Found this article on the sun website - what are you thoughts


Vinnie's Mummy
Mar 18, 2010
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I read this article and to be honest it made me mad she has got 5 beautiful healthy boys and yet at every scan she had that revealed a boy she burst into tears how utterly horrendous, a baby is so precious and i consider myself so lucky to be blessed with one healthy baby let alone 5

Well thats my opinion i was just interested in what you ladies thought of this
im not really sure, if she doesnt feel completely then thats sad,

but i dont think shes going about things the right way, she has 5 healthy beautiful boys and should be completely grateful for them considering her 3 MC's.

And what if she goes through all this to have a girl but say somethings wrong with her girl, some kind of disability, and she cant do allt he girly things she wants to do? will she not love her as much then?

I think this story is another example of a mother trying to live her life again through her kids. she wants a girl to do what she did as a kid.
There was another story like this on This Morning today, don't know how someone can be dissappointed with their baby..imagine when they grow up and see that!
Gender disappointment is a real thing unfortunately.

I do think she should stop having babies though.
There are women who have been trying years to fall pregnant and can't. Would do ANYTHING to get a BFP. She should be very greatful she has 5 HEALTHY boys.
I understand she may be longing for a girl but to cry at her scans when finding out she is having a boy is quite discusting i think.
I could not imagine having such a reaction!!
She 'envy's' women she see's who have girls..I think she has taken it a bit too far tbh.
I find it very very sad tbh.

Yes people have a preference and can feel a little dissapointed but anything more then that i dont understand.

Are her boys not good enough for her? because thats how they could feel when they get older
She is going to be the MIL from hell if any of her sons OH's have girls!
I just feel very sad for her boys imagine growing up and googling your names and finding such an article, i think many woman deep down would like a little girl, in an ideal world many people want one of each and i am one of them BUT if i do decide to have another as long as my baby was healthy gender would not matter to me either way x x
She is going to be the MIL from hell if any of her sons OH's have girls!

Your right she would totally take over and be a nightmare](*,)

I think her husband needs to put his foot down and draw the line at anymore children, what would she do if the procedure goes 'wrong' and she has another baby boy x x
I find it horrible tbh, she's got 5 healthy children and should think herself lucky!

Maybe she can't carry girls, whose to know if it was girls she was miscarrying?

I can understand wanting a girl but no more than that
i think its quite sad i know i'm lucky i have 2 boys and 2 girls but tbh i wouldn't care less wether a g or b i would just be thank full that little one was here and healthy!!!
i don't think you should be able to chose!!!
That had crossed my mind. Maybe she isnt having girls for a reason whether its her body cant grow them or her husbands female sperm isnt quite right.

Maybe she should sit down with someone who can not concieve at all and see how unashamed she feels after
I had gender dissapointment bad when I found out the sex of my baby which made me feel so guilty concidering how long I had been trying.
I had a prefferance in mind to begine with but realy wasnt expecting how it hit me when it did, I think OH was even worse then I was to the point where if I even looked a girls clothes in the shop he would get upset and walk away.
Its ok saying it shouldnt matter but when you do get it there isnt a dam thing you can do about it and you end up beating yourself up even more because you know you shouldnt feel that way.
Thankfully it only lasted a few days with me and a week or so with OH, now we dont even aknowlege the fact that it was a girl we wanted and love our boy so much.

We would still love a girl next time but we have come to an agreement that if we have another boy then we will not keep trying for a girl but instead will concider adopting a girl as our third child.
It is very unlikely for us to have a girl because boys are so strong in my side of the family im only the 2nd girl born in 5 generations (my mum being the first), everyone else has had boys even to the point of one couple having 8 boys, girls happen a little more often in OH side but still very rare.

I do think though she is just being silly now though, be thankfull for what you have and deal with it.
Its taken me a long time to get my Lo and would love to have more children :cloud9: I cant believe how ungrateful that lady is! what beautiful boys she has! and healthy!!! some people dont know how lucky they are! :dohh:
Shes disgusting, she needs to just get over the girl thing. She has 5 boys how many kids is she going to have before she quits. I feel sorry for her boys, even though she says she loves them and all could you imagine knowing your mom was disappointed in what you were
i saw a programme about this woman a year or so ago. i cant believe how someone would be sad at a healthy child no matter the gender.

i dont like it.
I find it sad, but unfortunately gender disappointment is real and so I also do feel sorry for those suffering it.

It's also The Sun - and anything that newspaper prints I take with a pinch of salt. They do like to stretch the truth to get a reaction from it's readers, and to sell papers! I'm sure a headline of ''I have 5 boys but would love to have a girl'' wouldn't sell as many papers as this headline does, kwim? x
I think she should just be happy that she is blessed with children, regardless of their gender. There's so many people out there (and on here) who are desperate to have children.
Children are their own personality. You might want a girl to go shopping with or do girly things but you could get a tomboy daughter who hates those things or a camp boy who loves clothes shopping. You never know and gender is no guarantee of these things. Nature knows what it is doing I think and we should not interfere.

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