For those TTC with PCOS

Ashley- Congrats on the weight loss! =D>That's hard work and I hope it paid off for you!

loubylou88- I'm so happy you got your period! That must be horrible waiting so long! My periods have been pretty regular for the past 6 months (except for it being 2 weeks late last cycle); but prior to that they would come too often so I was on the other end of the PCOS spectrum. But either way getting it too often or too far apart, PCOS sucks lol

lisabutterfly- yeah your symptoms definitely sound like PCOS to me. Women with PCOS also have a higher risk for miscarriages:-( Shedding extra pounds is one of the best things you can do on your own though. Like how Ashley's periods have regulated since her weight loss. Have you looked in to any natrual herbs to help regulate your periods. I haven't taken it, but I've heard great things about Vitex.

Any ladies have experience with Vitext regulating your periods?
Is any one else going to be testing around x-mas? I'm hoping to get a Christmas BFP
I am 23.5, got diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17 because I had only got my period 4/5 times in the past 2 years.

About me-
I have been married to my hubby (29 in 2 weeks) since 8/07, been TTC off and on (never preventing but not always using drugs and charting) since 9/07 (20 years old).
We've done-
Clomid- 6 cycles ovulating, 1 miscarriage @ 10 weeks in May 08 (first time I EVER ovulated).
Femara- 2 ovulating cycles then lost insurance so we stopped.
For the past year and a 1/2 we haven't had insurance so we haven't used any drugs. I wasn't preventing of course or using BC, but I wasn't ovulating without meds.

I had surgery in October to remove a 6 cm Complex cyst as well as 1/2 my right ovary. This is my 2nd natural cycle since then. My first cycle back I took Soy CD 5-9 and ovulated on CD 27. Unfortunately AF came. I took Soy CD 3-7 this cycle. I am hoping I'll ovulate a little earlier this time. I bought a TON of Internet cheapy ovulation and pregnancy tests (75 ovulation, 50 pregnancy, to be exact) so I am ready to go!

If we don't get preggo on Soy soon, when we get insurance (hopefully in January) we will do Femara again and do an IUI for the first time (DH has never been tested yet).

That's about it. I am glad to find some ladies closer to my age on here! That's nice.
Hi all :flower:,
I am 28 and hubby is 33, we have been married for 4 1/2 years :cloud9:.

We have been ttc for 2 years with this past year using medical assistance. I am currently in the cycle of my 4th IUI with injectables. My IUI is scheduled for 12/20 & 12/21. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 21, but definitely had it earlier in my teens. Without medication I do not ovulate, I used to go four to five months without a period and then it would come for a month straight heavy. Hopefully I will have a New Years BFP.

Good luck to everyone!
Hi! I'm 28 (DH is 33) and I was just diagnosed with PCOS last month after ttc for a year for our first. Thankfully DH SA came back with flying colors LOL so we don't have anything else contributing to our troubles :) Anyhow, I always knew something was off because I've had irregular cycles since my first AF, but I didn't really care until we started ttc last Dec (it's been exactly 1 year since we started...for some reason that makes me smile and I don't know why..I'm weird I guess). I used to be extremely frustrated when I didn't get that BFP especially when everyone else around me was getting one no prob and then complaining about being pregnant. But now, I'm in a different space and just know we're going to get that BFP some day (hopefully sooner than later). I'll be going in for a saline HSG as soon as AF decides to show up (over 2 months late, and I just finished provera to induce AF 10 days ago).

ETA: Weird thing with my PCOS is that I don't really have the normal symptoms that come with PCOS, except that I'm not really ovulating and I have several cysts on my ovaries.
Hi ladies,
i have p.c.o.s ! i was diagnosed this year after ttc no 1 for over a year.
The doctor told me the problem with most ladies that have p.c.o.s they can have problems even ovulating !!! :O my sisters have it and ovulate once in a blue moon can be 5 months or 5 years :S !!
On to me .. i have a regular period do you think im ovulating ? i hear some women dont even ovulate when they have p.c.o.s i hope i am !! x hugs x[/url]
Queen - That's how it is with me, which is why I didn't mind before starting ttc - I never really had to deal with the cramping and pms that everyone else did. Good luck!!! Hope you get that BFP next month :) I have a previous coworker who tried everything and then fell preggo with twins using IVF, hopefully you don't have to go that route since it's extremely expensive, but at least that option is there for us when we've tried everything else :) :dust: for you my dear!!
I'm 32, diagnosed with PCOS 8 years ago. DH and I have been trying for a total of 9 years. 2 MC's, one 8 years ago, one this past october. Both pregnancies after a round of Provera and Clomid
Hi :)

I'm 17, was diagnosed with pcos at 14.

TTC as of January 2011 :)
1stBaby2011 - so sorry for your loss, I hope you get another BFP soon that sticks!!

Stash - Yup that is exactly why I was diagnosed so late, not having a period didn't bother me one bit when I wasn't thinking about getting pregnant. it wasn't until after getting married I am like ok this is a problem. GL where you are in your cycle.

Hi Nothelped and Pookied - gl with your cycles.
I have suspected PCOS. Still haven't seen a doctor for a confirmation due to lack of insurance which changes in January as I am now covered under my father's plan.

I'm currently in my 2ww right now. I did 50 mg of clomid and I ovulated last week.
Queen - Last AF started Oct 2....sooo CD74 and I was put on provera to induce AF (last pill taken 11 days ago) but alas still no AF. I'm supposed to go in for a saline HSG after AF, so I'm kinda stuck right now. I did talk with our FS though who told me to call back in 4 days if AF still isn't here, and they'll get me in for a blood preg test :) and injectable if it's BFN.
Dr. Martian- My update at my Tuesday appointment was good. I had only 2 leading follicles now at 12.5 and 13.5 and my third one that was up there with them the previous Saturday was just gone. :( My RE changed me from Bravelle to Metrodiin 75 mg with LH and FSH for 3 days and I go back to see him tomorrow for an u/s. I made an appointment for my husband to go and have a sperm analysis done just to make sure everything is ok with him and he is not looking forward to it at all!!! I know we will be doing an IUI hopefully very soon, but it is not scheduled yet as we are waiting until the follicles are around 20 and then do the HCG shot then follow with the IUI.

This will be my first IUI and his last 3 patients which he took this route with medication with who all have PCOS also became pregnant after there first round of meds with IUI!!! Fingers crossed! Will update after my appointment tomorrow!
Hi girlies! this is so re-assuring that im not on my own!
joined this sight a couple weeks ago, and as lovely as the other girls are, they cant relate to me :wacko:
but now i have you girls! :happydance:
I am 24 I was diagnosed with PCOS when i was 15, i was told then that my chances of having children was slim, and i was mortified as i had ALWAYS wanted to be a mum!
So i figured my best chance would be if i started young, my husband and I have thankfully been blessed with a little boy who is now 20months! i love him so much, and i would love for him to have a sibling, so am ttc now, this is our first month!
my cycles can vary, and are on average every 6-8 weeks and last between 3-8 days. the longest i went without one this year was 12 weeks, and my periods are also very painful and heavy.
when i was younger i only used to get on averyage 3-4 periods a year.
but it really is so nice to have have people to talk to, who understand that we cant take ovulation kits or go by an ovulation chart as we have no idea when we ovulate! its pot luck! xxx
Hey Kiki!!! I was also glad I found this thread and can talk to other girls going through the same thing. Are you seeing an RE while ttc right now? Are you on any meds? I never ovulate, but may have a period every month or two which is very light for maybe 3 days if that. Did you take medicine with your first?
Hey, pockied, if your having A regular period I would definitely say your Ovulating! Just temp so you can see when your Ovulating! I got diagnosed with pcos after my second mc in october, and I was told I don't need any meds, i did try and change my diet this last few weeks ( low gi and low sugar) proven to help reduce the cysts which are caused by pcos, ( cysts are not all bad) every overy has them, just pcos has more, which is why we have longer/ irregular cycles, or can't ovulate, anyway best of luck!
hey everyone :) I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was about 16. I'm now 22 & my OH is 24. Like somebody said before me, I figured I might as well get started young. We've been ttc for 10 months. I am currently on my 2nd round of 50mg clomid which I suspect hasn't worked. Got my next specialist appoinment is on 30th Dec.. hoping he will increase it to 100 mg cause 50mg seems to be doing F*** all! sorry lol

Do any of you find that you get pains coming from your ovaries all the time not just at ovulation?... I was hoping this was some kind of good sign as I had it more so than ever this cycle! lol xxx
no im not seeing anyone or taking any pills yet,(apart from pregnicare plus with folic acid), i have no idea how often i ovulate but i do at least know that i can ovulate on my own as i conceived my son with no medication after 1year, although this time i don't really want to wait that long to get pregnant as my son is getting older and i want my kids to grow up close. and i don't know if maybe that was the only time i ovulated! i have no idea! how long do you think i should wait before seeking help?xxx
Hello Ladies :flower: I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2007. I have always been irregular since I first started my period:wacko:. Anyway I have 3 beautiful boys. The first two boys I don't know how they were conceived because my periods were irregualr and to top it all off I was only 16 and 18 when I had them. We really started trying for another one in 2007 and quickly realized something was wrong. I had no clue when to even try and knew nothing about the whole ovulating thing until I started doing research :coffee:. So I don't ovulate and dont have regular periods so I went to see a Fertility Specialist and he gave me the whole run down. I started off on Metformin and ended up with Clomid and got pregnant on my 2nd cycle of clomid!!! We had our third boy and it was so awesome! We actually concevied a baby and we weren't going to get in trouble for it! We were ready for him. So here I am again trying to conceive again and hoping for a little girl :) I really do see myself start to have regualr periods when I am working out 30 mins 3x out of the week and eating ok:winkwink: So we are going to try on our own and see if we get a nice bfp!! If not back to the Dr we go.
no im not seeing anyone or taking any pills yet,(apart from pregnicare plus with folic acid), i have no idea how often i ovulate but i do at least know that i can ovulate on my own as i conceived my son with no medication after 1year, although this time i don't really want to wait that long to get pregnant as my son is getting older and i want my kids to grow up close. and i don't know if maybe that was the only time i ovulated! i have no idea! how long do you think i should wait before seeking help?xxx

Im in the same boat I want my 1 year old to have someone to play with. You really need to find out when you do ovulate because that means everything when ur TTC. I think you should seek now or do some research on ovulation and signs of ovulation. Do u even have regualr periods?

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