ever wanted, I couldn't fault it. It was a positive experience and I wouldn't hesitate to have one again. I done a blog about my experience for another bnb lady, which is here if you want a read:

The recovery was fine, felt like my old self in two weeks!

GL honey, whatever you choose to do i'm sure everything will be fine :flow:
My LO was frank breech too. I tried to invert her by kneeling with my cheek on the floor and my butt in the air... Bad idea! My water popped while I was in that position and LO came 5 weeks early as a result! I have heard that accunpuncture works really well though, and I'd try that next time.

On topic.... I found the procedure terrifying, but the healing pretty easy. Hardest thing was that it was really easy to overdo it by accident cause I was feeling pretty good, then I'd be exhausted and my incision would hurt. Overall though, the recovery was much easy than I'd expected.

Best of luck getting your LO turned. I know how disappointing it can be to find out the little bugger is breech.
My first was breech and the recovery was long and hard which was to be expected I guess , But my second was due to be natural birth but he was late so they did a c-section , and i was out of the hospital and walking in 2 days no pain ...
i had an emergancy c-section and had to get a shot of morfine the day after my delivery because i was getting really bad afterbirth pains felt like contractions all over again. i could of handled the pain but having to get up and down all the time to nurse your baby made it worse. but after that 1 shot i was fine got out 3 days after and was back to myself by 3 weeks. its not as bad as people make it out to be. the first time you get up to walk it doesnt hurt because its all numb you just fell asif theres bricks in your down, very heavy feelins i walked round asif i had a hunch the first few hours lol. .. you'll be fine xx

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