Found this article on the sun website - what are you thoughts

Frankly, I don't think it is for me to judge this woman or her motives.

She said she loves her boys but craves a girl, I don't see what is so wrong with that. I have no idea how I would feel in her situation, so I find it difficult to berate her for her views.

I never had a preference before having Abby. Now I've had a girl, I think I'd like two, but that doesn't mean I'd love a boy any less.

Each to their own and as long as she is a loving caring mother, what she does is up to her.

I agree :thumbup:
Really its none of our business, I dont think its discusting or vile. The poor woman obviously "wants" a girl and she cant help her feelings, Ok she should not have broadcast that to the sun! (maybe a counciler?)

as long as her sons are warm, loved and brought up well, Why is it any bodys business? (except the fact she made it the countrys business :haha:)
I agree :thumbup:
Really its none of our business, I dont think its discusting or vile. The poor woman obviously "wants" a girl and she cant help her feelings, Ok she should not have broadcast that to the sun! (maybe a counciler?)

as long as her sons are warm, loved and brought up well, Why is it any bodys business? (except the fact she made it the countrys business :haha:)
Does speaking about something in the national press give other people the right to be judgemental? I'm not so sure.

I notice nobody is calling Victoria Beckham disgusting for expressing her desire for a girl.
She's put her story in a newspaper making it EVERYONES business!

LOL my thoughts exactly. I have no guilt judging someone who put her story in the bloody Sun! Definitely our business thanks very much :haha:

Haha! Exactly. I am not even going to read the article as the posts seemed to have filled me in. The Sun is good for a laugh and to look at other womens tits and wish mine looked more like them! Apart from that the vocab is a little to basic for me. Tee hee. Such a snob:blush:

Plus anyone willing to tell their story to the Scum isn't really worth my time!
I could understand what the lady is saying, granted there are tonnes of women who will be happy to have one baby much less five but I really think that gender disappointment is a real thing and if this is something that both she and her husband want they should go for it once they can. I have a friend who wanted a girl since she had two boys and she never got that baby girl and she still envy people with baby girls, she is even thinking about adopting a baby girl now and she is 55.
Crying at a scan isn't disgusting, honestly this is winding me up! She kept them, she loves them, she takes good care of them from what we know- so she shed some tears of disappointment. Are women who got pregnant unexpectedly and cried at their scan because it hit home that they were having a baby they weren't prepared for disgusting? She can't bloody well help her feelings, and if the worst she did was cry then leave her alone! Isn't anyone allowed to having feelings about their own lives and circumstances anymore?
Yer okay, so gender disappointment is real, and she probally feels bad enough about it already without everyone branding her as selfish...
SO why the hell sell the story to the sun? If she loves her boys so much, she would put aside her feelings and keep them to herself in order to save them from the heartache they'd feel if they ever read this article! Thats what makes her selfish IMO...the extent to which she has gone to get a girl --selling her story to raise money for the treatment perhaps? Because I can't think of any other doesn't seem to me like it's to raise awareness of gender disappointment--not the fact she HAS gender disappointment. :nope:
I cried at my scan, it was a mixture of wanting a girl, guilt at what I felt and complete shock and aww at the idea that it was finely happening I was going to be a mummy.
Am I discusting?
You cant help or controll emotional feelings no matter how much they dont make sense and shouldnt exist, you wouldnt call someone discusting for having PND for some of the things they feel, do or say.
I put my hands up and can I may have suffered this, but not to this level.
Well not exactly, as I got what I wanted.
But I craved so bad for a little girl, I decided against staying team yellow so I could come to terms with having a little boy, although I now know I would have loved a little boy all the same, if it was a boy.
When I was having the scan, I thought I saw boy parts and turned to my partner and said 'its a little boy' and I was actually happy. But the sonographer said 'No, its a little girl!'

I would never go to such extremes for a certain sex though and funny enough my favourite colour on Mia is blue!
GD is very real, the same as depression, PND etc. It can't b helped! It's not vile or disgusting (although she could have gone to a better paper that would have done her story more justice than the crappy sun has!) x
I understand that those who suffer from gender disappointment do not ask to feel that way, and I'm sure they wish they didn't. So I do feel bad for this woman in that sense - it's not her fault she wants a girl so badly.
But she has taken it WAY too far. She's entitled to feel how she feels of course, but she may need to come to terms with the fact that it may not be in the cards for her to have a girl. She needs to focus on the 5 healthy children she already has. I hope deep down inside she knows how incredibly lucky she is. I feel terrible for her boys. I'm sure they will find out about this and how's that going to make them feel? Like Mom only had them because she was hoping for a girl? Are the younger ones going to wonder if Mom had a girl for her second, third, etc baby, would I even be here? Do you know what I mean?
What happens if she finally gets a girl and she's a tomboy and has no interest in shopping and clothes, etc? What happens then? I was (and still am) a major tomboy.
Personally, if I don't ever have a daughter, I will be absolutely devastated. It doesn't mean I don't love my son. I just desperately want a daughter one day. I don't want one to dress up and take shopping, I just feel that it would be the most wonderful thing to have a girl. I would feel equally upset if I only had daughters. I don't feel this way because I chose to. I just do. This oh you should be grateful for what you get thing because some people can't even have children is ridiculous. Of course we are all grateful for what we have but someone will always have less. Am I selfish for wanting a dishwasher when some people don't even have clean water? I have much, much more than I deserve in all aspects of my life but I can't be a quivering mass of guilt ALL day.
I didn't read the article.. probably would just piss me off more.
I think it's one thing to feel sad, if you had all boys, to want a girl is understandable, but to be devastated you were having another boy? Sick imo.
It's stupid. I didn't care whether I'd have a girl or a boy, I was hoping for a girl so I could dress her up in dresses, hair bows, etc. But having a boy has so many perks too. Why does she keep trying for babies if she's going to keep depressing herself? I think it's so ridiculous.
I think that as a mother, there are some feelings worth hiding. Her boys shouldn't ever have to know this. This woman should be talking to a therapist in an attempt to overcome these mental issues, not a national newspaper. Her husband has a lot to answer for too, these extreme feelings shouldn't have been justified by him.

I think that gender preference is normal, in so far as thinking 'I would really like x or y, but a healthy baby of either sex would make me incredibly lucky.' I think if it goes beyond that, into the realms of depression or gender selection, then this will have an immediate and detrimental effect on your family and you have an obligation as a mother/potential mother to address the issue.

Sorry if my views offend you. :flower:
I'll be happy just getting a BFP, I honestly do not mind what gender my baby will be, a healthy baby
Is all I long for. But, I'm not ashamed to admit that I would love a daughter, I always have done. I want to have a
Relationship with my daughter that I never had with my mum, that's not saying I would love a son any less.

But the way this lady is going about it is just over the top tbh and quite sad and I hope her boys don't see it!
Preference I can understand, we wanted a boy in the beginning, but to be that upset is just wrong. She should be happy she has 5 healthy children, not moping about not having a girl xx
The main reasons I was so thrilled to have a girl is because I hope one day she will have a family of her own and I will be the maternal grandmother. That to me is very special, I think sometimes (SOMETIMES!!) the mother of the father can struggle to get that bond with their grandchild.

On the whole I want to slap her silly face for being so ungrateful. But I can understand a mother's urge to have a daughter. I would just NEVER put that disappointment out there in the public domain where her son could one day find it.
Terrible. I don't agree with gender selection at all.
I don't understand why people just can't be happy with what they are given.
Children aren't toys; you can't pick and choose what you would like best.
Every child is a blessing.

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