
But it was religious driven.
I suppose people just dont understand why if extremists like that hate the west so much they would want to live here born here or not :shrug:

you have to remember people will believe what they read in the newspapers they wont always do more research into it and lets face it some of the newspapers don't paint a pretty picture on immigration lol and i suppose some people may feel if we didn't have immigration to begin with then we wouldn't have those extremists here. Although british people are far from perfect :dohh:

But how is that okay that people don't research and base their opinions on misleading stories? And of course there would be extremism even if there wasn't any immigrants, extremism isn't just a 'foreigner' thing you know, remember the IRA?

Plus a lot of extremists are born and raised British, so where exactly are they supposed to go? You are totally over simplying the whole issue, a lot of men that become extremists were initially vulnerable and easily exploited teenagers.

Because how are they supposed to know what is a misleading? And not everyone has loads of times on their hends to make sure they get the correct information how does anyone really know what they read is correct or misleading where ever it comes from?

Oh please, are you seriously saying that people who don't believe thinly veiled racist articles have too much time on their hands?! Even by just properly reading some articles you can tell how it has been twisted, I think people have to have innately xenophobic views to happily believe all the ridiculous 'pc gone mad' anti immigration stories in the papers.

But why shouldn't someone believe this kind of article and if they agree with it get called a racists
I don't understand peoples issues with immigration. People have been coming to this country for a very long time. It's not like up until 10 years ago we had this wonderful pure country with no foreign people.

I'd much rather my kids grow up in a ethnically diverse country then not.

Someone on my facebook posted a stupid status about the results of that census about us being outnumbered. I just thought so what? What should I think "omg there arnt as many white people as there were 10 years ago!" :haha:

It seems to me that a lot of issues (and daily mail articles) seem to stem down to skin colour. As far aa I'm concerned anyone who identifies themselves as British, even partly, is British, whether they are white, black. Brown or flipping purple. Even if they wernt born in this country.

Immigration on the whole is good for this country and I'd much rather my country help those in need and safety.
see my OH family aren't from the UK so i have no problem with foreigners however i can understand why people are getting a bit fed up over it (and i believe it is the government that do it) as for the fact that alot of the time foreigners do get put first especially when it comes to housing i also know some foreigners who actually get more money on benefits because of it/get child benefit for children not living in this country.
The UK is over populated and housing is hard to come by so yes i believe something does need to be done about immigration New Zealand and Australia dont get called racists for having strict boarder regulations so yes i do believe we should close our boarders incl to the EU and have a more strict approach but that doesn't make me a racist

I had a old member of the family say this to me last week and I really disagree that foreign people get treatment above us.

Yes if you are an asylum seeker New to this country you will be housed very quickly....they have nothing but the clothes on their back. If a English person were in the same situation they would be treated the same.

Luckily if your British you will most likely have some kind of support system here so its less likely to happen.
Majority of the people living in our local town are foreign. I'm all for those that work don't get me wrong but some people do come over to the uk because they feel the government are an easy touch and that our benefit system is easy.

I think the uk should be more like Austrailia: New Zealand where to emigrate here you need a skill or need to be able to bring something worthwhile to the country... Not just come here to get what you can!
Majority of the people living in our local town are foreign. I'm all for those that work don't get me wrong but some people do come over to the uk because they feel the government are an easy touch and that our benefit system is easy.

I think the uk should be more like Austrailia: New Zealand where to emigrate here you need a skill or need to be able to bring something worthwhile to the country... Not just come here to get what you can!

Total crap. The vast majority of people taking advantage of the benefit system are white or at least British born. People come here for a better life. Now imagine coming to a country with nothing, where it's very unfamiliar, where you perhaps do not speak the language, where the weather is awful... You don't do that for fun, you do it because you're holding on to the hope of a better life for your family, for a stable job, and education and health care for your children, for equality, for safety, to help your family back home. Even if people do come here for the benefit system, that means it's better than the one they had in their home country. And it's hard to cheat the benefit system, most people on it scrape by, so if you need to come here for the benefits then chances are you were living in poverty beforehand.
I had someone in my news feed say that there was nothing wrong with the KKK:dohh::growlmad:

I'm a very curious person by nature and love to people watch and learn about different cultures. I work at a bank and we see all types of customers. The mexican workers who make their living at a gardening company are some of the nicest people ever. My older customers are some of my favorites. They love to tell stories. As long as they're nice, I don't care where people come from. I mean it's just geography and a different perspective really. Just because a person is white, black, Asian, Hispanic doesn't make anyone better than anyone else. Ugh.
Majority of the people living in our local town are foreign. I'm all for those that work don't get me wrong but some people do come over to the uk because they feel the government are an easy touch and that our benefit system is easy.

I think the uk should be more like Austrailia: New Zealand where to emigrate here you need a skill or need to be able to bring something worthwhile to the country... Not just come here to get what you can!

Total crap. The vast majority of people taking advantage of the benefit system are white or at least British born. People come here for a better life. Now imagine coming to a country with nothing, where it's very unfamiliar, where you perhaps do not speak the language, where the weather is awful... You don't do that for fun, you do it because you're holding on to the hope of a better life for your family, for a stable job, and education and health care for your children, for equality, for safety, to help your family back home. Even if people do come here for the benefit system, that means it's better than the one they had in their home country. And it's hard to cheat the benefit system, most people on it scrape by, so if you need to come here for the benefits then chances are you were living in poverty beforehand.

I did say some not all :thumbup:.

My best friend works in the local job centre benefit department and actually gets told this daily by SOME foreign people that come here because its so easy... I've also heard it myself at work.

So it's not total crap..... And I would not say all are I poverty when you see them come into my shop with a wad of 20's in there pocket.

Just going by what I personally have seen.

I did say some not all :thumbup:
see my OH family aren't from the UK so i have no problem with foreigners however i can understand why people are getting a bit fed up over it (and i believe it is the government that do it) as for the fact that alot of the time foreigners do get put first especially when it comes to housing i also know some foreigners who actually get more money on benefits because of it/get child benefit for children not living in this country.
The UK is over populated and housing is hard to come by so yes i believe something does need to be done about immigration New Zealand and Australia dont get called racists for having strict boarder regulations so yes i do believe we should close our boarders incl to the EU and have a more strict approach but that doesn't make me a racist

I had a old member of the family say this to me last week and I really disagree that foreign people get treatment above us.

Yes if you are an asylum seeker New to this country you will be housed very quickly....they have nothing but the clothes on their back. If a English person were in the same situation they would be treated the same.

Luckily if your British you will most likely have some kind of support system here so its less likely to happen.

I'm not sure if it has changed very recently, which is unlikely considering who is in government, but it was policy that asylum seekers could not be housed in conventional social housing instead they are housed in very low quality private housing such as tower blocks earmarked for demolition that no-one else wants to live in and the council has sold them to a private company for housing asylum seekers. I have also read the number of asylum seekers has dramatically reduced in recent years xx
But it was religious driven.
I suppose people just dont understand why if extremists like that hate the west so much they would want to live here born here or not :shrug:

you have to remember people will believe what they read in the newspapers they wont always do more research into it and lets face it some of the newspapers don't paint a pretty picture on immigration lol and i suppose some people may feel if we didn't have immigration to begin with then we wouldn't have those extremists here. Although british people are far from perfect :dohh:

Religious driven how? Just because the people in that group wear a certain type of clothing-often purely for protests to cause a reaction-and hold banners about 'Islam' doesn't mean that what they are doing is religiously driven. It's not allowed in Islam to burn symbols of other societies or religions because they will then react accordingly, it is prohibited in the religious texts. This includes flags, poppies, crosses or anything else. According to many Muslim scholars protests in general are not allowed but this group have no respect for scholarship or the Qur'an and Hadeeth. This group are purely political and despite appearances most members are not practicing Muslims, they don't go to the mosque because they believe everyone in the mosques are unbelievers, they don't believe in governments of any type they believe all the rulers even of Muslim countries are non believers and the worst of humanity. Xx
I'm not sure if it has changed very recently, which is unlikely considering who is in government, but it was policy that asylum seekers could not be housed in conventional social housing instead they are housed in very low quality private housing such as tower blocks earmarked for demolition that no-one else wants to live in and the council has sold them to a private company for housing asylum seekers. I have also read the number of asylum seekers has dramatically reduced in recent years xx

I live near Heathrow, so obviously see where assylum seekers live and here they dont look like blocks of flats as such, closer to prison style buildings. Obviously they are free to come and go aside from those who are waiting from deportation due to running etc, there is a special building for those ones which is just like a prison (cant leave etc).

I absolutely would not want to live in these places, unless I was desperate. Which they are.
Oh and to add, these buildings are really really run down. I can remember the last 15 years or so and have never seen any work on them.
I'm not sure if it has changed very recently, which is unlikely considering who is in government, but it was policy that asylum seekers could not be housed in conventional social housing instead they are housed in very low quality private housing such as tower blocks earmarked for demolition that no-one else wants to live in and the council has sold them to a private company for housing asylum seekers. I have also read the number of asylum seekers has dramatically reduced in recent years xx

I live near Heathrow, so obviously see where assylum seekers live and here they dont look like blocks of flats as such, closer to prison style buildings. Obviously they are free to come and go aside from those who are waiting from deportation due to running etc, there is a special building for those ones which is just like a prison (cant leave etc).

I absolutely would not want to live in these places, unless I was desperate. Which they are.

I know a girl who was put in one of those places near Heathrow she wasn't an asylum seeker but came at the invitation of her uncle as she was living in a war zone and had been kidnapped and raped twice :( she had since moved to a country neighbouring her own and was advised as a former British colony considered as safe that coming from there she'd never be considered from asylum. When she arrived in the UK her uncle was told he could not sponsor her and care for her and she'd have to go into housing near Heathrow for unaccompanied teenage asylum seekers even though she wasn't one.

Other family members of hers asked to be allowed to care for her and the council in that area refused all of them. She ended up getting taken advantage of in that place by another resident, she got pregnant and the staff tried to pay her a vast sum of money to have an abortion because had it come out they would have been in considerable trouble, they also said she'd get to live with family right away, she refused and they instead fitted up her uncle for immigration offences and people trafficking even though she came on a legitimate visa, they even brought up past unrelated offences of his at the trial even though this isn't allowed and he was convicted and sent to prison.

Unfortunately they forced her to testify falsely against him because they said she'd be immediately deported and not to the last country she was in but the warzone before that. He was released early but never allowed to appeal and now his name is blackened forever. Apparently this wasn't an isolated case there is a lot of abuse and mistreatment going on of asylum seekers and young people who come legitimately but are then taken into care in some way.

DH also knew a guy who was a legitimate immigrant from a North African country he came here to work in the Birmingham area. Being an immigrant despite being far more qualified he ended up doing jobs like fruit picking and washing dishes in restaurants. Over time he attained permanent resident status. One night he was kidnapped at the behest of HM government and the CIA, boarded onto a place blindfolded and handcuffed and taken to an Eastern European country and tortured. Even he never fully knew the full story of where he was taken. One day they realised they had got the wrong guy and hastily released him and brought him back to the UK dumping him outside Paddington Green police station. He quite rightfully sued the UK government for compensation but part of the conditions was he would be deported if he went to the media or revealed his story as they don't want anyone to know someone has been renditioned directly from British soil. He agreed to all of this and he was told he'd receive £250k. Due to the torture he could no longer work full time or in anything too physically demanding and he suffered from PTSD and other mental health problems. They paid him a measly £15k in the end. :( xx
:shock: Summer rain both stories are both horrifying and terrfiying. The thing people need to remember is that it could so easily of been any of us, and only wasnt because of where we were born :nope:

I am actually really shocked at both stories. Imagine them being your daughter, niece, brother, uncle. Doesnt bare thinking about.
That's disgusting summer rain. How can we treat other people like that. It seems like if someone is a different religion/colour from us people forget they are also people just the same.

We are incredible lucky to live in this country, our version of "poverty" is nothing compared to what other people have to live every day. We are safe in this country, I can't begin to imagine the fear people live in every day in countries where you can't even trust the police to help you. I think as women we should be more aware of how vulnerable we are. Women who escape to this country could be coming from a place where they could be raped and no one give a damn, where your kids can be hurt and you can't do a thing.

Of course some people take the piss and take advantage just as some brits abuse the system but most "foreigners" come here too better their lives or save them and a lot bring skills and knowledge we need.

Things in this country could change very quickly with the right circumstances and I hope other countries would help us .
Just read the whole thread and I wanted to add my opinion.

I have absolutely no problem with foreigners, I have no problem with different cultures, different religions etc etc.

Here's what I have a problem with.... People who take the piss out of this country. Families (which btw I feel are a good portion born and bred in Britain) who are now in the third & fourth generation of full benefit claimers with no intention of working or giving anything back to society. I don't care what colour their skin is, nor do I care what their religion is.... if they think they have every right to claim benefits and not even think about working then that gets my back up.

I don't like the facebook status's with the whole "did you know an asylum seeker gets £1000 a week benefits and a pensioner gets £30".... Seriously who the hell makes these things up, and who on Earth believes them :dohh:

Generally, I feel that 'foreigners' have a lot to contribute to society. My daughter's surgeon (who saved her life) is foreign. Some of the children at my daughters school are foreign, but they are learning and aspiring to be something in this country, which in the long run will benefit this country.
summer rain that is so bad!!!!

O/T but i was watching the news last night and i was shocked by this story
Its really bad I just had no idea stuff like that could go on in this country, under an official watch as well :( The people I mentioned are very close to OH and I and we've seen the paperwork relating to their cases so its all true. Just makes you wonder what else goes on?

Smelly, that is really sad :( The Iraqi people genuinely thought the various overseas forces were there to help them but so many times they were betrayed, and it only feeds in to the hands of extremists both here and abroad :( xx
summer rain that is so bad!!!!

O/T but i was watching the news last night and i was shocked by this story

One year for murder?!
There just seems to be no end to racism/terrorism in the world - that all human races are guilty off - you would think by now we would all know how to get along but the worlds corrupt its all about greed - money and power.
Summer Rain, that's just awful. My heart goes out to them. :nope:

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