Freakin' out!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2008
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I am really freakin out i have my 12 wk scan on friday and after reading a few post im scared nothin will be there!
Ive had a bit of stress this weekend so thats addin to me feelin this way!
I wish i could jus have it now and get it out the way!
What are the chances of miscarriage after seein a heartbeat at 9 weeks does anyone know!?
I think the chances of a m/c drop significantly after you hear a heartbeat. Try not to worry too much. I'm sure that everything is fine!
Iv read on several internet sites that when you get to nine week, the chance of m/c drops dramaticaly, and so on every week. If you havent had any pain or bleeing then im sure you'll be fine hun :) Try not to worry and enjoy your pregnancy!
Agreed. They say that after you've seen a heartbeat your chances of mc are greatly reduced. Mine 12 wk scan's on Mon. So I know where you're coming from... It's so nerve wracking. Sure we'll both be fine! xxx
Agreed. They say that after you've seen a heartbeat your chances of mc are greatly reduced. Mine 12 wk scan's on Mon. So I know where you're coming from... It's so nerve wracking. Sure we'll both be fine! xxx

Thanks hun, good luck for your one to!! xx
I also heard that if you hear the heartbeat from 8 weeks on the chances of miscarriage drop dramatically. It wont stop you worrying until you see your LO on screen though if you're anything like me! I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine, good luck!:hugs:
After seeing the heartbeat the risk lowers . I went to my 1st scan lats time and found out i had a blighted ovum. It was such a shock but if i had an early scan i would have had an idea as there would be nothing in the sack.

I bet u will be great :happydance:
Awww sweets. I have that same fear :'( my appointment was moved so now I cant get my 11-13 week referal for the scan. now I have to wait till I am 16+ weeks pregnant to see the baby. It is soooo hard :'( Good luck sweety I am sure all is well. Us momma's are just worry warts.
I also have my dating scan on Friday, i have to confess im still POAS:blush::blush:.

What your thinking is normal, i last saw HB at 7 wks so ive been waitin 4 everrrrrrrrrrrr.

Everything will be fine.

V x x
I think it's only 2 - 4% that any complications will occur after you've seen the heartbeat. So you have a 96-98% chance of a healthy baby!

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